1. 23 Mar, 2010 14 commits
    • Ezio Melotti's avatar
      Blocked revisions 77911 via svnmerge · 2046d8eb
      Ezio Melotti authored
        r77911 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-02 17:12:42 +0200 (Tue, 02 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Silence a couple of -3 warnings
    • Ezio Melotti's avatar
      Blocked revisions 77548,77796,77809 via svnmerge · 290ea416
      Ezio Melotti authored
        r77548 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-16 21:36:42 +0200 (Sat, 16 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        remove wrong markup
        r77796 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-27 22:25:11 +0200 (Wed, 27 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7765: typos
        r77809 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-28 03:41:30 +0200 (Thu, 28 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        avoid to use zlib when the compress type is not ZIP_DEFLATED
    • Florent Xicluna's avatar
    • Florent Xicluna's avatar
      Merged revisions 79297,79307 via svnmerge from · e26dc53a
      Florent Xicluna authored
        r79297 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-22 18:18:18 +0100 (lun, 22 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #7668: Fix test_httpservers failure when sys.executable contains non-ASCII bytes.
        r79307 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-22 23:45:50 +0100 (lun, 22 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #7667: Fix doctest failures with non-ASCII paths.
    • Ezio Melotti's avatar
      Merged revisions 77298 via svnmerge from · 9b3da773
      Ezio Melotti authored
        r77298 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-04 11:00:11 +0200 (Mon, 04 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        fixed markup errors
    • Ezio Melotti's avatar
      Merged revisions 73824,78887,78895,78900,79024 via svnmerge from · 1a091c5b
      Ezio Melotti authored
        r73824 | ezio.melotti | 2009-07-04 04:18:08 +0300 (Sat, 04 Jul 2009) | 1 line
        #6398 typo: versio. -> version.
        r78887 | ezio.melotti | 2010-03-13 02:15:36 +0200 (Sat, 13 Mar 2010) | 1 line
        fix broken links
        r78895 | ezio.melotti | 2010-03-13 03:21:34 +0200 (Sat, 13 Mar 2010) | 1 line
        #8011: use exc.tb_lineno instead of traceback.tb_lineno() and pep8ify variable names.
        r78900 | ezio.melotti | 2010-03-13 06:39:51 +0200 (Sat, 13 Mar 2010) | 1 line
        Silence compiler warnings.
        r79024 | ezio.melotti | 2010-03-17 16:22:34 +0200 (Wed, 17 Mar 2010) | 1 line
        Use "x in y" instead of y.find(x) != -1.
    • Ezio Melotti's avatar
      Blocked revisions... · 0e278765
      Ezio Melotti authored
      Blocked revisions 73841,73931,74011,74754,77136,77178,77180,77715,77727,77749,77755,77841,77871,77910,77912-77913,77942,78109,78136,78211,78249,78319,78486,78954,79023 via svnmerge
        r73841 | ezio.melotti | 2009-07-04 17:58:27 +0300 (Sat, 04 Jul 2009) | 1 line
        if zlib -> skipUnless(zlib) and minor cleanups
        r73931 | ezio.melotti | 2009-07-10 23:25:56 +0300 (Fri, 10 Jul 2009) | 1 line
        more cleanups and if zlib -> skipUnless(zlib)
        r74011 | ezio.melotti | 2009-07-15 20:07:04 +0300 (Wed, 15 Jul 2009) | 1 line
        methods' names pep8ification
        r74754 | ezio.melotti | 2009-09-12 17:43:43 +0300 (Sat, 12 Sep 2009) | 1 line
        #6026 - fix tests that failed without zlib
        r77136 | ezio.melotti | 2009-12-30 08:14:51 +0200 (Wed, 30 Dec 2009) | 1 line
        #5511: Added the ability to use ZipFile as a context manager. Patch by Brian Curtin.
        r77178 | ezio.melotti | 2009-12-31 15:00:43 +0200 (Thu, 31 Dec 2009) | 1 line
        cleanup and refactoring
        r77180 | ezio.melotti | 2009-12-31 15:27:41 +0200 (Thu, 31 Dec 2009) | 1 line
        indentation and further alignment with py3k
        r77715 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-24 01:04:36 +0200 (Sun, 24 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        use assert[Not]In where appropriate
        r77727 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-24 18:58:36 +0200 (Sun, 24 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        use assert[Not]IsInstance where appropriate
        r77749 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-25 14:37:02 +0200 (Mon, 25 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        Add a news entry for the functions verify and vereq that have been removed in r77729 and r77731
        r77755 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-26 17:57:21 +0200 (Tue, 26 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7092: fix DeprecationWarnings for json when the tests are run with -3 -Wd.
