Commit f7c41dfc authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Factored out classes for handling source and binary distributions. Source

now means "distutils-based source", binary "bdist format archive". Also
fixed various lurking bugs.
parent ddb57381
......@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ NO_EXECUTE=0
# Flavors:
# source: setup-based package
# binary: tar (or other) archive created with bdist.
DEFAULT_FLAVORORDER=['source', 'binary']
......@@ -38,11 +41,11 @@ DEFAULT_INSTALLDIR=distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
DEFAULT_PIMPDATABASE="" % distutils.util.get_platform()
(".tar.Z", "zcat \"%s\" | tar xf -"),
(".taz", "zcat \"%s\" | tar xf -"),
(".tar.gz", "zcat \"%s\" | tar xf -"),
(".tgz", "zcat \"%s\" | tar xf -"),
("", "bzcat \"%s\" | tar xf -"),
(".tar.Z", "zcat \"%s\" | tar -xf -"),
(".taz", "zcat \"%s\" | tar -xf -"),
(".tar.gz", "zcat \"%s\" | tar -xf -"),
(".tgz", "zcat \"%s\" | tar -xf -"),
("", "bzcat \"%s\" | tar -xf -"),
class MyURLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener):
......@@ -132,6 +135,11 @@ class PimpDatabase:
self._maintainer = ""
self._description = ""
def close(self):
"""Clean up"""
self._packages = []
self.preferences = None
def appendURL(self, url, included=0):
"""Append packages from the database with the given URL.
Only the first database should specify included=0, so the
......@@ -161,7 +169,14 @@ class PimpDatabase:
to our internal storage."""
for p in packages:
pkg = PimpPackage(self, dict(p))
p = dict(p)
flavor = p.get('Flavor')
if flavor == 'source':
pkg = PimpPackage_source(self, p)
elif flavor == 'binary':
pkg = PimpPackage_binary(self, p)
pkg = PimpPackage(self, dict(p))
def list(self):
......@@ -175,6 +190,7 @@ class PimpDatabase:
rv = []
for pkg in self._packages:
return rv
def dump(self, pathOrFile):
......@@ -266,7 +282,7 @@ class PimpPackage:
def version(self): return self._dict['Version']
def flavor(self): return self._dict['Flavor']
def description(self): return self._dict['Description']
def homepage(self): return self._dict['Home-page']
def homepage(self): return self._dict.get('Home-page')
def downloadURL(self): return self._dict['Download-URL']
def fullname(self):
......@@ -342,7 +358,7 @@ class PimpPackage:
rv = []
if not self._dict.get('Download-URL'):
return [(None, "This package needs to be installed manually")]
if not self._dict['Prerequisites']:
if not self._dict.get('Prerequisites'):
return []
for item in self._dict['Prerequisites']:
if type(item) == str:
......@@ -381,7 +397,7 @@ class PimpPackage:
rv = fp.close()
return rv
def downloadSinglePackage(self, output=None):
def downloadPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Download a single package, if needed.
An MD5 signature is used to determine whether download is needed,
......@@ -422,7 +438,7 @@ class PimpPackage:
checksum =
return checksum == self._dict['MD5Sum']
def unpackSinglePackage(self, output=None):
def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Unpack a downloaded package archive."""
filename = os.path.split(self.archiveFilename)[1]
......@@ -433,12 +449,12 @@ class PimpPackage:
return "unknown extension for archive file: %s" % filename
basename = filename[:-len(ext)]
cmd = cmd % self.archiveFilename
self._buildDirname = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.buildDir, basename)
if self._cmd(output, self._db.preferences.buildDir, cmd):
return "unpack command failed"
setupname = os.path.join(self._buildDirname, "")
if not os.path.exists(setupname) and not NO_EXECUTE:
return "no found after unpack of archive"
def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Default install method, to be overridden by subclasses"""
return "Cannot automatically install package %s" % self.fullname()
def installSinglePackage(self, output=None):
"""Download, unpack and install a single package.
