Commit ff88556a authored by Martin v. Löwis's avatar Martin v. Löwis

Patch #449083: Use builtins to initalize the module.

parent 8e938b42
......@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ NoneType = type(None)
TypeType = type
ObjectType = object
IntType = type(0)
LongType = type(0L)
FloatType = type(0.0)
IntType = int
LongType = long
FloatType = float
ComplexType = type(complex(0,1))
ComplexType = complex
except NameError:
StringType = type('')
UnicodeType = type(u'')
StringType = str
UnicodeType = unicode
BufferType = type(buffer(''))
TupleType = type(())
TupleType = tuple
ListType = list
DictType = DictionaryType = dictionary
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