Commit f59c6fa1 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

When in MacPython-OSX use bundlebuilder to create .app bundles.

parent 53b341ff
......@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ def pack(x, forcetype = None):
return x
if isinstance(x, FSSType):
return AE.AECreateDesc('fss ',
if isinstance(x, FSRefType):
return AE.AECreateDesc('fsrf',
if isinstance(x, AliasType):
return AE.AECreateDesc('alis',
if isinstance(x, IntType):
......@@ -166,6 +168,8 @@ def unpack(desc, formodulename=""):
return struct.unpack('d', data)[0]
if t == typeFSS:
return Carbon.File.FSSpec(
if t == typeFSRef:
return Carbon.File.FSRef(
if t == typeInsertionLoc:
record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
return mkinsertionloc(unpack(record, formodulename))
......@@ -11,24 +11,8 @@ import string
def pack(*args, **kwargs):
from aepack import pack
return apply(pack, args, kwargs)
def IsSubclass(cls, base):
"""Test whether CLASS1 is the same as or a subclass of CLASS2"""
# Loop to optimize for single inheritance
while 1:
if cls is base: return 1
if len(cls.__bases__) <> 1: break
cls = cls.__bases__[0]
# Recurse to cope with multiple inheritance
for c in cls.__bases__:
if IsSubclass(c, base): return 1
return 0
def IsInstance(x, cls):
"""Test whether OBJECT is an instance of (a subclass of) CLASS"""
return type(x) is InstanceType and IsSubclass(x.__class__, cls)
return pack( *args, **kwargs)
def nice(s):
"""'nice' representation of an object"""
if type(s) is StringType: return repr(s)
......@@ -63,7 +47,7 @@ class Enum:
return pack(self.enum, typeEnumeration)
def IsEnum(x):
return IsInstance(x, Enum)
return isinstance(x, Enum)
def mkenum(enum):
if IsEnum(enum): return enum
......@@ -108,7 +92,7 @@ class Boolean:
return pack(struct.pack('b', self.bool), 'bool')
def IsBoolean(x):
return IsInstance(x, Boolean)
return isinstance(x, Boolean)
def mkboolean(bool):
if IsBoolean(bool): return bool
......@@ -130,7 +114,7 @@ class Type:
return pack(self.type, typeType)
def IsType(x):
return IsInstance(x, Type)
return isinstance(x, Type)
def mktype(type):
if IsType(type): return type
......@@ -153,7 +137,7 @@ class Keyword:
return pack(self.keyword, typeKeyword)
def IsKeyword(x):
return IsInstance(x, Keyword)
return isinstance(x, Keyword)
class Range:
"""An AE range object"""
......@@ -172,7 +156,7 @@ class Range:
return pack({'star': self.start, 'stop': self.stop}, 'rang')
def IsRange(x):
return IsInstance(x, Range)
return isinstance(x, Range)
class Comparison:
"""An AE Comparison"""
......@@ -195,7 +179,7 @@ class Comparison:
def IsComparison(x):
return IsInstance(x, Comparison)
return isinstance(x, Comparison)
class NComparison(Comparison):
# The class attribute 'relo' must be set in a subclass
......@@ -220,7 +204,7 @@ class Ordinal:
return pack(self.abso, 'abso')
def IsOrdinal(x):
return IsInstance(x, Ordinal)
return isinstance(x, Ordinal)
class NOrdinal(Ordinal):
# The class attribute 'abso' must be set in a subclass
......@@ -250,7 +234,7 @@ class Logical:
return pack({'logc': mkenum(self.logc), 'term': self.term}, 'logi')
def IsLogical(x):
return IsInstance(x, Logical)
return isinstance(x, Logical)
class StyledText:
"""An AE object respresenting text in a certain style"""
......@@ -269,7 +253,7 @@ class StyledText:
return pack({'ksty':, 'ktxt': self.text}, 'STXT')
def IsStyledText(x):
return IsInstance(x, StyledText)
return isinstance(x, StyledText)
class AEText:
"""An AE text object with style, script and language specified"""
......@@ -290,7 +274,7 @@ class AEText:
keyAEText: self.text}, typeAEText)
def IsAEText(x):
return IsInstance(x, AEText)
return isinstance(x, AEText)
class IntlText:
"""A text object with script and language specified"""
......@@ -311,7 +295,7 @@ class IntlText:
def IsIntlText(x):
return IsInstance(x, IntlText)
return isinstance(x, IntlText)
class IntlWritingCode:
"""An object representing script and language"""
......@@ -331,7 +315,7 @@ class IntlWritingCode:
def IsIntlWritingCode(x):
return IsInstance(x, IntlWritingCode)
return isinstance(x, IntlWritingCode)