        r77841 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-30 09:22:54 +0200 (Sat, 30 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7092: silence py3k warnings for deprecated modules
        r77871 | ezio.melotti | 2010-01-31 13:46:54 +0200 (Sun, 31 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7092: silence more -3 and -Wd warnings
        r77910 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-02 10:37:35 +0200 (Tue, 02 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        #7092: silence py3k warnings for bsddb. Patch by Florent Xicluna.
        r77912 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-02 17:57:45 +0200 (Tue, 02 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Fix idioms and a couple of py3k warnings. Patch by Florent Xicluna.
        r77913 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-02 19:34:37 +0200 (Tue, 02 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        #7092: Silence py3k warnings in test_exceptions and test_pep352. Patch by Florent Xicluna.
        r77942 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-03 07:37:26 +0200 (Wed, 03 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        #7092: Silence more py3k warnings. Patch by Florent Xicluna.
        r78109 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-08 23:52:08 +0200 (Mon, 08 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Fix exc_value -> exception in docstring
        r78136 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-10 23:40:33 +0200 (Wed, 10 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        #7712: add a temp_cwd context manager to test_support and use it in regrtest to run all the tests in a temporary directory, saving the original CWD in test_support.SAVEDCWD. Thanks to Florent Xicluna who helped with the patch.
        r78211 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-17 01:58:49 +0200 (Wed, 17 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        #7941: fix error message
        r78249 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-20 11:40:07 +0200 (Sat, 20 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Remove e assertIs definitions and use correct assert* methods.
        r78319 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-22 18:30:58 +0200 (Mon, 22 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        #7482: clarify error message in case of division by zero of float and complex numbers.
        r78486 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-27 14:42:52 +0200 (Sat, 27 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Add a test for normpath to test_macpath.
        r78954 | ezio.melotti | 2010-03-14 12:13:49 +0200 (Sun, 14 Mar 2010) | 1 line
        Add a link about the Public Review Issue #29
        r79023 | ezio.melotti | 2010-03-17 15:52:48 +0200 (Wed, 17 Mar 2010) | 1 line
        #7092: silence some more py3k warnings.
    • Florent Xicluna's avatar
      Blocked revisions... · 46e23746
      Florent Xicluna authored
      Blocked revisions 78508-78509,78582,78585,78594,78606,78652-78653,78661-78662,78671,78673,78675,78701,78704,78719-78721,78726,78732,78734-78736,78757-78759,78761,78767,78769,78777,78787-78790,78794,78815,78828,78830,78832-78833,78838-78839,78917,78919,78934,78937,78944,78966,78982,78986,79030-79032,79049,79059,79100,79127,79156,79159,79165,79187-79189,79191,79194 via svnmerge
        r78508 | florent.xicluna | 2010-02-27 20:20:50 +0100 (sam, 27 fév 2010) | 2 lines
        Clean test_subprocess: use assertRaises, skipIf, skipUnless helpers and a custom helper assertStderrEqual.
        r78509 | florent.xicluna | 2010-02-27 22:15:27 +0100 (sam, 27 fév 2010) | 2 lines
        Fix an oversight in r78508: p.wait() should be compared to 0
        r78582 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-02 17:00:00 +0100 (mar, 02 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Refactor test_dict using assertRaises.
        r78585 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-02 22:34:45 +0100 (mar, 02 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Tentatively enable test_pep277 on all platforms.
        r78594 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-02 23:34:11 +0100 (mar, 02 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Test test_pep277 is only relevant for Unicode-friendly filesystems.
        r78606 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-03 00:56:38 +0100 (mer, 03 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Fix wording.
        r78652 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-04 16:57:20 +0100 (jeu, 04 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Fix transient refleak in test_popen2.
        r78653 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-04 16:58:54 +0100 (jeu, 04 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #7805: wait until all workers are started before collecting their PIDs
        r78661 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-04 20:40:48 +0100 (jeu, 04 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        r78662 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-04 22:31:58 +0100 (jeu, 04 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #2777: Enable test_send_signal, test_kill and test_terminate on all platforms.
        r78671 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-05 01:47:40 +0100 (ven, 05 mar 2010) | 3 lines
        Workaround #3137: Retry SIGINT if it is not received the first time.
        test_send_signal should not hang anymore on various Linux distributions.
        r78673 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-05 02:05:55 +0100 (ven, 05 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Let's use assertIsNone / assertIsNotNone. It's hype.
        r78675 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-05 02:12:14 +0100 (ven, 05 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        These line should not be there.
        r78701 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-05 20:31:21 +0100 (ven, 05 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #2777: Handle fds more carefully to try to fix some x86-Linux failures (namely, neal bot and twisted bot).
        r78704 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 01:16:57 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #2777: Apply same recipe for test_terminate and test_kill, i.e. close or redirect fds.
        r78719 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 09:07:44 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 3 lines
        Keep the test files in the ./build/ subdirectory, if Python is not installed.
