Commit fc7e40d6 authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #15861: tkinter now correctly works with lists and tuples containing

strings with whitespaces, backslashes or unbalanced braces.
parent b78e7f80
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ if sys.platform == "win32":
import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk
TclError = _tkinter.TclError
from tkinter.constants import *
import re
wantobjects = 1
......@@ -50,6 +51,34 @@ WRITABLE = _tkinter.WRITABLE
_magic_re = re.compile(r'([\\{}])')
_space_re = re.compile(r'([\s])', re.ASCII)
def _join(value):
"""Internal function."""
return ' '.join(map(_stringify, value))
def _stringify(value):
"""Internal function."""
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
if len(value) == 1:
value = _stringify(value[0])
if value[0] == '{':
value = '{%s}' % value
value = '{%s}' % _join(value)
value = str(value)
if not value:
value = '{}'
# add '\' before special characters and spaces
value = _magic_re.sub(r'\\\1', value)
value = _space_re.sub(r'\\\1', value)
elif value[0] == '"' or
value = '{%s}' % value
return value
def _flatten(seq):
"""Internal function."""
res = ()
......@@ -1075,7 +1104,7 @@ class Misc:
if isinstance(item, int):
elif isinstance(item, str):
nv.append(('{%s}' if ' ' in item else '%s') % item)
......@@ -49,13 +49,17 @@ class InternalFunctionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
ttk._format_optdict({'test': {'left': 'as is'}}),
{'-test': {'left': 'as is'}})
# check script formatting and untouched value(s)
# check script formatting
{'test': [1, -1, '', '2m', 0], 'nochange1': 3,
'nochange2': 'abc def'}, script=True),
{'-test': '{1 -1 {} 2m 0}', '-nochange1': 3,
'-nochange2': 'abc def' })
{'test': [1, -1, '', '2m', 0], 'test2': 3,
'test3': '', 'test4': 'abc def',
'test5': '"abc"', 'test6': '{}',
'test7': '} -spam {'}, script=True),
{'-test': '{1 -1 {} 2m 0}', '-test2': '3',
'-test3': '{}', '-test4': '{abc def}',
'-test5': '{"abc"}', '-test6': r'\{\}',
'-test7': r'\}\ -spam\ \{'})
opts = {'αβγ': True, 'á': False}
orig_opts = opts.copy()
......@@ -69,6 +73,32 @@ class InternalFunctionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
{'option': ('one two', 'three')}),
{'-option': '{one two} three'})
{'option': ('one\ttwo', 'three')}),
{'-option': '{one\ttwo} three'})
# passing empty strings inside a tuple/list
{'option': ('', 'one')}),
{'-option': '{} one'})
# passing values with braces inside a tuple/list
{'option': ('one} {two', 'three')}),
{'-option': r'one\}\ \{two three'})
# passing quoted strings inside a tuple/list
{'option': ('"one"', 'two')}),
{'-option': '{"one"} two'})
{'option': ('{one}', 'two')}),
{'-option': r'\{one\} two'})
# ignore an option
amount_opts = len(ttk._format_optdict(opts, ignore=('á'))) / 2
......@@ -189,6 +189,14 @@ class ComboboxTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.combo.configure(values=[1, '', 2])
self.assertEqual(self.combo['values'], ('1', '', '2'))
# testing values with spaces
self.combo['values'] = ['a b', 'a\tb', 'a\nb']
self.assertEqual(self.combo['values'], ('a b', 'a\tb', 'a\nb'))
# testing values with special characters
self.combo['values'] = [r'a\tb', '"a"', '} {']
self.assertEqual(self.combo['values'], (r'a\tb', '"a"', '} {'))
# out of range
self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.combo.current,
......@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ __all__ = ["Button", "Checkbutton", "Combobox", "Entry", "Frame", "Label",
"tclobjs_to_py", "setup_master"]
import tkinter
_flatten = tkinter._flatten
from tkinter import _flatten, _join, _stringify
# Verify if Tk is new enough to not need the Tile package
_REQUIRE_TILE = True if tkinter.TkVersion < 8.5 else False
......@@ -47,40 +46,55 @@ def _load_tile(master):'package require tile') # TclError may be raised here
master._tile_loaded = True
def _format_optvalue(value, script=False):
"""Internal function."""
