Commit fb26d080 authored by Ezio Melotti's avatar Ezio Melotti

#14089: increase coverage of the fractions module. Patch by Oleg Plakhotnyuk.

parent de39c03c
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import math
import numbers
import operator
import fractions
import sys
import unittest
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from pickle import dumps, loads
......@@ -76,6 +77,9 @@ class DummyRational(object):
def __float__(self):
assert False, "__float__ should not be invoked"
class DummyFraction(fractions.Fraction):
"""Dummy Fraction subclass for copy and deepcopy testing."""
class GcdTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testMisc(self):
......@@ -286,9 +290,14 @@ class FractionTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(F(201, 200).limit_denominator(100), F(1))
self.assertEqual(F(201, 200).limit_denominator(101), F(102, 101))
self.assertEqual(F(0).limit_denominator(10000), F(0))
for i in (0, -1):
ValueError, "max_denominator should be at least 1",
F(1).limit_denominator, i)
def testConversions(self):
self.assertTypedEquals(-1, math.trunc(F(-11, 10)))
self.assertTypedEquals(1, math.trunc(F(11, 10)))
self.assertTypedEquals(-2, math.floor(F(-11, 10)))
self.assertTypedEquals(-1, math.ceil(F(-11, 10)))
self.assertTypedEquals(-1, math.ceil(F(-10, 10)))
......@@ -329,6 +338,7 @@ class FractionTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(F(8, 27), F(2, 3) ** F(3))
self.assertEqual(F(27, 8), F(2, 3) ** F(-3))
self.assertTypedEquals(2.0, F(4) ** F(1, 2))
self.assertEqual(F(1, 1), +F(1, 1))
z = pow(F(-1), F(1, 2))
self.assertAlmostEqual(z.real, 0)
self.assertEqual(z.imag, 1)
......@@ -395,6 +405,10 @@ class FractionTest(unittest.TestCase):
"unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Fraction' and 'Decimal'",
operator.add, F(3,11), Decimal('3.1415926'))
"unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Decimal' and 'Fraction'",
operator.add, Decimal('3.1415926'), F(3,11))
def testComparisons(self):
self.assertTrue(F(1, 2) < F(2, 3))
......@@ -538,9 +552,12 @@ class FractionTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual("7", str(F(7, 1)))
def testHash(self):
hmod = sys.hash_info.modulus
hinf = sys.hash_info.inf
self.assertEqual(hash(2.5), hash(F(5, 2)))
self.assertEqual(hash(10**50), hash(F(10**50)))
self.assertNotEqual(hash(float(10**23)), hash(F(10**23)))
self.assertEqual(hinf, hash(F(1, hmod)))
# Check that __hash__ produces the same value as hash(), for
# consistency with int and Decimal. (See issue #10356.)
self.assertEqual(hash(F(-1)), F(-1).__hash__())
......@@ -574,9 +591,14 @@ class FractionTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_copy_deepcopy_pickle(self):
r = F(13, 7)
dr = DummyFraction(13, 7)
self.assertEqual(r, loads(dumps(r)))
self.assertEqual(id(r), id(copy(r)))
self.assertEqual(id(r), id(deepcopy(r)))
self.assertNotEqual(id(dr), id(copy(dr)))
self.assertNotEqual(id(dr), id(deepcopy(dr)))
self.assertTypedEquals(dr, copy(dr))
self.assertTypedEquals(dr, deepcopy(dr))
def test_slots(self):
# Issue 4998
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