Commit f50f837c authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Attribute more features

parent b3b94c59
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ but there was no syntax that was preferred by a clear majority.
Candidates included C's \code{cond ? true_v : false_v},
\code{if cond then true_v else false_v}, and 16 other variations.
GvR eventually chose a surprising syntax:
Guido van~Rossum eventually chose a surprising syntax:
x = true_value if condition else false_value
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ specific exceptions. You couldn't combine both \keyword{except} blocks and a
combined version was complicated and it wasn't clear what the
semantics of the combined should be.
GvR spent some time working with Java, which does support the
Guido van~Rossum spent some time working with Java, which does support the
equivalent of combining \keyword{except} blocks and a
\keyword{finally} block, and this clarified what the statement should
mean. In Python 2.5, you can now write:
......@@ -600,7 +600,11 @@ once the generator has been exhausted.
\seepep{342}{Coroutines via Enhanced Generators}{PEP written by
Guido van~Rossum and Phillip J. Eby;
implemented by Phillip J. Eby. Includes examples of
some fancier uses of generators as coroutines.}
some fancier uses of generators as coroutines.
Earlier versions of these features were proposed in
\pep{288} by Raymond Hettinger and \pep{325} by Samuele Pedroni.
\seeurl{}{The Wikipedia entry for
......@@ -1152,8 +1156,8 @@ print max(L)
false values. \function{any()} returns \constant{True} if any value
returned by the iterator is true; otherwise it will return
\constant{False}. \function{all()} returns \constant{True} only if
all of the values returned by the iterator evaluate as being true.
(Suggested by GvR, and implemented by Raymond Hettinger.)
all of the values returned by the iterator evaluate as true.
(Suggested by Guido van~Rossum, and implemented by Raymond Hettinger.)
\item ASCII is now the default encoding for modules. It's now
a syntax error if a module contains string literals with 8-bit
......@@ -1259,7 +1263,8 @@ Python's allocator functions instead of the system's
\item The code generator's peephole optimizer now performs
simple constant folding in expressions. If you write something like
\code{a = 2+3}, the code generator will do the arithmetic and produce
code corresponding to \code{a = 5}.
code corresponding to \code{a = 5}. (Proposed and implemented
by Raymond Hettinger.)
\item Function calls are now faster because code objects now keep
the most recently finished frame (a ``zombie frame'') in an internal
......@@ -1353,10 +1358,13 @@ defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'c': ['cammin', 'che'], 'e': ['era'],
'r': ['ritrovai'], 'u': ['una'], 'v': ['vita', 'via']}
The \class{deque} double-ended queue type supplied by the
(Contributed by Guido van~Rossum.)
\item The \class{deque} double-ended queue type supplied by the
\module{collections} module now has a \method{remove(\var{value})}
method that removes the first occurrence of \var{value} in the queue,
raising \exception{ValueError} if the value isn't found.
(Contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)
\item New module: The \module{contextlib} module contains helper functions for use
with the new '\keyword{with}' statement. See
......@@ -2197,6 +2205,11 @@ Changes to Python's build process and to the C API include:
\item The Python source tree was converted from CVS to Subversion,
in a complex migration procedure that was supervised and flawlessly
carried out by Martin von~L\"owis. The procedure was developed as
\item The largest change to the C API came from \pep{353},
which modifies the interpreter to use a \ctype{Py_ssize_t} type
definition instead of \ctype{int}. See the earlier
......@@ -2417,8 +2430,9 @@ freed with the corresponding family's \cfunction{*_Free()} function.
The author would like to thank the following people for offering
suggestions, corrections and assistance with various drafts of this
article: Nick Coghlan, Phillip J. Eby, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve, Kent
Johnson, Martin von~L\"owis, Fredrik Lundh, Gustavo Niemeyer, James
Pryor, Mike Rovner, Scott Weikart, Barry Warsaw, Thomas Wouters.
article: Nick Coghlan, Phillip J. Eby, Raymond Hettinger, Ralf
W. Grosse-Kunstleve, Kent Johnson, Martin von~L\"owis, Fredrik Lundh,
Gustavo Niemeyer, James Pryor, Mike Rovner, Scott Weikart, Barry
Warsaw, Thomas Wouters.
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