Commit f6fc8e8e authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Deleted targets used only by Jim Fulton's now deleted "gMakefile".

Also change the build rules to use $(LIBRARY) instead of
  -L.. -lpython$(VERSION)
since the latter trips up the SunOS 4.1.x linker (sigh).
parent d1049fe7
......@@ -106,13 +106,6 @@ REALLIBRARY= ../@REALLIBRARY@
all: $(OBJS)
# Targets for Jim Fulton's extension Makefiles -- are these still needed?
asharedmodule: $(ASHAREDMODULE)$(SO)
# This target is used by the master Makefile to add the objects to the library.
# To deal with the conflict between signalmodule.o and
# sigcheck.o+intrcheck.o, we remove the latter two if we have the former.
......@@ -132,7 +125,7 @@ EXE=
# This target is used by the master Makefile to link the final binary.
link: $(MAINOBJ)
-L.. -lpython$(VERSION) $(MODLIBS) $(LIBS) $(SYSLIBS) -o python $(LDLAST)
mv python$(EXE) ../python$(EXE)
......@@ -230,15 +223,6 @@ sharedinstall: $(DESTSHARED) $(SHAREDMODS)
fi; \
# Install a shared module from outside of setup
asharedinstall: $(DESTSHARED) $(ASHAREDMODULE)$(SO)
-for i in dummy $(ASHAREDMODULE)$(SO); do \
if test -f $$i; then mv $$i $(DESTSHARED)/$$i; fi; done
# This is handy when modules need to know where the destination directory is:
echodestshared: $(DESTSHARED)
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