Commit ffd6f90b authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Fixing some RFC 2231 related issues as reported in the Spambayes

project, and with assistance from Oleg Broytmann.  Specifically,
added some new tests to make sure we handle RFC 2231 encoded
parameters correctly.  Two new data files were added which contain RFC
2231 encoded parameters.
parent 6533fcb3
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 12:23:03 -0500
From: Anne Person <>
To: Barney Dude <>
Subject: Re: Limiting Perl CPU Utilization...
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Some message.
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 11:11:09 -0500
From: Anne Person <>
To: Barney Dude <>
Subject: Re: Limiting Perl CPU Utilization...
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......@@ -1465,6 +1465,14 @@ class TestIdempotent(TestEmailBase):
msg, text = self._msgobj('msg_31.txt')
self._idempotent(msg, text)
def test_rfc2231_charset(self):
msg, text = self._msgobj('msg_32.txt')
self._idempotent(msg, text)
def test_more_rfc2231_parameters(self):
msg, text = self._msgobj('msg_33.txt')
self._idempotent(msg, text)
def test_content_type(self):
eq = self.assertEquals
unless = self.failUnless
......@@ -1514,6 +1522,7 @@ class TestIdempotent(TestEmailBase):
self.failUnless(isinstance(msg1.get_payload(), StringType))
eq(msg1.get_payload(), '\n')
# Test various other bits of the package's functionality
class TestMiscellaneous(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -2147,6 +2156,15 @@ A very long line that must get split to something other than at the
h.append('hello', 'iso-8859-1')
eq(h, '=?iso-8859-1?q?hello?=')
def test_unicode_error(self):
raises = self.assertRaises
raises(UnicodeError, Header, u'[P\xf6stal]', 'us-ascii')
raises(UnicodeError, Header, '[P\xf6stal]', 'us-ascii')
h = Header()
raises(UnicodeError, h.append, u'[P\xf6stal]', 'us-ascii')
raises(UnicodeError, h.append, '[P\xf6stal]', 'us-ascii')
raises(UnicodeError, Header, u'\u83ca\u5730\u6642\u592b', 'iso-8859-1')
# Test RFC 2231 header parameters (en/de)coding
......@@ -2226,6 +2244,11 @@ Do you like this message?
def test_rfc2231_get_content_charset(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
msg = self._msgobj('msg_32.txt')
eq(msg.get_content_charset(), 'us-ascii')
def _testclasses():
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