Commit fb662972 authored by Michael W. Hudson's avatar Michael W. Hudson

Add a(nother) warning about mixing Py_NewInterpreter and the

PyGILState_* functions.
parent 7390942a
......@@ -131,6 +131,12 @@
objects may affect the wrong (sub-)interpreter's dictionary of
loaded modules. (XXX This is a hard-to-fix bug that will be
addressed in a future release.)
Also note that the use of this functionality is incompatible with
extension modules such as PyObjC and ctypes that use the
\cfunction{PyGILState_*} APIs (and this is inherent in the way the
\cfunction{PyGILState_*} functions work). Simple things may work,
but confusing behavior will always be near.
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{Py_EndInterpreter}{PyThreadState *tstate}
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