Commit f61eb429 authored by Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar Kurt B. Kaiser

py-cvs-rel2_1 (Rev 1.3) merge - whitespace normalization

parent fcd44ec5
from Tkinter import *
class Separator:
def __init__(self, master, orient, min=10, thickness=5, bg=None):
self.min = max(1, min)
self.thickness = max(1, thickness)
......@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ class Separator:
self.dim = "width"
self.dir = "x"
self.cursor = "sb_h_double_arrow"
elif orient in ("v", "vertical"):
self.side = "top"
self.dim = "height"
self.dir = "y"
elif orient in ("v", "vertical"):
self.side = "top"
self.dim = "height"
self.dir = "y"
self.cursor = "sb_v_double_arrow"
raise ValueError, "Separator: orient should be h or v"
self.winfo_dim = "winfo_" + self.dim
raise ValueError, "Separator: orient should be h or v"
self.winfo_dim = "winfo_" + self.dim
self.master = master = Frame(master)
master.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
self.f1 = Frame(master)
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