        Remove two hacks which are no longer needed after #7712, because all __file__ attributes are absolute.
        r78720 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 10:11:55 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Print platform information to stdout, to help troubleshooting platform-specific failures.
        r78721 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 10:54:14 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #2777: Apply same recipe on win32, i.e. do not inherit file handles.
        r78726 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 15:38:09 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Backport "test.regrtest -R 2:3" syntax from py3k branch, and other minor adjustments.
        r78732 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 18:24:36 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Do not print the header lines when running a single test.
        r78734 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 19:07:18 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Create test_genericpath.CommonTest and reuse it to test other path modules.
        r78735 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 19:52:52 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Minor tweaking of previous r78734, and add a NEWS entry.
        r78736 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 20:43:41 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Skip test_send_signal, test_kill, test_terminate on win32 platforms, for 2.7a4 release.
        r78757 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-07 13:14:25 +0100 (dim, 07 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Fix some py3k warnings in the standard library.
        r78758 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-07 13:18:33 +0100 (dim, 07 mar 2010) | 4 lines
        Issue #7849: Now the utility ``check_warnings`` verifies if the warnings are
        effectively raised.  A new utility ``check_py3k_warnings`` deals with py3k warnings.
        r78759 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-07 13:21:36 +0100 (dim, 07 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #2777: Enable test_send_signal, test_terminate and test_kill on win32 platforms.
        r78761 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-07 16:27:39 +0100 (dim, 07 mar 2010) | 4 lines
        Do not fail if returncode is 0 on send_signal/kill/terminate, for win32 platforms.
        Do not hide the KeyboardInterrupt on POSIX platforms.
        r78767 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-07 18:12:23 +0100 (dim, 07 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #2777: Try hard to make Win7 buildbot happy...
        r78769 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-07 20:14:12 +0100 (dim, 07 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Refresh the documentation for the test.test_support module.
        r78777 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-08 00:49:03 +0100 (lun, 08 mar 2010) | 4 lines
        Backport the Popen.poll() protection from subprocess to multiprocessing. See #1731717.
        It should fix transient failures on test_multiprocessing.
        r78787 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-08 08:21:16 +0100 (lun, 08 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Don't fail on a debug() statement, if the worker PID is (still) None.
        r78788 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-08 11:58:12 +0100 (lun, 08 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Fix syntax: "rc != None" -> "rc is not None"
        r78789 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-08 11:59:33 +0100 (lun, 08 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Replace the stderr logging with assertNotEqual(returncode, 0).
        r78790 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-08 12:01:39 +0100 (lun, 08 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        On finalize, don't try to join not started process.
        r78794 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-08 13:39:35 +0100 (lun, 08 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Move some tests from test_macpath to test_genericpath.CommonTest
        r78815 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-09 20:57:01 +0100 (mar, 09 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #7772: Fix test_py3kwarn. Now the test suite could pass with "-3" flag.
        r78828 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-11 00:58:42 +0100 (jeu, 11 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Issue #7880: Fix sysconfig when the python executable is a symbolic link.
        r78830 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-11 01:56:59 +0100 (jeu, 11 mar 2010) | 3 lines
        Fix the test_subprocess failure when sys.executable is meaningless: '' or a directory.
        It does not fix #7774.
        r78832 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-11 02:39:55 +0100 (jeu, 11 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        It is not optimal to test sys.stderr on a debug build.
        r78833 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-11 02:50:48 +0100 (jeu, 11 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Revert r78830: realpath() should really be applied to sys.executable.
        r78838 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-11 15:36:19 +0100 (jeu, 11 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Issue #6472: The xml.etree package is updated to ElementTree 1.3.  The cElementTree module is updated too.
        r78839 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-11 16:55:11 +0100 (jeu, 11 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Fix repr of tree Element on windows.
        r78917 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-13 12:18:49 +0100 (sam, 13 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Move the xml test data to their own directory.
        r78919 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-13 13:41:48 +0100 (sam, 13 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Do not chdir when running test_xml_etree, and enhance the findfile helper.
        r78934 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-13 18:56:19 +0100 (sam, 13 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Update some parts of the xml.etree documentation.
        r78937 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-13 21:30:15 +0100 (sam, 13 mar 2010) | 3 lines
        Add the keyword argument "method=None" to the .write() method and the tostring/tostringlist functions.