......@@ -448,39 +464,27 @@ class PimpPackage:
if not self._dict['Download-URL']:
return "%s: This package needs to be installed manually" % _fmtpackagename(self)
msg = self.downloadSinglePackage(output)
msg = self.downloadPackageOnly(output)
if msg:
return "download %s: %s" % (self.fullname(), msg)
msg = self.unpackSinglePackage(output)
msg = self.unpackPackageOnly(output)
if msg:
return "unpack %s: %s" % (self.fullname(), msg)
if self._dict.has_key('Pre-install-command'):
if self._cmd(output, self._buildDirname, self._dict['Pre-install-command']):
return "pre-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Pre-install-command'])
old_contents = os.listdir(self._db.preferences.installDir)
installcmd = self._dict.get('Install-command')
if not installcmd:
installcmd = '"%s" install' % sys.executable
if self._cmd(output, self._buildDirname, installcmd):
return "install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % self.fullname()
return self.installPackageOnly(output)
new_contents = os.listdir(self._db.preferences.installDir)
self._interpretPthFiles(old_contents, new_contents)
def beforeInstall(self):
"""Bookkeeping before installation: remember what we have in site-packages"""
self._old_contents = os.listdir(self._db.preferences.installDir)
if self._dict.has_key('Post-install-command'):
if self._cmd(output, self._buildDirname, self._dict['Post-install-command']):
return "post-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Post-install-command'])
return None
def _interpretPthFiles(self, old_contents, new_contents):
"""Evaluate any new .pth files that have appeared after installing"""
def afterInstall(self):
"""Bookkeeping after installation: interpret any new .pth files that have
new_contents = os.listdir(self._db.preferences.installDir)
for fn in new_contents:
if fn in old_contents:
if fn in self._old_contents:
if fn[-4:] != '.pth':
......@@ -500,9 +504,91 @@ class PimpPackage:
line = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.installDir, line)
line = os.path.realpath(line)
if not line in sys.path:
class PimpPackage_binary(PimpPackage):
def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""We don't unpack binary packages until installing"""
def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Install a single source package.
If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
will receive a log of what happened."""
msgs = []
if self._dict.has_key('Pre-install-command'):
msg.append("%s: Pre-install-command ignored" % self.fullname())
if self._dict.has_key('Install-command'):
msgs.append("%s: Install-command ignored" % self.fullname())
if self._dict.has_key('Post-install-command'):
msgs.append("%s: Post-install-command ignored" % self.fullname())
# Install by unpacking
filename = os.path.split(self.archiveFilename)[1]
for ext, cmd in ARCHIVE_FORMATS:
if filename[-len(ext):] == ext:
return "unknown extension for archive file: %s" % filename
# Modify where the files are extracted
prefixmod = '-C /'
cmd = cmd % self.archiveFilename
if self._cmd(output, self._db.preferences.buildDir, cmd, prefixmod):
return "unpack command failed"
if self._dict.has_key('Post-install-command'):
if self._cmd(output, self._buildDirname, self._dict['Post-install-command']):
return "post-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Post-install-command'])
return None
class PimpPackage_source(PimpPackage):
def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Unpack a source package and check that exists"""
PimpPackage.unpackPackageOnly(self, output)
# Test that a setup script has been create
self._buildDirname = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.buildDir, basename)
setupname = os.path.join(self._buildDirname, "")
if not os.path.exists(setupname) and not NO_EXECUTE:
return "no found after unpack of archive"
def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Install a single source package.
If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
will receive a log of what happened."""
if self._dict.has_key('Pre-install-command'):
if self._cmd(output, self._buildDirname, self._dict['Pre-install-command']):
return "pre-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Pre-install-command'])
installcmd = self._dict.get('Install-command')
if not installcmd:
installcmd = '"%s" install' % sys.executable
if self._cmd(output, self._buildDirname, installcmd):
return "install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % self.fullname()
if self._dict.has_key('Post-install-command'):
if self._cmd(output, self._buildDirname, self._dict['Post-install-command']):
return "post-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Post-install-command'])
return None
class PimpInstaller:
"""Installer engine: computes dependencies and installs
packages in the right order."""
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