Commit f7b4fc7d authored by Christian Heimes's avatar Christian Heimes

Merged revisions 59843-59863 via svnmerge from


  r59844 | raymond.hettinger | 2008-01-07 21:56:05 +0100 (Mon, 07 Jan 2008) | 1 line

  Use get() instead of pop() for the optimized version of _replace().
  r59847 | raymond.hettinger | 2008-01-07 22:33:51 +0100 (Mon, 07 Jan 2008) | 1 line

  Documentation nits.
  r59849 | raymond.hettinger | 2008-01-08 03:02:05 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 1 line

  Expand comment.
  r59850 | raymond.hettinger | 2008-01-08 03:24:15 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 1 line

  Docs on named tuple's naming conventions and limits of subclassing
  r59851 | christian.heimes | 2008-01-08 04:40:04 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 1 line

  It's verbose, not debug
  r59852 | facundo.batista | 2008-01-08 13:25:20 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 4 lines

  Issue #1757: The hash of a Decimal instance is no longer affected
  by the current context.  Thanks Mark Dickinson.
  r59853 | andrew.kuchling | 2008-01-08 15:30:55 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 1 line

  Patch 1137: allow assigning to .buffer_size attribute of PyExpat.parser objects
  r59854 | andrew.kuchling | 2008-01-08 15:56:02 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 1 line

  Patch 1114: fix compilation of curses module on 64-bit AIX, and any other LP64 platforms where attr_t isn't a C long
  r59856 | thomas.heller | 2008-01-08 16:15:09 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 5 lines

  Use relative instead of absolute filenames in the C-level tracebacks.
  This prevents traceback prints pointing to files in this way:

    File "\loewis\25\python\Modules\_ctypes\callbacks.c", line 206, in 'calling callback function'
  r59857 | christian.heimes | 2008-01-08 16:46:10 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

  Added __enter__ and __exit__ functions to HKEY object
  Added ExpandEnvironmentStrings to the _winreg module.
  r59858 | georg.brandl | 2008-01-08 17:18:26 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

  Fix markup errors from r59857 and clarify key.__enter__/__exit__ docs
  r59860 | georg.brandl | 2008-01-08 20:42:30 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

  Better method for associating .py files with the interpreter.
  r59862 | facundo.batista | 2008-01-08 22:10:12 +0100 (Tue, 08 Jan 2008) | 9 lines

