Commit fcd53389 authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner

Issue #18408: Fix PyCode_Optimize(): raise a MemoryError on memory allocation

parent 373886ee
......@@ -381,8 +381,10 @@ PyCode_Optimize(PyObject *code, PyObject* consts, PyObject *names,
/* Make a modifiable copy of the code string */
codestr = (unsigned char *)PyMem_Malloc(codelen);
if (codestr == NULL)
if (codestr == NULL) {
goto exitError;
codestr = (unsigned char *)memcpy(codestr,
PyBytes_AS_STRING(code), codelen);
......@@ -396,8 +398,10 @@ PyCode_Optimize(PyObject *code, PyObject* consts, PyObject *names,
/* Mapping to new jump targets after NOPs are removed */
addrmap = (int *)PyMem_Malloc(codelen * sizeof(int));
if (addrmap == NULL)
if (addrmap == NULL) {
goto exitError;
blocks = markblocks(codestr, codelen);
if (blocks == NULL)
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