Commit f6bb82b9 authored by Greg Ward's avatar Greg Ward

Added 'install_path' option for giving non-packagized module

  distributions their own directory (and .pth file).
Overhauled how we determine installation directories in
  'set_final_options()' to separate platform-dependence and take
  'install_path' option into account.
Added 'create_path_file()' to create path config file when 'install_path'
Only run 'install_py' and 'install_ext' when, respectively, there are
  some pure Python modules and some extension modules in the distribution.
parent 97eacfe2
......@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ Implements the Distutils 'install' command."""
__rcsid__ = "$Id$"
import sys, os, string
from types import *
from distutils import sysconfig
from distutils.core import Command
from distutils.util import write_file
class Install (Command):
......@@ -36,6 +38,8 @@ class Install (Command):
"platform-specific site directory"),
('install-scheme=', None,
"install to 'system' or 'site' library directory?"),
('install-path=', None,
"extra intervening directories to put below install-lib"),
# Where to install documentation (eventually!)
('doc-format=', None, "format of documentation to generate"),
......@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@ class Install (Command):
self.install_platlib = None
self.install_site_lib = None
self.install_site_platlib = None
self.install_path = None
self.install_man = None
self.install_html = None
......@@ -155,19 +160,65 @@ class Install (Command):
# really matter *which* one, of course, but I'll observe decorum
# and do it properly.)
if self.install_site_lib is None:
if == 'posix':
self.install_site_lib = \
os.path.join (self.install_lib, 'site-packages')
# 'base' and 'platbase' are the base directories for installing
# site-local files, eg. "/usr/local/lib/python1.5/site-packages"
# or "C:\Program Files\Python"
if == 'posix':
self.base = os.path.join (self.install_lib,
self.platbase = os.path.join (self.install_platlib,
self.base = self.prefix
self.platbase = self.exec_prefix
# 'path_file' and 'extra_dirs' are how we handle distributions
# that need to be installed to their own directory, but aren't
# package-ized yet. 'extra_dirs' is just a directory under
# 'base' or 'platbase' where toplevel modules will actually be
# installed; 'path_file' is the basename of a .pth file to drop
# in 'base' or 'platbase' (depending on the distribution). Very
# often they will be the same, which is why we allow them to be
# supplied as a string or 1-tuple as well as a 2-element
# comma-separated string or a 2-tuple.
if self.install_path is None:
self.install_path = self.distribution.install_path
if self.install_path is not None:
if type (self.install_path) is StringType:
self.install_path = string.split (self.install_path, ',')
if len (self.install_path) == 1:
path_file = extra_dirs = self.install_path[0]
elif len (self.install_path) == 2:
(path_file, extra_dirs) = self.install_path
self.install_site_lib = self.prefix
raise DistutilsOptionError, \
"'install_path' option must be a list, tuple, or " + \
"comma-separated string with 1 or 2 elements"
# install path has slashes in it -- might need to convert to
# local form
if string.find (extra_dirs, '/') and != "posix":
extra_dirs = string.split (extra_dirs, '/')
extra_dirs = apply (os.path.join, extra_dirs)
path_file = None
extra_dirs = ''
# XXX should we warn if path_file and not extra_dirs (in which case
# the path file would be harmless but pointless)
self.path_file = path_file
self.extra_dirs = extra_dirs
if self.install_site_lib is None:
self.install_site_lib = os.path.join (self.base,
if self.install_site_platlib is None:
if == 'posix':
self.install_site_platlib = \
os.path.join (self.install_platlib, 'site-packages')
self.install_site_platlib = self.exec_prefix
self.install_site_platlib = os.path.join (self.platbase,
#if self.install_scheme == 'site':
# install_lib = self.install_site_lib
......@@ -234,9 +285,28 @@ class Install (Command):
# extensions). Note that 'install_py' is smart enough to install
# pure Python modules in the "platlib" directory if we built any
# extensions.
self.run_peer ('install_py')
self.run_peer ('install_ext')
if self.distribution.packages or self.distribution.py_modules:
self.run_peer ('install_py')
if self.distribution.ext_modules:
self.run_peer ('install_ext')
if self.path_file:
self.create_path_file ()
# run ()
def create_path_file (self):
if self.distribution.ext_modules:
base = self.platbase
base = self.base
filename = os.path.join (base, self.path_file + ".pth")
self.execute (write_file,
(filename, [self.extra_dirs]),
"creating %s" % filename)
# class Install
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