Commit f6030506 authored by Greg Ward's avatar Greg Ward

Added all the "external action" methods (to make handling the verbose

and dry-run flags consistently painless): 'execute()', 'mkpath()',
'copy_file()', 'copy_tree()', 'make_file()', and stub for 'make_files()'
(not sure yet if it's useful).
parent 57a5a6db
......@@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ may be subclassed by clients for still more flexibility)."""
__rcsid__ = "$Id$"
import sys
import sys, os
import string, re
from distutils.errors import *
from distutils.fancy_getopt import fancy_getopt
from distutils import util
# This is not *quite* the same as a Python NAME; I don't allow leading
# underscores. The fact that they're very similar is no coincidence...
......@@ -594,4 +595,133 @@ class Command:
self.distribution.run_command (command)
# -- External world manipulation -----------------------------------
def execute (self, func, args, msg=None, level=1):
"""Perform some action that affects the outside world (eg.
by writing to the filesystem). Such actions are special because
they should be disabled by the "dry run" flag (carried around by
the Command's Distribution), and should announce themselves if
the current verbosity level is high enough. This method takes
care of all that bureaucracy for you; all you have to do is
supply the funtion to call and an argument tuple for it (to
embody the "external action" being performed), a message to
print if the verbosity level is high enough, and an optional
verbosity threshold."""
# Generate a message if we weren't passed one
if msg is None:
msg = "%s %s" % (func.__name__, `args`)
if msg[-2:] == ',)': # correct for singleton tuple
msg = msg[0:-2] + ')'
# Print it if verbosity level is high enough
self.announce (msg, level)
# And do it, as long as we're not in dry-run mode
if not self.distribution.dry_run:
apply (func, args)
# execute()
def mkpath (self, name, mode=0777):
util.mkpath (name, mode,
self.distribution.verbose, self.distribution.dry_run)
def copy_file (self, infile, outfile,
preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, update=1, level=1):
"""Copy a file respecting verbose and dry-run flags."""
util.copy_file (infile, outfile,
preserve_mode, preserve_times,
update, self.distribution.verbose >= level,
def copy_tree (self, infile, outfile,
preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, preserve_symlinks=0,
update=1, level=1):
"""Copy an entire directory tree respecting verbose and dry-run
util.copy_tree (infile, outfile,
preserve_mode, preserve_times, preserve_symlinks,
update, self.distribution.verbose >= level,
def make_file (self, infiles, outfile, func, args,
exec_msg=None, skip_msg=None, level=1):
"""Special case of 'execute()' for operations that process one or
more input files and generate one output file. Works just like
'execute()', except the operation is skipped and a different
message printed if 'outfile' already exists and is newer than
all files listed in 'infiles'."""
if exec_msg is None:
exec_msg = "generating %s from %s" % \
(outfile, string.join (infiles, ', '))
if skip_msg is None:
skip_msg = "skipping %s (inputs unchanged)" % outfile
# Allow 'infiles' to be a single string
if type (infiles) is StringType:
infiles = (infiles,)
elif type (infiles) not in (ListType, TupleType):
raise TypeError, \
"'infiles' must be a string, or a list or tuple of strings"
# XXX this stuff should probably be moved off to a function
# in 'distutils.util'
from stat import *
if os.path.exists (outfile):
out_mtime = os.stat (outfile)[ST_MTIME]
# Loop over all infiles. If any infile is newer than outfile,
# then we'll have to regenerate outfile
for f in infiles:
in_mtime = os.stat (f)[ST_MTIME]
if in_mtime > out_mtime:
runit = 1
runit = 0
runit = 1
# If we determined that 'outfile' must be regenerated, then
# perform the action that presumably regenerates it
if runit:
self.execute (func, args, exec_msg, level)
# Otherwise, print the "skip" message
self.announce (skip_msg, level)
# make_file ()
# def make_files (self, infiles, outfiles, func, args,
# exec_msg=None, skip_msg=None, level=1):
# """Special case of 'execute()' for operations that process one or
# more input files and generate one or more output files. Works
# just like 'execute()', except the operation is skipped and a
# different message printed if all files listed in 'outfiles'
# already exist and are newer than all files listed in
# 'infiles'."""
# pass
# end class Command
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