  Issue 846388. Adds a call to PyErr_CheckSignals to
  SRE_MATCH so that signal handlers can be invoked during
  long regular expression matches.  It also adds a new
  error return value indicating that an exception
  occurred in a signal handler during the match, allowing
  exceptions in the signal handler to propagate up to the
  main loop.  Thanks Josh Hoyt and Ralf Schmitt.
parent 99fddf66
......@@ -131,6 +131,16 @@ This module offers the following functions:
.. function:: ExpandEnvironmentStrings(unicode)
Expands environment strings %NAME% in unicode string like const:`REG_EXPAND_SZ`::
>>> ExpandEnvironmentStrings(u"%windir%")
.. versionadded:: 2.6
.. function:: FlushKey(key)
Writes all the attributes of a key to the registry.
......@@ -416,3 +426,16 @@ handle, and also disconnect the Windows handle from the handle object.
handle is not closed. You would call this function when you need the
underlying Win32 handle to exist beyond the lifetime of the handle object.
.. method:: PyHKEY.__enter__()
The HKEY object implements :meth:`__enter__` and :meth:`__exit__` and thus
supports the context protocol for the :keyword:`with` statement::
with OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "foo") as key:
# ... work with key ...
will automatically close *key* when control leaves the :keyword:`with` block.
.. versionadded:: 2.6
......@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ they add the ability to access fields by name instead of position index.
method which lists the tuple contents in a ``name=value`` format.
The *fieldnames* are a single string with each fieldname separated by whitespace
and/or commas (for example 'x y' or 'x, y'). Alternatively, the *fieldnames*
can be specified with a sequence of strings (such as ['x', 'y']).
and/or commas (for example 'x y' or 'x, y'). Alternatively, *fieldnames*
can be a sequence of strings (such as ['x', 'y']).
Any valid Python identifier may be used for a fieldname except for names
starting with an underscore. Valid identifiers consist of letters, digits,
......@@ -477,7 +477,8 @@ by the :mod:`csv` or :mod:`sqlite3` modules::
print, emp.title
In addition to the methods inherited from tuples, named tuples support
three additional methods and one attribute.
three additional methods and one attribute. To prevent conflicts with
field names, the method and attribute names start with an underscore.
.. method:: somenamedtuple._make(iterable)
......@@ -513,7 +514,7 @@ three additional methods and one attribute.
.. attribute:: somenamedtuple._fields
Tuple of strings listing the field names. This is useful for introspection
Tuple of strings listing the field names. Useful for introspection
and for creating new named tuple types from existing named tuples.
......@@ -532,7 +533,7 @@ function::
>>> getattr(p, 'x')
When casting a dictionary to a named tuple, use the double-star-operator [#]_::
To cast a dictionary to a named tuple, use the double-star-operator [#]_::
>>> d = {'x': 11, 'y': 22}
>>> Point(**d)
......@@ -557,14 +558,20 @@ a fixed-width print format::
Point: x= 1.286 y= 6.000 hypot= 6.136
Another use for subclassing is to replace performance critcal methods with
faster versions that bypass error-checking and localize variable access::
faster versions that bypass error-checking and that localize variable access::
>>> class Point(namedtuple('Point', 'x y')):
_make = classmethod(tuple.__new__)
def _replace(self, _map=map, **kwds):
return self._make(_map(kwds.pop, ('x', 'y'), self))
return self._make(_map(kwds.get, ('x', 'y'), self))
Default values can be implemented by using :meth:`_replace`:: to
Subclassing is not useful for adding new, stored fields. Instead, simply
create a new named tuple type from the :attr:`_fields` attribute::
>>> Pixel = namedtuple('Pixel', Point._fields + Color._fields)
Default values can be implemented by using :meth:`_replace` to
customize a prototype instance::
>>> Account = namedtuple('Account', 'owner balance transaction_count')
......@@ -177,8 +177,13 @@ XMLParser Objects
.. attribute:: xmlparser.buffer_size
The size of the buffer used when :attr:`buffer_text` is true. This value cannot
be changed at this time.
The size of the buffer used when :attr:`buffer_text` is true.
A new buffer size can be set by assigning a new integer value
to this attribute.
When the size is changed, the buffer will be flushed.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
The buffer size can now be changed.
.. attribute:: xmlparser.buffer_text
......@@ -188,16 +188,17 @@ of your Python installation directory). This suppresses the terminal window on
You can also make all ``.py`` scripts execute with :program:`pythonw.exe`,
setting this through the usual facilites, for example (names might differ,
depending on your version of Windows):
setting this through the usual facilites, for example (might require
administrative rights):
#. Open the context menu of a :file:`{*}.py` file.
#. Click :menuselection:`Open with...`.
#. Choose the interpreter of your choice (utilize :guilabel:`Other...` or
