Commit f7ea03f3 authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

HTTPSConnection: prefer the context's check_hostname attribute over the...

HTTPSConnection: prefer the context's check_hostname attribute over the constructor parameter (#22959)
parent 5f68bfaa
......@@ -69,17 +69,12 @@ The module provides the following classes:
*key_file* and *cert_file* are deprecated, please use
:meth:`ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain` instead, or let
:func:`ssl.create_default_context` select the system's trusted CA
certificates for you.
certificates for you. The *check_hostname* parameter is also deprecated; the
:attr:`SSLContext.check_hostname` attribute of *context* should be used
Please read :ref:`ssl-security` for more information on best practices.
.. note::
If *context* is specified and has a :attr:`~ssl.SSLContext.verify_mode`
of either :data:`~ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL` or :data:`~ssl.CERT_REQUIRED`, then
by default *host* is matched against the host name(s) allowed by the
server's certificate. If you want to change that behaviour, you can
explicitly set *check_hostname* to False.
.. versionchanged:: 3.2
*source_address*, *context* and *check_hostname* were added.
......@@ -1210,8 +1210,8 @@ else:
context = ssl._create_default_https_context()
will_verify = context.verify_mode != ssl.CERT_NONE
if check_hostname is None:
check_hostname = will_verify
elif check_hostname and not will_verify:
check_hostname = context.check_hostname
if check_hostname and not will_verify:
raise ValueError("check_hostname needs a SSL context with "
if key_file or cert_file:
......@@ -882,6 +882,7 @@ class HTTPSTest(TestCase):
server = self.make_server(CERT_fakehostname)
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
context.check_hostname = True
h = client.HTTPSConnection('localhost', server.port, context=context)
with self.assertRaises(ssl.CertificateError):
......@@ -892,11 +893,24 @@ class HTTPSTest(TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(ssl.CertificateError):
h.request('GET', '/')
# With check_hostname=False, the mismatching is ignored
context.check_hostname = False
h = client.HTTPSConnection('localhost', server.port, context=context,
h.request('GET', '/nonexistent')
resp = h.getresponse()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 404)
# The context's check_hostname setting is used if one isn't passed to
# HTTPSConnection.
context.check_hostname = False
h = client.HTTPSConnection('localhost', server.port, context=context)
h.request('GET', '/nonexistent')
self.assertEqual(h.getresponse().status, 404)
# Passing check_hostname to HTTPSConnection should override the
# context's setting.
h = client.HTTPSConnection('localhost', server.port, context=context,
with self.assertRaises(ssl.CertificateError):
h.request('GET', '/')
@unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(client, 'HTTPSConnection'),
'http.client.HTTPSConnection not available')
......@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #22959: In the constructor of http.client.HTTPSConnection, prefer the
context's check_hostname attribute over the *check_hostname* parameter.
- Issue #16043: Add a default limit for the amount of data xmlrpclib.gzip_decode
will return. This resolves CVE-2013-1753.
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