Commit f730fc3e authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Be a little more careful to avoid including style information in the

generated markup.

Don't be careless with the navigation icons!  We should use the blank
icon where there is not anyplace to go for a particular position in the
navigation bar.
parent 3eb7c126
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $NUMBERED_FOOTNOTES = 1;
$ICONSERVER = '../icons';
$IMAGE_TYPE = 'gif';
# Control where the navigation bars should show up:
......@@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ sub custom_driver_hook {
$NAV_BGCOLOR = " bgcolor=\"#99CCFF\"";
sub make_nav_sectref {
my($label,$title) = @_;
......@@ -111,22 +111,22 @@ sub make_my_icon {
. " height=\"32\"\n alt=\"$text\" width=\"32\">";
$BLANK_ICON = make_my_icon("blank", "");
$BLANK_ICON = make_my_icon('blank', '');
@my_icons = ();
$my_icons{'next_page_inactive'} = $BLANK_ICON;
$my_icons{'previous_page_inactive'} = $BLANK_ICON;
$my_icons{'up_page_inactive'} = $BLANK_ICON;
$x = make_my_icon("next", "Next Page");
$x = make_my_icon('next', 'Next Page');
$my_icons{'next_page'} = $x;
$my_icons{'next'} = $x;
$x = make_my_icon("previous", "Previous Page");
$x = make_my_icon('previous', 'Previous Page');
$my_icons{'previous_page'} = $x;
$my_icons{'previous'} = $x;
$my_icons{'up'} = make_my_icon("up", "Up One Level");
$my_icons{'contents'} = make_my_icon("contents", "Contents");
$my_icons{'index'} = make_my_icon("index", "Index");
$my_icons{'modules'} = make_my_icon("modules", "Module Index");
$my_icons{'up'} = make_my_icon('up', 'Up One Level');
$my_icons{'contents'} = make_my_icon('contents', 'Contents');
$my_icons{'index'} = make_my_icon('index', 'Index');
$my_icons{'modules'} = make_my_icon('modules', 'Module Index');
sub use_my_icon {
......@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ sub use_my_icon {
sub make_nav_panel {
my $s;
$NEXT = use_my_icon("$NEXT");
$UP = use_my_icon("$UP");
$PREVIOUS = use_my_icon("$PREVIOUS");
$NEXT = $NEXT_TITLE ? use_my_icon("$NEXT") : $BLANK_ICON;
$UP = $UP_TITLE ? use_my_icon("$UP") : $BLANK_ICON;
$CONTENTS = use_my_icon("$CONTENTS");
$INDEX = $INDEX ? use_my_icon("$INDEX") : $BLANK_ICON;
......@@ -152,8 +152,7 @@ sub make_nav_panel {
. "\n<td>$UP</td>"
. "\n<td>$NEXT</td>"
# title box
. "\n<td align=\"center\"$NAV_BGCOLOR width=\"100%\">"
. "\n <b class=\"title\">$t_title</b></td>"
. "\n<td align=\"center\" width=\"100%\">$t_title</td>"
# right-hand side
. "\n<td>$CONTENTS</td>"
. "\n<td>$CUSTOM_BUTTONS</td>" # module index
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