        Update the function, class and method signatures, according to the new convention.
        r78944 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-14 02:22:09 +0100 (dim, 14 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Minor documentation updates for xml.etree.
        r78966 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-14 16:20:59 +0100 (dim, 14 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Do not hardcode Expat version.  It's possible to build Python with --with-system-expat option.
        r78982 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-15 15:00:58 +0100 (lun, 15 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Remove py3k deprecation warnings from these Unicode tools.
        r78986 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-15 19:08:58 +0100 (lun, 15 mar 2010) | 3 lines
        Issue #7783 and #7787: open_urlresource invalidates the outdated files from the local cache.
        Use this feature to fix test_normalization.
        r79030 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-17 20:05:04 +0100 (mer, 17 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Cleanup in test_import and test_coding.
        r79031 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-17 20:15:56 +0100 (mer, 17 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Cleanup some test cases using check_warnings and check_py3k_warnings.
        r79032 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-17 21:05:11 +0100 (mer, 17 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Fix and check cgi module deprecation warnings.  Revert an unwanted rename in test_import.
        r79049 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-18 20:51:47 +0100 (jeu, 18 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #8155: Preserve backward compatibility for test_support.check_warnings().  Add regression tests.
        r79059 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-18 22:50:06 +0100 (jeu, 18 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Issue #8024: Update the Unicode database to 5.2
        r79100 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-19 19:34:55 +0100 (ven, 19 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Various tests cleanup: check_warnings/check_py3k_warnings, unittest.assert* and setUp/tearDown.
        r79127 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-20 01:17:46 +0100 (sam, 20 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #8178 Cleanup the threads after test_thread.TestForkInThread.
        r79156 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-20 23:21:02 +0100 (sam, 20 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Cleanup test_struct using check_warnings.
        r79159 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-20 23:26:42 +0100 (sam, 20 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Cleanup test_tarfile, and use check_warnings.
        r79165 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-21 02:14:24 +0100 (dim, 21 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #7092 - Silence more py3k deprecation warnings, using test_support.check_py3k_warnings() helper.
        r79187 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-21 11:50:44 +0100 (dim, 21 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Silence more py3k warnings in unittest.case.
        r79188 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-21 11:51:40 +0100 (dim, 21 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Fix py3k warnings in test_decimal, using unittest.assertItemsEqual.
        r79189 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-21 12:03:21 +0100 (dim, 21 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Silence some py3k SyntaxWarning using check_py3k_warnings() with "exec" statements.
        r79191 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-21 12:50:17 +0100 (dim, 21 mar 2010) | 3 lines
        No more deprecation warnings for distutils.sysconfig, following r78666.
        But when the "dl" module is available, it gives a py3k deprecation warning.
        r79194 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-21 12:58:11 +0100 (dim, 21 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Use assertRaises and add a specific warning filter.
    • Florent Xicluna's avatar
      Merged revisions 78800 via svnmerge from · dbc408c0
      Florent Xicluna authored
        r78800 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-08 16:20:28 +0100 (lun, 08 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #7624: Fix isinstance(foo(), collections.Callable) for old-style classes.
    • Florent Xicluna's avatar
      Merged revisions 78722 via svnmerge from · 6481c6d0
      Florent Xicluna authored
        r78722 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-06 12:01:08 +0100 (sam, 06 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #6906: TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY environment variables should be encoded.
    • Senthil Kumaran's avatar
      Merged revisions 79329 via svnmerge from · d162640b
      Senthil Kumaran authored
        r79329 | senthil.kumaran | 2010-03-23 14:16:31 +0530 (Tue, 23 Mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Fixed Issue8209 - OptionParser keyword arg 'epilog' not mentioned in the docs
    • Senthil Kumaran's avatar
    • Benjamin Peterson's avatar
      Merged revisions 79325 via svnmerge from · 2c4f8e86
      Benjamin Peterson authored
        r79325 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-03-22 22:03:55 -0500 (Mon, 22 Mar 2010) | 13 lines
        Merged revisions 79313,79324 via svnmerge from
          r79313 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-03-22 17:59:57 -0500 (Mon, 22 Mar 2010) | 1 line
          another case where a symbol is needed
          r79324 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-03-22 21:59:47 -0500 (Mon, 22 Mar 2010) | 1 line
          use unicode literals
    • R. David Murray's avatar
      Blocked revisions 79294 via svnmerge · 4b95a2be
      R. David Murray authored
        r79294 | r.david.murray | 2010-03-22 11:55:09 -0400 (Mon, 22 Mar 2010) | 4 lines
        Issue #7860: platform.uname now reports the correct 'machine' type
        when Python is running in WOW64 mode on 64 bit Windows.  Patch by
        Brian Curtin.
