Commit f75cd751 authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Complete the ElementTree section

parent 1179e5d9
......@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
% Fix XXX comments
% Distutils upload (PEP 243)
% The easy_install stuff
% Access to ASTs with compile() flag
% Stateful codec changes
% ASCII is now default encoding for modules
\title{What's New in Python 2.5}
......@@ -1132,10 +1135,34 @@ svg.append(elem1)
Each XML element supports some dictionary-like and some list-like
access methods. Dictionary-like methods are used to access attribute
values, and list-like methods are used to access child nodes.
access methods. Dictionary-like operations are used to access attribute
values, and list-like operations are used to access child nodes.
\lineii{elem[n]}{Returns n'th child element.}
\lineii{elem[m:n]}{Returns list of m'th through n'th child elements.}
\lineii{len(elem)}{Returns number of child elements.}
\lineii{elem.getchildren()}{Returns list of child elements.}
\lineii{elem.append(elem2)}{Adds \var{elem2} as a child.}
\lineii{elem.insert(index, elem2)}{Inserts \var{elem2} at the specified location.}
\lineii{del elem[n]}{Deletes n'th child element.}
\lineii{elem.keys()}{Returns list of attribute names.}
\lineii{elem.get(name)}{Returns value of attribute \var{name}.}
\lineii{elem.set(name, value)}{Sets new value for attribute \var{name}.}
\lineii{elem.attrib}{Retrieves the dictionary containing attributes.}
\lineii{del elem.attrib[name]}{Deletes attribute \var{name}.}
Comments and processing instructions are also represented as
\class{Element} nodes. To check if a node is a comment or processing
% XXX finish this
if elem.tag is ET.Comment:
elif elem.tag is ET.ProcessingInstruction:
To generate XML output, you should call the
\method{ElementTree.write()} method. Like \function{parse()},
......@@ -1156,8 +1183,8 @@ any characters with values greater than 127. You should always
specify a different encoding such as UTF-8 that can handle any Unicode
% XXX write introduction
This section is only a partial description of the ElementTree interfaces.
Please read the package's official documentation for more details.
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