Commit fae2c353 authored by wohlganger's avatar wohlganger Committed by terryjreedy

bpo-30723: IDLE -- Enhance parenmatch; add style, flash, and help (#2306)

* Add 'parens' style to highlight both opener and closer.
* Make 'default' style, which is not default, a synonym for 'opener'.
* Make time-delay work the same with all styles.
* Add help for config dialog extensions tab, including parenmatch.
* Add new tests. 
Original patch by Charles Wohlganger.
parent 84d9d14a
......@@ -1407,6 +1407,21 @@ The IDLE Modern Unix key set is new in June 2016. It can only
be used with older IDLE releases if it is saved as a custom
key set, with a different name.
'Extensions': '''
Autocomplete: Popupwait is milleseconds to wait after key char, without
cursor movement, before popping up completion box. Key char is '.' after
identifier or a '/' (or '\\' on Windows) within a string.
FormatParagraph: Max-width is max chars in lines after re-formatting.
Use with paragraphs in both strings and comment blocks.
ParenMatch: Style indicates what is highlighted when closer is entered:
'opener' - opener '({[' corresponding to closer; 'parens' - both chars;
'expression' (default) - also everything in between. Flash-delay is how
long to highlight if cursor is not moved (0 means forever).
......@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
This must currently be a gui test because ParenMatch methods use
several text methods not defined on idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk.Text.
from idlelib.parenmatch import ParenMatch
from import requires
import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock
from tkinter import Tk, Text
from idlelib.parenmatch import ParenMatch
class DummyEditwin:
def __init__(self, text):
......@@ -44,46 +45,39 @@ class ParenMatchTest(unittest.TestCase):
pm.bell = lambda: None
return pm
def test_paren_expression(self):
def test_paren_styles(self):
Test ParenMatch with 'expression' style.
Test ParenMatch with each style.
text = self.text
pm = self.get_parenmatch()
text.insert('insert', 'def foobar(a, b')
self.assertIn('<<parenmatch-check-restore>>', text.event_info())
self.assertTupleEqual(text.tag_prevrange('paren', 'end'),
('1.10', '1.15'))
text.insert('insert', ')')
self.assertNotIn('<<parenmatch-check-restore>>', text.event_info())
self.assertEqual(text.tag_prevrange('paren', 'end'), ())
# paren_closed_event can only be tested as below
self.assertTupleEqual(text.tag_prevrange('paren', 'end'),
('1.10', '1.16'))
def test_paren_default(self):
Test ParenMatch with 'default' style.
text = self.text
pm = self.get_parenmatch()
text.insert('insert', 'def foobar(a, b')
self.assertIn('<<parenmatch-check-restore>>', text.event_info())
self.assertTupleEqual(text.tag_prevrange('paren', 'end'),
('1.10', '1.11'))
text.insert('insert', ')')
self.assertNotIn('<<parenmatch-check-restore>>', text.event_info())
self.assertEqual(text.tag_prevrange('paren', 'end'), ())
for style, range1, range2 in (
('opener', ('1.10', '1.11'), ('1.10', '1.11')),
('default',('1.10', '1.11'),('1.10', '1.11')),
('parens', ('1.14', '1.15'), ('1.15', '1.16')),
('expression', ('1.10', '1.15'), ('1.10', '1.16'))):
with self.subTest(style=style):
text.delete('1.0', 'end')
text.insert('insert', 'def foobar(a, b')
self.assertIn('<<parenmatch-check-restore>>', text.event_info())
if style == 'parens':
self.assertTupleEqual(text.tag_nextrange('paren', '1.0'),
('1.10', '1.11'))
text.tag_prevrange('paren', 'end'), range1)
text.insert('insert', ')')
self.assertEqual(text.tag_prevrange('paren', 'end'), ())
text.tag_prevrange('paren', 'end'), range2)
def test_paren_corner(self):
......@@ -11,43 +11,37 @@ _openers = {')':'(',']':'[','}':'{'}
CHECK_DELAY = 100 # milliseconds
class ParenMatch:
"""Highlight matching parentheses
"""Highlight matching openers and closers, (), [], and {}.
There are three supported style of paren matching, based loosely
on the Emacs options. The style is select based on the
HILITE_STYLE attribute; it can be changed used the set_style
There are three supported styles of paren matching. When a right
paren (opener) is typed:
The supported styles are:
opener -- highlight the matching left paren (closer);
parens -- highlight the left and right parens (opener and closer);
expression -- highlight the entire expression from opener to closer.
(For back compatibility, 'default' is a synonym for 'opener').
default -- When a right paren is typed, highlight the matching
left paren for 1/2 sec.
expression -- When a right paren is typed, highlight the entire
expression from the left paren to the right paren.
Flash-delay is the maximum milliseconds the highlighting remains.
Any cursor movement (key press or click) before that removes the
highlight. If flash-delay is 0, there is no maximum.