  2. 22 Mar, 2010 5 commits
  3. 21 Mar, 2010 21 commits
    • Martin v. Löwis's avatar
      Merged revisions 78976 via svnmerge from · dbcdbad2
      Martin v. Löwis authored
        r78976 | martin.v.loewis | 2010-03-15 14:00:17 +0100 (Mo, 15 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Issue #6716: Quote -x arguments of compileall in MSI installer.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Blocked revisions... · f0a3f702
      Georg Brandl authored
      Blocked revisions 76380,76628,76701,77001,77115,77127,77185,77187-77188,77262,77902,77936,78102,78104,78107,78112,78216,78580,78791,79208 via svnmerge
        r76380 | antoine.pitrou | 2009-11-18 21:20:46 +0100 (Mi, 18 Nov 2009) | 3 lines
        Mention Giampolo R's new FTP TLS support in the what's new file
        r76628 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-12-02 15:27:11 +0100 (Mi, 02 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        Markup fixes
        r76701 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-12-08 03:37:05 +0100 (Di, 08 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        Typo fix; grammar fix
        r77001 | brett.cannon | 2009-12-22 03:37:37 +0100 (Di, 22 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        Make a word plural.
        r77115 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-12-29 21:10:16 +0100 (Di, 29 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        Various additions
        r77127 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-12-30 00:41:04 +0100 (Mi, 30 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        Add various items
        r77185 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-12-31 17:17:05 +0100 (Do, 31 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        Add some items
        r77187 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-12-31 17:38:53 +0100 (Do, 31 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        Add various items
        r77188 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-12-31 17:49:37 +0100 (Do, 31 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        add another advancement
        r77262 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-01-03 02:15:21 +0100 (So, 03 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        Add a few items
        r77902 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-02-01 03:04:26 +0100 (Mo, 01 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Add various items
        r77936 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-02-03 03:19:14 +0100 (Mi, 03 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Add various items
        r78102 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-02-08 02:35:35 +0100 (Mo, 08 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Move distutils into its own subsection; add various items
        r78104 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-02-08 14:22:24 +0100 (Mo, 08 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Add two items; move a subsection
        r78107 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-02-08 21:25:47 +0100 (Mo, 08 Feb 2010) | 3 lines
        Clarify and correct description for ccbench and iobench.
        r78112 | ezio.melotti | 2010-02-08 23:22:41 +0100 (Mo, 08 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Fix typo
        r78216 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-02-18 15:16:48 +0100 (Do, 18 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Add various items
        r78580 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-03-02 14:55:33 +0100 (Di, 02 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Add an item
        r78791 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-03-08 13:00:39 +0100 (Mo, 08 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Add various items
        r79208 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-03-21 19:47:12 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Add items
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Merged revisions 70244,70714,70764,70962,70964,71001,77834,78327,78399,78454 via svnmerge from · 77adeb55
      Georg Brandl authored
        r70244 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-03-08 15:06:19 +0100 (So, 08 Mär 2009) | 2 lines
        Add Chris Withers.
        r70714 | brett.cannon | 2009-03-30 17:20:53 +0200 (Mo, 30 Mär 2009) | 1 line
        Add an entry to developers.txt.
        r70764 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-03-31 00:06:33 +0200 (Di, 31 Mär 2009) | 2 lines
        Add several VM developers.
        r70962 | brett.cannon | 2009-04-01 19:07:16 +0200 (Mi, 01 Apr 2009) | 2 lines
        Ron DuPlain was given commit privileges at PyCon 2009 to work on 3to2.
        r70964 | brett.cannon | 2009-04-01 19:52:13 +0200 (Mi, 01 Apr 2009) | 2 lines
        Paul Kippes was given commit privileges to work on 3to2.
        r71001 | brett.cannon | 2009-04-02 01:01:12 +0200 (Do, 02 Apr 2009) | 3 lines
        Add my initials to Misc/developers.txt. Names are now sorted by number of
        characters in the person's name.
        r77834 | martin.v.loewis | 2010-01-30 01:15:44 +0100 (Sa, 30 Jan 2010) | 2 lines
        Add Victor Stinner.