if script:
# if caller passes a Tcl script to, all the values need to
# be grouped into words (arguments to a command in Tcl dialect)
value = _stringify(value)
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = _join(value)
return value
def _format_optdict(optdict, script=False, ignore=None):
"""Formats optdict to a tuple to pass it to
E.g. (script=False):
{'foreground': 'blue', 'padding': [1, 2, 3, 4]} returns:
('-foreground', 'blue', '-padding', '1 2 3 4')"""
format = "%s" if not script else "{%s}"
opts = []
for opt, value in optdict.items():
if ignore and opt in ignore:
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
v = []
for val in value:
if isinstance(val, str):
v.append(str(val) if val else '{}')
# format v according to the script option, but also check for
# space in any value in v in order to group them correctly
value = format % ' '.join(
('{%s}' if ' ' in val else '%s') % val for val in v)
if not ignore or opt not in ignore:
opts.append("-%s" % opt)
if value is not None:
opts.append(_format_optvalue(value, script))
if script and value == '':
value = '{}' # empty string in Python is equivalent to {} in Tcl
opts.append(("-%s" % opt, value))
# Remember: _flatten skips over None
return _flatten(opts)
def _mapdict_values(items):
# each value in mapdict is expected to be a sequence, where each item
# is another sequence containing a state (or several) and a value
# E.g. (script=False):
# [('active', 'selected', 'grey'), ('focus', [1, 2, 3, 4])]
# returns:
# ['active selected', 'grey', 'focus', [1, 2, 3, 4]]
opt_val = []
for *state, val in items:
# hacks for bakward compatibility
state[0] # raise IndexError if empty
if len(state) == 1:
# if it is empty (something that evaluates to False), then
# format it to Tcl code to denote the "normal" state
state = state[0] or ''
# group multiple states
state = ' '.join(state) # raise TypeError if not str
if val is not None:
return opt_val
def _format_mapdict(mapdict, script=False):
"""Formats mapdict to pass it to
......@@ -90,32 +104,11 @@ def _format_mapdict(mapdict, script=False):
('-expand', '{active selected} grey focus {1, 2, 3, 4}')"""
# if caller passes a Tcl script to, all the values need to
# be grouped into words (arguments to a command in Tcl dialect)
format = "%s" if not script else "{%s}"
opts = []
for opt, value in mapdict.items():
opt_val = []
# each value in mapdict is expected to be a sequence, where each item
# is another sequence containing a state (or several) and a value
for statespec in value:
state, val = statespec[:-1], statespec[-1]
if len(state) > 1: # group multiple states
state = "{%s}" % ' '.join(state)
else: # single state
# if it is empty (something that evaluates to False), then
# format it to Tcl code to denote the "normal" state
state = state[0] or '{}'
if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): # val needs to be grouped
val = "{%s}" % ' '.join(map(str, val))
opt_val.append("%s %s" % (state, val))
opts.append(("-%s" % opt, format % ' '.join(opt_val)))
opts.extend(("-%s" % opt,
_format_optvalue(_mapdict_values(value), script)))
return _flatten(opts)
......@@ -129,7 +122,7 @@ def _format_elemcreate(etype, script=False, *args, **kw):
iname = args[0]
# next args, if any, are statespec/value pairs which is almost
# a mapdict, but we just need the value
imagespec = _format_mapdict({None: args[1:]})[1]
imagespec = _join(_mapdict_values(args[1:]))
spec = "%s %s" % (iname, imagespec)
......@@ -138,7 +131,7 @@ def _format_elemcreate(etype, script=False, *args, **kw):
# themed styles on Windows XP and Vista.
# Availability: Tk 8.6, Windows XP and Vista.
class_name, part_id = args[:2]
statemap = _format_mapdict({None: args[2:]})[1]
statemap = _join(_mapdict_values(args[2:]))
spec = "%s %s %s" % (class_name, part_id, statemap)
opts = _format_optdict(kw, script)
......@@ -148,11 +141,11 @@ def _format_elemcreate(etype, script=False, *args, **kw):
# otherwise it will clone {} (empty element)
spec = args[0] # theme name
if len(args) > 1: # elementfrom specified
opts = (args[1], )
opts = (_format_optvalue(args[1], script),)
if script:
spec = '{%s}' % spec
opts = ' '.join(map(str, opts))
opts = ' '.join(opts)
return spec, opts
......@@ -189,7 +182,7 @@ def _format_layoutlist(layout, indent=0, indent_size=2):
for layout_elem in layout:
elem, opts = layout_elem
opts = opts or {}
fopts = ' '.join(map(str, _format_optdict(opts, True, "children")))
fopts = ' '.join(_format_optdict(opts, True, ("children",)))
head = "%s%s%s" % (' ' * indent, elem, (" %s" % fopts) if fopts else '')
if "children" in opts:
......@@ -215,11 +208,11 @@ def _script_from_settings(settings):
for name, opts in settings.items():
# will format specific keys according to Tcl code
if opts.get('configure'): # format 'configure'
s = ' '.join(map(str, _format_optdict(opts['configure'], True)))
s = ' '.join(_format_optdict(opts['configure'], True))
script.append("ttk::style configure %s %s;" % (name, s))
if opts.get('map'): # format 'map'
s = ' '.join(map(str, _format_mapdict(opts['map'], True)))
s = ' '.join(_format_mapdict(opts['map'], True))
script.append("ttk::style map %s %s;" % (name, s))
if 'layout' in opts: # format 'layout' which may be empty
......@@ -706,30 +699,9 @@ class Combobox(Entry):
exportselection, justify, height, postcommand, state,
textvariable, values, width
# The "values" option may need special formatting, so leave to
# _format_optdict the responsibility to format it
if "values" in kw:
kw["values"] = _format_optdict({'v': kw["values"]})[1]
Entry.__init__(self, master, "ttk::combobox", **kw)
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
if item == "values":
value = _format_optdict({item: value})[1]
Entry.__setitem__(self, item, value)
def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
"""Custom Combobox configure, created to properly format the values
if "values" in kw:
kw["values"] = _format_optdict({'v': kw["values"]})[1]
return Entry.configure(self, cnf, **kw)
def current(self, newindex=None):
"""If newindex is supplied, sets the combobox value to the
element at position newindex in the list of values. Otherwise,
......@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #15861: tkinter now correctly works with lists and tuples containing
strings with whitespaces, backslashes or unbalanced braces.
- Issue #10527: Use poll() instead of select() for multiprocessing pipes.
- Issue #9720: zipfile now writes correct local headers for files larger than
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