1. 12 Jul, 2004 7 commits
    • Andrew MacIntyre's avatar
      FreeBSD's services file contains an additional echo service entry, with · 18bf43c4
      Andrew MacIntyre authored
      a non-standard protocol and on a lower port than the tcp/udp entries,
      which breaks the assumption that there will only be one service by a
      given name on a given port when no protocol is specified.
      Previous versions of this code have had other problems as a result of
      different service definitions amongst common platforms.  As this platform
      has an extra, unexpected, service entry, I've special cased the platform
      rather than re-order the list of services checked to highlight the pitfall.
    • Anthony Baxter's avatar
      install test/decimaltestdata as well · fd4984d1
      Anthony Baxter authored
    • Anthony Baxter's avatar
      install test/decimaltestdata as well · 1e2bd5bf
      Anthony Baxter authored
    • Vinay Sajip's avatar
      Removed debugging print statements from TimedRotatingFileHandler, and sorted... · 5e9e9e19
      Vinay Sajip authored
      Removed debugging print statements from TimedRotatingFileHandler, and sorted list returned by glob.glob() (SF #987166)
    • Anthony Baxter's avatar
      another note for amk · 1869df11
      Anthony Baxter authored
    • Tim Peters's avatar
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Bug #788520: Queue class has logic error when non-blocking · 5af0e414
      Tim Peters authored
      I don't agree it had a bug (see the report), so this is *not* a candidate
      for backporting, but the docs were confusing and the Queue implementation
      was old enough to vote.
      Rewrote put/put_nowait/get/get_nowait from scratch, to use a pair of
      Conditions (not_full and not_empty), sharing a common mutex.  The code
      is 1/4 the size now, and 6.25x easier to understand.  For blocking
      with timeout, we also get to reuse (indirectly) the tedious timeout
      code from threading.Condition.  The Full and Empty exceptions raised
      by non-blocking calls are now easy (instead of nearly impossible) to
      explain truthfully:  Full is raised if and only if the Queue truly
      is full when the non-blocking put call checks the queue size, and
      similarly for Empty versus non-blocking get.
      What I don't know is whether the new implementation is slower (or
      faster) than the old one.  I don't really care.  Anyone who cares
      a lot is encouraged to check that.
  2. 11 Jul, 2004 10 commits
  3. 10 Jul, 2004 23 commits