        r78327 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-02-22 18:21:54 +0100 (Mo, 22 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Note granting of commit privileges to Larry Hastings
        r78399 | brett.cannon | 2010-02-24 02:38:04 +0100 (Mi, 24 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Record that Dino Viehland got commit privs.
        r78454 | martin.v.loewis | 2010-02-25 21:42:40 +0100 (Do, 25 Feb 2010) | 2 lines
        Add Florent Xicluna.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Merged revisions... · 472aeb9a
      Georg Brandl authored
      Merged revisions 78859-78860,78952,79168-79169,79173,79176,79178-79179,79181,79184-79185,79192,79212 via svnmerge from
        r78859 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-12 10:57:43 +0100 (Fr, 12 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Get rid of backticks.
        r78860 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-12 11:02:03 +0100 (Fr, 12 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Fix warnings from "make check".
        r78952 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-14 10:55:08 +0100 (So, 14 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        #8137: add iso-8859-16 to the standard encodings table.
        r79168 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 10:01:27 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Fix some issues found by Jacques Ducasse on the docs list.
        r79169 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 10:02:01 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Remove the "built-in objects" file.  It only contained two paragraphs of which only one contained useful information, which belongs in the ref manual however.
        r79173 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 10:09:38 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Document that GzipFile supports iteration.
        r79176 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 10:17:41 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Introduce copy by slicing, used in later chapters.
        r79178 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 10:28:16 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Clarify that for shell=True, the shell PID will be the child PID.
        r79179 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 10:37:54 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Mention inefficiency of lists as queues, add link to collections.deque discussion.
        r79181 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 10:51:16 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Update os.kill() emulation example for Windows to use ctypes.
        r79184 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 10:58:36 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Update text for newest US DST regulation.  The sample file already has the calculation right.
        r79185 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 11:02:47 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Include structmember.h correctly.
        r79192 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 12:50:58 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Remove leftover word.
        r79212 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-21 20:01:38 +0100 (So, 21 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Fix plural.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Blocked revisions 78589,78922,78949 via svnmerge · cc6fdcfb
      Georg Brandl authored
        r78589 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-02 23:17:38 +0100 (Di, 02 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Add some x-refs.
        r78922 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-13 14:41:58 +0100 (Sa, 13 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Update for new download location.
        r78949 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-14 10:50:54 +0100 (So, 14 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Format and rewrap 2.7 NEWS consistently.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Re-record 79218 as merged. · bff20cf1
      Georg Brandl authored
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Merged revisions... · 6048a5c9
      Georg Brandl authored
      Merged revisions 77593,77702-77703,77858,77887,78113-78115,78117,78245,78385-78386,78496,78760,78771-78773,78802 via svnmerge from
        r77593 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-18 00:33:53 +0100 (Mo, 18 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        Fix internal reference.
        r77702 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-23 09:43:31 +0100 (Sa, 23 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7762: fix refcount annotation of PyUnicode_Tailmatch().
        r77703 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-23 09:47:54 +0100 (Sa, 23 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7725: fix referencing issue.
        r77858 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-30 18:57:48 +0100 (Sa, 30 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7802: fix invalid example (heh).
        r77887 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-31 19:51:49 +0100 (So, 31 Jan 2010) | 5 lines
        Fix-up ftplib documentation:
        move exception descriptions to toplevel, not inside a class
        remove attribution in "versionadded"
        spell and grammar check docstring of FTP_TLS
        r78113 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-08 23:37:20 +0100 (Mo, 08 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Fix missing string formatting argument.
        r78114 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-08 23:37:52 +0100 (Mo, 08 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Fix undefined local.
        r78115 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-08 23:40:51 +0100 (Mo, 08 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Fix missing string formatting placeholder.
        r78117 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-08 23:48:37 +0100 (Mo, 08 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Convert test failure from output-producing to self.fail().
        r78245 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-19 20:36:08 +0100 (Fr, 19 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        #7967: PyXML is no more.
        r78385 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-23 22:33:17 +0100 (Di, 23 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        #8000: fix deprecated directive.  What a shame to lose that glorious issue number to such a minor bug :)
        r78386 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-23 22:48:57 +0100 (Di, 23 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        #6544: fix refleak in kqueue, occurring in certain error conditions.
        r78496 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-27 15:58:08 +0100 (Sa, 27 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Link to http://www.python.org/dev/workflow/ from bugs page.
        r78760 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-07 16:23:59 +0100 (So, 07 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        #5341: more built-in vs builtin fixes.
        r78771 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-07 21:58:31 +0100 (So, 07 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        #8085: The function is called PyObject_NewVar, not PyObject_VarNew.
        r78772 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-07 22:12:28 +0100 (So, 07 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        #8039: document conditional expressions better, giving them their own section.
        r78773 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-07 22:32:06 +0100 (So, 07 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        #8044: document Py_{Enter,Leave}RecursiveCall functions.
        r78802 | georg.brandl | 2010-03-08 17:28:40 +0100 (Mo, 08 Mär 2010) | 1 line
        Fix typo.