:guilabel:`Choose Program...` if it is not in the list of default programs).
#. Check :guilabel:`Always open files with this program`.
#. Click :guilabel:`OK`.
#. Launch a command prompt.
#. Associate the correct file group with ``.py`` scripts::
assoc .py=Python.File
#. Redirect all Python files to the new executable::
ftype Python.File=C:\Path\to\pythonw.exe "%1" %*
Additional modules
......@@ -875,6 +875,13 @@ complete list of changes, or look through the CVS logs for all the details.
changed and :const:`UF_APPEND` to indicate that data can only be appended to the
file. (Contributed by M. Levinson.)
* The :mod:`pyexpat` module's :class:`Parser` objects now allow setting
their :attr:`buffer_size` attribute to change the size of the buffer
used to hold character data.
(Contributed by Achim Gaedke.)
.. Patch 1137
* The :mod:`random` module's :class:`Random` objects can
now be pickled on a 32-bit system and unpickled on a 64-bit
system, and vice versa. Unfortunately, this change also means
......@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ def namedtuple(typename, field_names, verbose=False):
# Parse and validate the field names
# Parse and validate the field names. Validation serves two purposes,
# generating informative error messages and preventing template injection attacks.
if isinstance(field_names, str):
field_names = field_names.replace(',', ' ').split() # names separated by whitespace and/or commas
field_names = tuple(field_names)
......@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'Point class with optimized _make() and _replace() without error-checking'
_make = classmethod(tuple.__new__)
def _replace(self, _map=map, **kwds):
return self._make(_map(kwds.pop, ('x', 'y'), self))
return self._make(_map(kwds.get, ('x', 'y'), self))
print(Point(11, 22)._replace(x=100))
......@@ -809,8 +809,10 @@ class Decimal(_numbers.Real, _numbers.Inexact):
def __hash__(self):
"""x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)"""
# Decimal integers must hash the same as the ints
# Non-integer decimals are normalized and hashed as strings
# Normalization assures that hash(100E-1) == hash(10)
# The hash of a nonspecial noninteger Decimal must depend only
# on the value of that Decimal, and not on its representation.
# For example: hash(Decimal("100E-1")) == hash(Decimal("10")).
if self._is_special:
if self._isnan():
raise TypeError('Cannot hash a NaN value.')
......@@ -826,7 +828,13 @@ class Decimal(_numbers.Real, _numbers.Inexact):
# 2**64-1. So we can replace hash((-1)**s*c*10**e) with
# hash((-1)**s*c*pow(10, e, 2**64-1).
return hash((-1)**op.sign**pow(10, op.exp, 2**64-1))
return hash(str(self.normalize()))
# The value of a nonzero nonspecial Decimal instance is
# faithfully represented by the triple consisting of its sign,
# its adjusted exponent, and its coefficient with trailing
# zeros removed.
return hash((self._sign,
def as_tuple(self):
"""Represents the number as a triple tuple.
......@@ -971,6 +971,23 @@ class DecimalUsabilityTest(unittest.TestCase):
# check that the value of the hash doesn't depend on the
# current context (issue #1757)
c = getcontext()
old_precision = c.prec
x = Decimal("123456789.1")
c.prec = 6
h1 = hash(x)
c.prec = 10
h2 = hash(x)
c.prec = 16
h3 = hash(x)
self.assertEqual(h1, h2)
self.assertEqual(h1, h3)
c.prec = old_precision
def test_min_and_max_methods(self):
d1 = Decimal('15.32')
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# handler, are obscure and unhelpful.
from io import BytesIO
import sys
import unittest
import pyexpat
......@@ -385,6 +386,130 @@ class sf1296433Test(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(Exception, parser.Parse, xml)
class ChardataBufferTest(unittest.TestCase):
test setting of chardata buffer size
def test_1025_bytes(self):
self.assertEquals(self.small_buffer_test(1025), 2)
def test_1000_bytes(self):
self.assertEquals(self.small_buffer_test(1000), 1)
def test_wrong_size(self):
parser = expat.ParserCreate()
parser.buffer_text = 1
def f(size):
parser.buffer_size = size
self.assertRaises(ValueError, f, -1)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, f, 0)
def test_unchanged_size(self):
xml1 = ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><s>%s" % ('a' * 512))
xml2 = 'a'*512 + '</s>'
parser = expat.ParserCreate()
parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
parser.buffer_size = 512
parser.buffer_text = 1
# Feed 512 bytes of character data: the handler should be called
# once.
self.n = 0
self.assertEquals(self.n, 1)
# Reassign to buffer_size, but assign the same size.
parser.buffer_size = parser.buffer_size
self.assertEquals(self.n, 1)
# Try parsing rest of the document
self.assertEquals(self.n, 2)
def test_disabling_buffer(self):
xml1 = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><a>%s" % ('a' * 512)
xml2 = ('b' * 1024)
xml3 = "%s</a>" % ('c' * 1024)
parser = expat.ParserCreate()
parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
parser.buffer_text = 1
parser.buffer_size = 1024
self.assertEquals(parser.buffer_size, 1024)
# Parse one chunk of XML
self.n = 0
parser.Parse(xml1, 0)
