Commit f9d58034 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Add change notes where im_class is discussed, since the exact meaning changes

with Python 2.2.
parent b62f0e1a
......@@ -30,62 +30,71 @@ provided as convenient choices for the second argument to
\function{getmembers()}. They also help you determine when
you can expect to find the following special attributes:
\lineiii{module}{__doc__}{documentation string}
\lineiii{}{__file__}{filename (missing for built-in modules)}
\lineiv{module}{__doc__}{documentation string}{}
\lineiv{}{__file__}{filename (missing for built-in modules)}{}
\lineiii{class}{__doc__}{documentation string}
\lineiii{}{__module__}{name of module in which this class was defined}
\lineiv{class}{__doc__}{documentation string}{}
\lineiv{}{__module__}{name of module in which this class was defined}{}
\lineiii{method}{__doc__}{documentation string}
\lineiii{}{__name__}{name with which this method was defined}
\lineiii{}{im_class}{class object that asked for this method}
\lineiii{}{im_func}{function object containing implementation of method}
\lineiii{}{im_self}{instance to which this method is bound, or \code{None}}
\lineiv{method}{__doc__}{documentation string}{}
\lineiv{}{__name__}{name with which this method was defined}{}
\lineiv{}{im_class}{class object that asked for this method}{(1)}
\lineiv{}{im_func}{function object containing implementation of method}{}
\lineiv{}{im_self}{instance to which this method is bound, or \code{None}}{}
\lineiii{function}{__doc__}{documentation string}
\lineiii{}{__name__}{name with which this function was defined}
\lineiii{}{func_code}{code object containing compiled function bytecode}
\lineiii{}{func_defaults}{tuple of any default values for arguments}
\lineiii{}{func_doc}{(same as __doc__)}
\lineiii{}{func_globals}{global namespace in which this function was defined}
\lineiii{}{func_name}{(same as __name__)}
\lineiv{function}{__doc__}{documentation string}{}
\lineiv{}{__name__}{name with which this function was defined}{}
\lineiv{}{func_code}{code object containing compiled function bytecode}{}
\lineiv{}{func_defaults}{tuple of any default values for arguments}{}
\lineiv{}{func_doc}{(same as __doc__)}{}
\lineiv{}{func_globals}{global namespace in which this function was defined}{}
\lineiv{}{func_name}{(same as __name__)}{}
\lineiii{traceback}{tb_frame}{frame object at this level}
\lineiii{}{tb_lasti}{index of last attempted instruction in bytecode}
\lineiii{}{tb_lineno}{current line number in Python source code}
\lineiii{}{tb_next}{next inner traceback object (called by this level)}
\lineiv{traceback}{tb_frame}{frame object at this level}{}
\lineiv{}{tb_lasti}{index of last attempted instruction in bytecode}{}
\lineiv{}{tb_lineno}{current line number in Python source code}{}
\lineiv{}{tb_next}{next inner traceback object (called by this level)}{}
\lineiii{frame}{f_back}{next outer frame object (this frame's caller)}
\lineiii{}{f_builtins}{built-in namespace seen by this frame}
\lineiii{}{f_code}{code object being executed in this frame}
\lineiii{}{f_exc_traceback}{traceback if raised in this frame, or \code{None}}
\lineiii{}{f_exc_type}{exception type if raised in this frame, or \code{None}}
\lineiii{}{f_exc_value}{exception value if raised in this frame, or \code{None}}
\lineiii{}{f_globals}{global namespace seen by this frame}
\lineiii{}{f_lasti}{index of last attempted instruction in bytecode}
\lineiii{}{f_lineno}{current line number in Python source code}
\lineiii{}{f_locals}{local namespace seen by this frame}
\lineiii{}{f_restricted}{0 or 1 if frame is in restricted execution mode}
\lineiii{}{f_trace}{tracing function for this frame, or \code{None}}
\lineiv{frame}{f_back}{next outer frame object (this frame's caller)}{}
\lineiv{}{f_builtins}{built-in namespace seen by this frame}{}
\lineiv{}{f_code}{code object being executed in this frame}{}
\lineiv{}{f_exc_traceback}{traceback if raised in this frame, or \code{None}}{}
\lineiv{}{f_exc_type}{exception type if raised in this frame, or \code{None}}{}
\lineiv{}{f_exc_value}{exception value if raised in this frame, or \code{None}}{}
\lineiv{}{f_globals}{global namespace seen by this frame}{}
\lineiv{}{f_lasti}{index of last attempted instruction in bytecode}{}
\lineiv{}{f_lineno}{current line number in Python source code}{}
\lineiv{}{f_locals}{local namespace seen by this frame}{}
\lineiv{}{f_restricted}{0 or 1 if frame is in restricted execution mode}{}
\lineiv{}{f_trace}{tracing function for this frame, or \code{None}}{}
\lineiii{code}{co_argcount}{number of arguments (not including * or ** args)}
\lineiii{}{co_code}{string of raw compiled bytecode}
\lineiii{}{co_consts}{tuple of constants used in the bytecode}
\lineiii{}{co_filename}{name of file in which this code object was created}
\lineiii{}{co_firstlineno}{number of first line in Python source code}
\lineiii{}{co_flags}{bitmap: 1=optimized \code{|} 2=newlocals \code{|} 4=*arg \code{|} 8=**arg}
\lineiii{}{co_lnotab}{encoded mapping of line numbers to bytecode indices}
\lineiii{}{co_name}{name with which this code object was defined}
\lineiii{}{co_names}{tuple of names of local variables}
\lineiii{}{co_nlocals}{number of local variables}
\lineiii{}{co_stacksize}{virtual machine stack space required}
\lineiii{}{co_varnames}{tuple of names of arguments and local variables}
\lineiv{code}{co_argcount}{number of arguments (not including * or ** args)}{}
\lineiv{}{co_code}{string of raw compiled bytecode}{}
\lineiv{}{co_consts}{tuple of constants used in the bytecode}{}
\lineiv{}{co_filename}{name of file in which this code object was created}{}
\lineiv{}{co_firstlineno}{number of first line in Python source code}{}
\lineiv{}{co_flags}{bitmap: 1=optimized \code{|} 2=newlocals \code{|} 4=*arg \code{|} 8=**arg}{}
\lineiv{}{co_lnotab}{encoded mapping of line numbers to bytecode indices}{}
\lineiv{}{co_name}{name with which this code object was defined}{}
\lineiv{}{co_names}{tuple of names of local variables}{}
\lineiv{}{co_nlocals}{number of local variables}{}
\lineiv{}{co_stacksize}{virtual machine stack space required}{}
\lineiv{}{co_varnames}{tuple of names of arguments and local variables}{}
\lineiii{builtin}{__doc__}{documentation string}
\lineiii{}{__name__}{original name of this function or method}
\lineiii{}{__self__}{instance to which a method is bound, or \code{None}}
\lineiv{builtin}{__doc__}{documentation string}{}
\lineiv{}{__name__}{original name of this function or method}{}
\lineiv{}{__self__}{instance to which a method is bound, or \code{None}}{}
\versionchanged[\member{im_class} used to refer to the class that
defined the method]{2.2}
\begin{funcdesc}{getmembers}{object\optional{, predicate}}
Return all the members of an object in a list of (name, value) pairs
......@@ -452,6 +452,8 @@ or the class that asked for the method for unbound methods);
\member{__doc__} is the method's documentation (same as
\code{im_func.__doc__}); \member{__name__} is the method name (same as
\versionchanged[\member{im_self} used to refer to the class that
defined the method]{2.2}
\withsubitem{(method attribute)}{
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