    • Antoine Pitrou's avatar
      Merged revisions 79218 via svnmerge from · 6bdb957b
      Antoine Pitrou authored
        r79218 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-03-21 20:19:41 +0100 (dim., 21 mars 2010) | 5 lines
        Issue #1628484: The Makefile doesn't ignore the CFLAGS environment
        variable anymore.  It also forwards the LDFLAGS settings to the linker
        when building a shared library.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Blocked revisions 78091,78093 via svnmerge · 7b55a406
      Georg Brandl authored
        r78091 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-07 18:02:22 +0100 (So, 07 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Rename "exc_value" attribute on assertRaises context manager to "exception".
        r78093 | georg.brandl | 2010-02-07 18:03:15 +0100 (So, 07 Feb 2010) | 1 line
        Remove unused imports in test modules.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Merged revisions... · a50c67eb
      Georg Brandl authored
      Merged revisions 77120,77151,77155,77209,77229,77256,77317,77331,77333,77359-77360,77382,77561,77570 via svnmerge from
        r77120 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-29 22:09:17 +0100 (Di, 29 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7595: fix typo in argument default constant.
        r77151 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-30 19:32:50 +0100 (Mi, 30 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7487: update Pygments version.
        r77155 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-30 20:03:00 +0100 (Mi, 30 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        We only support Windows NT derivatives now.
        r77209 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-01 14:07:05 +0100 (Fr, 01 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        More yearly updates.
        r77229 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-02 13:35:01 +0100 (Sa, 02 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        Fix casing.
        r77256 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-02 23:55:55 +0100 (Sa, 02 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        Fix typo.
        r77317 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-05 19:14:52 +0100 (Di, 05 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        Add Stefan.
        r77331 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-06 18:43:06 +0100 (Mi, 06 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        Small fixes to test_cmd: fix signature of do_shell, remove duplicate import, add option to run the custom Cmd class.
        r77333 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-06 19:26:08 +0100 (Mi, 06 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #5950: document that zip files with comments are unsupported in zipimport.
        r77359 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-07 21:54:45 +0100 (Do, 07 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        Fix description for Py_GetPath(); it sounded like it always returned sys.path.
        r77360 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-07 22:48:47 +0100 (Do, 07 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7653: clarify how the PythonPath registry key should look like.
        r77382 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-09 10:47:11 +0100 (Sa, 09 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7422: make it clear that getargspec() only works on Python functions.
        r77561 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-17 09:42:30 +0100 (So, 17 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        #7699: improve datetime docs: straightforward linking to strftime/strptime section, mark classmethods as such.
        r77570 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-17 13:14:42 +0100 (So, 17 Jan 2010) | 1 line
        Add note about usage of STRINGLIB_EMPTY.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Blocked revisions 77332 via svnmerge · c4f20c50
      Georg Brandl authored
        r77332 | georg.brandl | 2010-01-06 19:02:16 +0100 (Mi, 06 Jan 2010) | 7 lines
        #5991: let completion for the "help" command include help topics.
        This also simplifies the Cmd.get_names() method implementation; it was written
        at a time where dir() didn't consider base class attributes.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Merged revisions... · d3342900
      Georg Brandl authored
      Merged revisions 76538,76559,76882-76883,76886,76891-76892,76920,76924-76925,77081,77084,77086,77092 via svnmerge from
        r76538 | georg.brandl | 2009-11-26 21:48:25 +0100 (Do, 26 Nov 2009) | 1 line
        #7400: typo.
        r76559 | georg.brandl | 2009-11-28 12:11:50 +0100 (Sa, 28 Nov 2009) | 1 line
        Fix versions and spacing.
        r76882 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-19 18:30:28 +0100 (Sa, 19 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7527: use standard versionadded tags.
        r76883 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-19 18:34:32 +0100 (Sa, 19 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7521: remove Py_GetBuildNumber(), which was removed in favor of Py_GetBuildInfo().
        r76886 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-19 18:43:33 +0100 (Sa, 19 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7493: review of Design FAQ by Florent Xicluna.