self.assertEquals(parser.buffer_size, 1024)
self.assertEquals(self.n, 1)
# Turn off buffering and parse the next chunk.
parser.buffer_text = 0
self.assertEquals(parser.buffer_size, 1024)
for i in range(10):
parser.Parse(xml2, 0)
self.assertEquals(self.n, 11)
parser.buffer_text = 1
self.assertEquals(parser.buffer_size, 1024)
parser.Parse(xml3, 1)
self.assertEquals(self.n, 12)
def make_document(self, bytes):
return ("<?xml version='1.0'?><tag>" + bytes * 'a' + '</tag>')
def counting_handler(self, text):
self.n += 1
def small_buffer_test(self, buffer_len):
xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><s>%s</s>" % ('a' * buffer_len)
parser = expat.ParserCreate()
parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
parser.buffer_size = 1024
parser.buffer_text = 1
self.n = 0
return self.n
def test_change_size_1(self):
xml1 = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><a><s>%s" % ('a' * 1024)
xml2 = "aaa</s><s>%s</s></a>" % ('a' * 1025)
parser = expat.ParserCreate()
parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
parser.buffer_text = 1
parser.buffer_size = 1024
self.assertEquals(parser.buffer_size, 1024)
self.n = 0
parser.Parse(xml1, 0)
parser.buffer_size *= 2
self.assertEquals(parser.buffer_size, 2048)
parser.Parse(xml2, 1)
self.assertEquals(self.n, 2)
def test_change_size_2(self):
xml1 = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><a>a<s>%s" % ('a' * 1023)
xml2 = "aaa</s><s>%s</s></a>" % ('a' * 1025)
parser = expat.ParserCreate()
parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
parser.buffer_text = 1
parser.buffer_size = 2048
self.assertEquals(parser.buffer_size, 2048)
parser.Parse(xml1, 0)
parser.buffer_size = parser.buffer_size // 2
self.assertEquals(parser.buffer_size, 1024)
parser.Parse(xml2, 1)
self.assertEquals(self.n, 4)
def test_main():
......@@ -394,7 +519,8 @@ def test_main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ def isTipcAvailable():
for line in f:
if line.startswith("tipc "):
return True
if test_support.debug:
if test_support.verbose:
print("TIPC module is not loaded, please 'sudo modprobe tipc'")
return False
......@@ -73,26 +73,26 @@ class WinregTests(unittest.TestCase):
key = OpenKey(root_key, test_key_name)
# Read the sub-keys
sub_key = OpenKey(key, subkeystr)
# Check I can enumerate over the values.
index = 0
while 1:
data = EnumValue(sub_key, index)
except EnvironmentError:
self.assertEquals(data in test_data, True,
"Didn't read back the correct test data")
index = index + 1
self.assertEquals(index, len(test_data),
"Didn't read the correct number of items")
# Check I can directly access each item
for value_name, value_data, value_type in test_data:
read_val, read_typ = QueryValueEx(sub_key, value_name)
self.assertEquals(read_val, value_data,
"Could not directly read the value")
self.assertEquals(read_typ, value_type,
"Could not directly read the value")
with OpenKey(key, "sub_key") as sub_key:
# Check I can enumerate over the values.
index = 0
while 1:
data = EnumValue(sub_key, index)
except EnvironmentError:
self.assertEquals(data in test_data, True,
"Didn't read back the correct test data")
index = index + 1
self.assertEquals(index, len(test_data),
"Didn't read the correct number of items")
# Check I can directly access each item
for value_name, value_data, value_type in test_data:
read_val, read_typ = QueryValueEx(sub_key, value_name)
self.assertEquals(read_val, value_data,
"Could not directly read the value")
self.assertEquals(read_typ, value_type,
"Could not directly read the value")
# Enumerate our main key.
read_val = EnumKey(key, 0)
......@@ -155,6 +155,11 @@ class WinregTests(unittest.TestCase):
remote_key = ConnectRegistry(self.remote_name, HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
def testExpandEnvironmentStrings(self):
r = ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\\test")
self.assertEqual(type(r), str)
self.assertEqual(r, os.environ["windir"] + "\\test")
def test_main():
......@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ Gyro Funch
Peter Funk
Geoff Furnish
Ulisses Furquim
Achim Gaedke
Lele Gaifax
Santiago Gala
Yitzchak Gale
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ static void _CallPythonObject(void *mem,
#define CHECK(what, x) \
if (x == NULL) _AddTraceback(what, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 1), PyErr_Print()
if (x == NULL) _AddTraceback(what, "_ctypes/callbacks.c", __LINE__ - 1), PyErr_Print()
result = PyObject_CallObject(callable, arglist);
CHECK("'calling callback function'", result);
......@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ static PyObject *GetResult(PyObject *restype, void *result, PyObject *checker)
v = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(checker, retval, NULL);
if (v == NULL)
_AddTraceback("GetResult", __FILE__, __LINE__-2);
_AddTraceback("GetResult", "_ctypes/callproc.c", __LINE__-2);
return v;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ static char copyright[] =
#define SRE_ERROR_STATE -2 /* illegal state */
#define SRE_ERROR_RECURSION_LIMIT -3 /* runaway recursion */