class QDPoint:
"""A point"""
......@@ -351,7 +335,7 @@ class QDPoint:
def IsQDPoint(x):
return IsInstance(x, QDPoint)
return isinstance(x, QDPoint)
class QDRectangle:
"""A rectangle"""
......@@ -374,7 +358,7 @@ class QDRectangle:
def IsQDRectangle(x):
return IsInstance(x, QDRectangle)
return isinstance(x, QDRectangle)
class RGBColor:
"""An RGB color"""
......@@ -395,7 +379,7 @@ class RGBColor:
def IsRGBColor(x):
return IsInstance(x, RGBColor)
return isinstance(x, RGBColor)
class ObjectSpecifier:
......@@ -444,7 +428,7 @@ class ObjectSpecifier:
'obj ')
def IsObjectSpecifier(x):
return IsInstance(x, ObjectSpecifier)
return isinstance(x, ObjectSpecifier)
# Backwards compatability, sigh...
......@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ else:
# end of lines, so don't worry about that.
if sys.platform == 'mac':
_MWERKSDIR="Moes:Applications (Mac OS 9):Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0:Metrowerks CodeWarrior"
_MWERKSDIR="Sap:Applications (Mac OS 9):Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0:Metrowerks CodeWarrior"
_MWERKSDIR="/Volumes/Moes/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0/Metrowerks CodeWarrior/"
_MWERKSDIR="/Volumes/Sap/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0/Metrowerks CodeWarrior/"
INCLUDEDIR=os.path.join(_MWERKSDIR, "MacOS Support", "Universal", "Interfaces", "CIncludes")
......@@ -44,9 +44,7 @@ RESOURCE_FORK_NAME=Carbon.File.FSGetResourceForkName()
def findtemplate(template=None):
"""Locate the applet template along sys.path"""
if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho':
if template:
return template
return findtemplate_macho()
return None
if not template:
for p in sys.path:
......@@ -61,15 +59,7 @@ def findtemplate(template=None):
file = file.as_pathname()
return file
def findtemplate_macho():
execpath = sys.executable.split('/')
if not 'Contents' in execpath:
raise BuildError, "Not running from a .app bundle: %s" % sys.executable
i = execpath.index('Contents')
return '/'.join(execpath[:i])
def process(template, filename, destname, copy_codefragment,
def process(template, filename, destname, copy_codefragment=0,
rsrcname=None, others=[], raw=0, progress="default"):
if progress == "default":
......@@ -118,7 +108,7 @@ def process(template, filename, destname, copy_codefragment,
except os.error:
process_common(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, 0,
copy_codefragment, raw, others)
copy_codefragment, raw, others, filename)
def update(template, filename, output):
......@@ -140,10 +130,10 @@ def update(template, filename, output):
def process_common(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update,
copy_codefragment, raw=0, others=[]):
copy_codefragment, raw=0, others=[], filename=None):
if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho':
return process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname,
is_update, raw, others)
is_update, raw, others, filename)
if others:
raise BuildError, "Extra files only allowed for MachoPython applets"
# Create FSSpecs for the various files
......@@ -274,12 +264,16 @@ def process_common(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update,
def process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update, raw=0, others=[]):
def process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update,
raw=0, others=[], filename=None):
# Check that we have a filename
if filename is None:
raise BuildError, "Need source filename on MacOSX"
# First make sure the name ends in ".app"
if destname[-4:] != '.app':
destname = destname + '.app'
# Now deduce the short name
shortname = os.path.split(destname)[1]
destdir, shortname = os.path.split(destname)
if shortname[-4:] == '.app':
# Strip the .app suffix
shortname = shortname[:-4]
......@@ -295,136 +289,26 @@ def process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update
icnsname = None
plistname = None
# Start with copying the .app framework
if not is_update:
exceptlist = ["Contents/Info.plist",
copyapptree(template, destname, exceptlist, progress)
