Commit fff0d245 authored by Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar Kurt B. Kaiser

Source file f.flush() after writing; trying to avoid lossage if user

kills GUI.  Report from B. Sherwood.  Backport to 2.3.4.
parent 03a609bf
......@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ class IOBinding:
f = open(filename, "wb")
return True
except IOError, msg:
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ What's New in IDLE 1.2a0?
*Release date: XX-XXX-2006*
- Source file f.flush() after writing; trying to avoid lossage if user
kills GUI.
- Options / Keys / Advanced dialog made functional. Also, allow binding
of 'movement' keys.
......@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ What's New in IDLE 1.2a0?
- Improve error handling when .idlerc can't be created (warn and exit).
- The GUI was hanging if the shell window was closed while a raw_input()
- The GUI was hanging if the shell window was closed while a raw_input()
was pending. Restored the quit() of the readline() mainloop().
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