Commit ff3eca0c authored by Stefan Krah's avatar Stefan Krah

Allow printing a leading '-' and the maximum number of exponent digits

rather than raising RuntimeError (allocated space is sufficient for the
additional character).
parent 0774e9b9
......@@ -4977,6 +4977,54 @@ class CWhitebox(unittest.TestCase):
x = "1e%d" % (-sys.maxsize-1)
self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x)
def test_from_tuple(self):
Decimal = C.Decimal
localcontext = C.localcontext
InvalidOperation = C.InvalidOperation
Overflow = C.Overflow
Underflow = C.Underflow
with localcontext() as c:
c.traps[InvalidOperation] = True
c.traps[Overflow] = True
c.traps[Underflow] = True
x = (1, (), sys.maxsize)
self.assertEqual(str(c.create_decimal(x)), '-0E+999999')
self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x)
x = (1, (0, 1, 2), sys.maxsize)
self.assertRaises(Overflow, c.create_decimal, x)
self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x)
x = (1, (), -sys.maxsize-1)
self.assertEqual(str(c.create_decimal(x)), '-0E-1000026')
self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x)
x = (1, (0, 1, 2), -sys.maxsize-1)
self.assertRaises(Underflow, c.create_decimal, x)
self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x)
# OverflowError
x = (1, (), sys.maxsize+1)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, c.create_decimal, x)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Decimal, x)
x = (1, (), -sys.maxsize-2)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, c.create_decimal, x)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Decimal, x)
# Specials
x = (1, (), "N")
self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(x)), '-sNaN')
x = (1, (0,), "N")
self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(x)), '-sNaN')
x = (1, (0, 1), "N")
self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(x)), '-sNaN1')
all_tests = [
CExplicitConstructionTest, PyExplicitConstructionTest,
......@@ -2435,8 +2435,8 @@ dectuple_as_str(PyObject *dectuple)
if (sign_special[1] == '\0') {
/* not a special number */
*cp++ = 'E';
n = snprintf(cp, MPD_EXPDIGITS+1, "%" PRI_mpd_ssize_t, exp);
if (n < 0 || n >= MPD_EXPDIGITS+1) {
n = snprintf(cp, MPD_EXPDIGITS+2, "%" PRI_mpd_ssize_t, exp);
if (n < 0 || n >= MPD_EXPDIGITS+2) {
"internal error in dec_sequence_as_str");
goto error;
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