- extend IDLE with configuration dialog to change options
- implement rest of Emacs highlight styles (see below)
- print mismatch warning in IDLE status window
Note: In Emacs, there are several styles of highlight where the
matching paren is highlighted whenever the cursor is immediately
to the right of a right paren. I don't know how to do that in Tk,
so I haven't bothered.
- Augment bell() with mismatch warning in status window.
- Highlight when cursor is moved to the right of a closer.
This might be too expensive to check.
menudefs = [
('edit', [
("Show surrounding parens", "<<flash-paren>>"),
STYLE = idleConf.GetOption('extensions','ParenMatch','style',
FLASH_DELAY = idleConf.GetOption('extensions','ParenMatch','flash-delay',
STYLE = idleConf.GetOption(
'extensions','ParenMatch','style', default='expression')
FLASH_DELAY = idleConf.GetOption(
'extensions','ParenMatch','flash-delay', type='int',default=500)
BELL = idleConf.GetOption(
'extensions','ParenMatch','bell', type='bool',default=1)
HILITE_CONFIG = idleConf.GetHighlight(idleConf.CurrentTheme(),'hilite')
BELL = idleConf.GetOption('extensions','ParenMatch','bell',
RESTORE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME = "<<parenmatch-check-restore>>"
# We want the restore event be called before the usual return and
......@@ -69,27 +63,32 @@ class ParenMatch:
def activate_restore(self):
"Activate mechanism to restore text from highlighting."
if not self.is_restore_active:
for seq in self.RESTORE_SEQUENCES:
self.text.event_add(self.RESTORE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME, seq)
self.is_restore_active = True
def deactivate_restore(self):
"Remove restore event bindings."
if self.is_restore_active:
for seq in self.RESTORE_SEQUENCES:
self.text.event_delete(self.RESTORE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME, seq)
self.is_restore_active = False
def set_style(self, style):
"Set tag and timeout functions."
self.STYLE = style
if style == "default":
self.create_tag = self.create_tag_default
self.set_timeout = self.set_timeout_last
elif style == "expression":
self.create_tag = self.create_tag_expression
self.set_timeout = self.set_timeout_none
self.create_tag = (
self.create_tag_opener if style in {"opener", "default"} else
self.create_tag_parens if style == "parens" else
self.create_tag_expression) # "expression" or unknown
self.set_timeout = (self.set_timeout_last if self.FLASH_DELAY else
def flash_paren_event(self, event):
"Handle editor 'show surrounding parens' event (menu or shortcut)."
indices = (HyperParser(self.editwin, "insert")
if indices is None:
......@@ -97,11 +96,12 @@ class ParenMatch:
return "break"
return "break"
def paren_closed_event(self, event):
# If it was a shortcut and not really a closing paren, quit.
"Handle user input of closer."
# If user bound non-closer to <<paren-closed>>, quit.
closer = self.text.get("insert-1c")
if closer not in _openers:
return "break"
......@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ class ParenMatch:
return "break"
def restore_event(self, event=None):
"Remove effect of doing match."
self.counter += 1 # disable the last timer, if there is one.
......@@ -129,11 +130,20 @@ class ParenMatch:
# any one of the create_tag_XXX methods can be used depending on
# the style
def create_tag_default(self, indices):
def create_tag_opener(self, indices):
"""Highlight the single paren that matches"""
self.text.tag_add("paren", indices[0])
self.text.tag_config("paren", self.HILITE_CONFIG)
def create_tag_parens(self, indices):
"""Highlight the left and right parens"""
if self.text.get(indices[1]) in (')', ']', '}'):
rightindex = indices[1]+"+1c"
rightindex = indices[1]
self.text.tag_add("paren", indices[0], indices[0]+"+1c", rightindex+"-1c", rightindex)
self.text.tag_config("paren", self.HILITE_CONFIG)
def create_tag_expression(self, indices):
"""Highlight the entire expression"""
if self.text.get(indices[1]) in (')', ']', '}'):
......@@ -162,7 +172,7 @@ class ParenMatch:
self.editwin.text_frame.after(CHECK_DELAY, callme, callme)
def set_timeout_last(self):
"""The last highlight created will be removed after .5 sec"""
"""The last highlight created will be removed after FLASH_DELAY millisecs"""
# associate a counter with an event; only disable the "paren"
# tag if the event is for the most recent timer.
self.counter += 1
......@@ -1713,6 +1713,7 @@ John Wiseman
Chris Withers
Stefan Witzel
Irek Wlizlo
Charles Wohlganger
David Wolever
Klaus-Juergen Wolf
Dan Wolfe
IDLE: Make several improvements to parenmatch. Add 'parens' style to
highlight both opener and closer. Make 'default' style, which is not
default, a synonym for 'opener'. Make time-delay work the same with all
styles. Add help for config dialog extensions tab, including help for
parenmatch. Add new tests. Original patch by Charles Wohlganger.
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