Commit f7bda5c5 authored by Brian Quinlan's avatar Brian Quinlan Committed by Gregory P. Smith

Don't import wait from connection, it shadows a name (GH-13112)

(lint cleanup) This import causes an argument parameter to shadow the global import name.
parent 63deaa5b
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ from concurrent.futures import _base
import queue
from queue import Full
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing.connection import wait
import multiprocessing.connection
from multiprocessing.queues import Queue
import threading
import weakref
......@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ def _queue_management_worker(executor_reference,
# submitted, from the executor being shutdown/gc-ed, or from the
# shutdown of the python interpreter.
worker_sentinels = [p.sentinel for p in processes.values()]
ready = wait(readers + worker_sentinels)
ready = mp.connection.wait(readers + worker_sentinels)
cause = None
is_broken = True
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