Commit fca224f1 authored by Mariatta's avatar Mariatta Committed by Brett Cannon

bpo-30380: Pin the version of Sphinx used to build the documentation (GH-1612)

parent d97b7dc9
......@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ matrix:
- TESTING=docs
- cd Doc
- make venv
# Sphinx is pinned so that new versions that introduce new warnings won't suddenly cause build failures.
# (Updating the version is fine as long as no warnings are raised by doing so.)
- python -m pip install sphinx~=1.6.1
- make check suspicious html PYTHON="./venv/bin/python" SPHINXBUILD="./venv/bin/python -m sphinx" SPHINXOPTS="-q -W"
- make check suspicious html SPHINXOPTS="-q -W"
- os: linux
language: c
compiler: gcc
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