#define SRE_ERROR_MEMORY -9 /* out of memory */
#define SRE_ERROR_INTERRUPTED -10 /* signal handler raised exception */
#if defined(VERBOSE)
#define TRACE(v) printf v
......@@ -805,6 +806,7 @@ SRE_MATCH(SRE_STATE* state, SRE_CODE* pattern)
Py_ssize_t alloc_pos, ctx_pos = -1;
Py_ssize_t i, ret = 0;
Py_ssize_t jump;
unsigned int sigcount=0;
......@@ -833,6 +835,9 @@ entrance:
for (;;) {
if ((0 == (sigcount & 0xfff)) && PyErr_CheckSignals())
switch (*ctx->pattern++) {
......@@ -1833,6 +1838,9 @@ pattern_error(int status)
/* An exception has already been raised, so let it fly */
/* other error codes indicate compiler/engine bugs */
......@@ -1524,6 +1524,50 @@ xmlparse_setattr(xmlparseobject *self, char *name, PyObject *v)
self->specified_attributes = 0;
return 0;
if (strcmp(name, "buffer_size") == 0) {
long new_buffer_size;
if (!PyLong_Check(v)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "buffer_size must be an integer");
return -1;
/* trivial case -- no change */
if (new_buffer_size == self->buffer_size) {
return 0;
if (new_buffer_size <= 0) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "buffer_size must be greater than zero");
return -1;
/* check maximum */
if (new_buffer_size > INT_MAX) {
char errmsg[100];
sprintf(errmsg, "buffer_size must not be greater than %i", INT_MAX);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, errmsg);
return -1;
if (self->buffer != NULL) {
/* there is already a buffer */
if (self->buffer_used != 0) {
/* free existing buffer */
self->buffer = malloc(new_buffer_size);
if (self->buffer == NULL) {
return -1;
self->buffer_size = new_buffer_size;
return 0;
if (strcmp(name, "CharacterDataHandler") == 0) {
/* If we're changing the character data handler, flush all
* cached data with the old handler. Not sure there's a
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(module_doc,
"DeleteValue() - Removes a named value from the specified registry key.\n"
"EnumKey() - Enumerates subkeys of the specified open registry key.\n"
"EnumValue() - Enumerates values of the specified open registry key.\n"
"ExpandEnvironmentStrings() - Expand the env strings in a REG_EXPAND_SZ string.\n"
"FlushKey() - Writes all the attributes of the specified key to the registry.\n"
"LoadKey() - Creates a subkey under HKEY_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and stores\n"
" registration information from a specified file into that subkey.\n"
......@@ -145,6 +146,9 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(EnumValue_doc,
" on the underlying registry type.\n"
"data_type is an integer that identifies the type of the value data.");
"string = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(string) - Expand environment vars.\n");
"FlushKey(key) - Writes all the attributes of a key to the registry.\n"
......@@ -503,9 +507,27 @@ PyHKEY_DetachMethod(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
return PyLong_FromVoidPtr(ret);
static PyObject *
PyHKEY_Enter(PyObject *self)
return self;
static PyObject *
PyHKEY_Exit(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
if (!PyHKEY_Close(self))
return NULL;
static struct PyMethodDef PyHKEY_methods[] = {
{"Close", PyHKEY_CloseMethod, METH_VARARGS, PyHKEY_Close_doc},
{"Detach", PyHKEY_DetachMethod, METH_VARARGS, PyHKEY_Detach_doc},
{"__enter__", (PyCFunction)PyHKEY_Enter, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
{"__exit__", PyHKEY_Exit, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
......@@ -1061,6 +1083,39 @@ PyEnumValue(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
return retVal;
static PyObject *
PyExpandEnvironmentStrings(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
Py_UNICODE *retValue = NULL;
Py_UNICODE *src;
DWORD retValueSize;
PyObject *o;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "u:ExpandEnvironmentStrings", &src))
return NULL;
retValueSize = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(src, retValue, 0);
if (retValueSize == 0) {
return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(retValueSize,
retValue = (Py_UNICODE *)PyMem_Malloc(retValueSize * sizeof(Py_UNICODE));
if (retValue == NULL) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
rc = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(src, retValue, retValueSize);
if (rc == 0) {
return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFunction(retValueSize,
o = PyUnicode_FromUnicode(retValue, wcslen(retValue));
return o;
static PyObject *
PyFlushKey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
......@@ -1346,6 +1401,8 @@ static struct PyMethodDef winreg_methods[] = {
{"DeleteValue", PyDeleteValue, METH_VARARGS, DeleteValue_doc},
{"EnumKey", PyEnumKey, METH_VARARGS, EnumKey_doc},
{"EnumValue", PyEnumValue, METH_VARARGS, EnumValue_doc},
{"ExpandEnvironmentStrings", PyExpandEnvironmentStrings, METH_VARARGS,
ExpandEnvironmentStrings_doc },
{"FlushKey", PyFlushKey, METH_VARARGS, FlushKey_doc},
{"LoadKey", PyLoadKey, METH_VARARGS, LoadKey_doc},
{"OpenKey", PyOpenKey, METH_VARARGS, OpenKey_doc},
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