Commit faf52edb authored by Raymond Hettinger's avatar Raymond Hettinger

Fix-up a comment

parent c323cca8
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ def lru_cache(maxsize=100, typed=False):
cache = {}
hits = misses = 0
kwd_mark = (object(),) # separate positional and keyword args
cache_get = cache.get # bound method to lookup key or return None
cache_get = cache.get # bound method to lookup a key or return None
sentinel = object() # unique object used with cache_get
_len = len # localize the global len() function
lock = Lock() # because linkedlist updates aren't threadsafe
......@@ -250,8 +250,7 @@ def lru_cache(maxsize=100, typed=False):
# empty the oldest link and make it the new root
root = root[NEXT]
del cache[root[KEY]]
root[KEY] = None
root[RESULT] = None
root[KEY] = root[RESULT] = None
misses += 1
return result
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