# SERIOUS HACK. If we've just copied a symlink as the
# executable we assume we're running from the MacPython addon
# to 10.2 python. We remove the symlink again and install
# the appletrunner script.
executable = os.path.join(destname, "Contents/MacOS/python")
if os.path.islink(executable):
dummyfp, appletrunner, d2 = imp.find_module('appletrunner')
del dummyfp
shutil.copy2(appletrunner, executable)
os.chmod(executable, 0775)
# Now either use the .plist file or the default
if not os.path.exists(rsrcname):
rsrcname = None
if progress:
progress.label('Create info.plist')
progress.label('Creating bundle...')
import bundlebuilder
builder = bundlebuilder.AppBuilder(verbosity=0)
builder.mainprogram = filename
builder.builddir = destdir = shortname
if rsrcname:
for o in others:
if plistname:
shutil.copy2(plistname, os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Info.plist'))
if icnsname:
icnsdest = os.path.split(icnsname)[1]
icnsdest = os.path.join(destname,
os.path.join('Contents', 'Resources', icnsdest))
shutil.copy2(icnsname, icnsdest)
# XXXX Wrong. This should be parsed from plist file. Also a big hack:-)
if shortname == 'PythonIDE':
ownertype = 'Pide'
ownertype = 'PytA'
# XXXX Should copy .icns file
cocoainfo = ''
for o in others:
if o[-4:] == '.nib':
nibname = os.path.split(o)[1][:-4]
cocoainfo = """
<string>NSApplication</string>""" % nibname
elif o[-6:] == '.lproj':
files = os.listdir(o)
for f in files:
if f[-4:] == '.nib':
nibname = os.path.split(f)[1][:-4]
cocoainfo = """
<string>NSApplication</string>""" % nibname
plistname = os.path.join(template, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'Applet-Info.plist')
plistdata = open(plistname).read()
plistdata = plistdata % {'appletname':shortname, 'cocoainfo':cocoainfo}
ofp = open(os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Info.plist'), 'w')
ownertype = 'PytA'
# Create the PkgInfo file
if progress:
progress.label('Create PkgInfo')
ofp = open(os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'PkgInfo'), 'wb')
ofp.write('APPL' + ownertype)
# Copy the resources from the target specific resource template, if any
typesfound, ownertype = [], None
input = macresource.open_pathname(rsrcname)
except (MacOS.Error, ValueError):
if progress:
if progress:
progress.label("Copy resources...")
resfilename = 'python.rsrc' # XXXX later: '%s.rsrc' % shortname
output = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(
os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources', resfilename),
u'', WRITE)
except MacOS.Error:
fsr, dummy = Res.FSCreateResourceFile(
os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources'),
unicode(resfilename), '')
output = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(fsr, u'', WRITE)
typesfound, ownertype = copyres(input, output, [], 0, progress)
if code:
if raw:
pycname = '__rawmain__.pyc'
pycname = '__main__.pyc'
# And we also create __rawmain__.pyc
outputfilename = os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources', '__rawmain__.pyc')
if progress:
progress.label('Creating __rawmain__.pyc')
rawsourcefp, rawsourcefile, d2 = imp.find_module('appletrawmain')
rawsource =
rawcode = compile(rawsource, rawsourcefile, 'exec')
writepycfile(rawcode, outputfilename)
outputfilename = os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources', pycname)
if progress:
progress.label('Creating '+pycname)
writepycfile(code, outputfilename)
# Copy other files the user asked for
for osrc in others:
oname = os.path.split(osrc)[1]
odst = os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources', oname)
if progress:
progress.label('Copy ' + oname)
if os.path.isdir(osrc):
copyapptree(osrc, odst)
shutil.copy2(osrc, odst)
import Plist
builder.plist = Plist.fromFile(plistname)
if icnsname:
builder.iconfile = icnsname
if progress:
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