        r76891 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-19 19:16:31 +0100 (Sa, 19 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7479: add note about function availability on Unices.
        r76892 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-19 19:20:18 +0100 (Sa, 19 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7480: remove tautology.
        r76920 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-20 15:20:16 +0100 (So, 20 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7495: backport Programming FAQ review to trunk.
        r76924 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-20 15:28:05 +0100 (So, 20 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        Small indentation fix.
        r76925 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-20 15:33:20 +0100 (So, 20 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7381: subprocess documentation and library docstring consistency fixes.
        r77081 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-28 08:59:05 +0100 (Mo, 28 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7577: fix signature of PyBuffer_FillInfo().
        r77084 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-28 09:01:59 +0100 (Mo, 28 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7586: fix typo.
        r77086 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-28 09:09:32 +0100 (Mo, 28 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7381: consistency update, and backport avoiding ``None >= 0`` check from py3k.
        r77092 | georg.brandl | 2009-12-28 09:48:24 +0100 (Mo, 28 Dez 2009) | 1 line
        #7404: remove reference to non-existing example files.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Merged revisions 75952-75953,75955,76105,76143,76223,76259,76326,76376-76377 via svnmerge from · fd911535
      Georg Brandl authored
        r75952 | georg.brandl | 2009-10-29 21:38:32 +0100 (Do, 29 Okt 2009) | 1 line
        Use the correct function name in docstring.
        r75953 | georg.brandl | 2009-10-29 21:39:50 +0100 (Do, 29 Okt 2009) | 1 line
        Remove mention of the old -X command line switch.
        r75955 | georg.brandl | 2009-10-29 21:54:03 +0100 (Do, 29 Okt 2009) | 1 line
        Use a single style for all the docstrings in the math module.
        r76105 | georg.brandl | 2009-11-04 08:38:12 +0100 (Mi, 04 Nov 2009) | 1 line
        #7259: show correct equivalent for operator.i* operations in docstring; fix minor issues in operator docs.
        r76143 | georg.brandl | 2009-11-07 09:26:07 +0100 (Sa, 07 Nov 2009) | 1 line
        #7271: fix typo.
        r76223 | georg.brandl | 2009-11-12 09:29:46 +0100 (Do, 12 Nov 2009) | 1 line
        Give the profile module a module directive.
        r76259 | georg.brandl | 2009-11-14 12:50:51 +0100 (Sa, 14 Nov 2009) | 1 line
        Fix terminology.
        r76326 | georg.brandl | 2009-11-16 17:44:05 +0100 (Mo, 16 Nov 2009) | 1 line
        #7302: fix link.
        r76376 | georg.brandl | 2009-11-18 20:39:14 +0100 (Mi, 18 Nov 2009) | 1 line
        upcase Python
        r76377 | georg.brandl | 2009-11-18 21:05:15 +0100 (Mi, 18 Nov 2009) | 1 line
        Fix markup.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Blocked revisions 75866-75867,75954,75956-75957 via svnmerge · e0b118ea
      Georg Brandl authored
        r75866 | georg.brandl | 2009-10-27 21:52:02 +0100 (Di, 27 Okt 2009) | 1 line
        Add a regrtest option to re-run in verbose mode immediately after a test fails, and use that option on the buildbots.
        r75867 | georg.brandl | 2009-10-27 21:55:44 +0100 (Di, 27 Okt 2009) | 1 line
        Reformat the regrtest command-line option help and group the options into sections.
        r75954 | georg.brandl | 2009-10-29 21:53:00 +0100 (Do, 29 Okt 2009) | 1 line
        Use constants instead of magic integers for test result.  Do not re-run with --verbose3 for environment changing tests.
        r75956 | georg.brandl | 2009-10-29 22:16:34 +0100 (Do, 29 Okt 2009) | 1 line
        I do not think the "railroad" program mentioned is still available.
        r75957 | georg.brandl | 2009-10-29 22:44:56 +0100 (Do, 29 Okt 2009) | 1 line
        Fix constant name.
    • Victor Stinner's avatar
      Merged revisions 74052 via svnmerge from · 0d7a9afe
      Victor Stinner authored
        r74052 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-17 10:09:04 +0200 (ven., 17 juil. 2009) | 3 lines
        Fix GCC warning about fprintf used without a string literal and
        without format arguments.
    • Victor Stinner's avatar
      Partial backport of r78826: leave import site error handler unchanged (print · b21b5b6d
      Victor Stinner authored
      the error and continue).
      Merged revisions 78826-78827 via svnmerge from
        r78826 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-10 23:30:19 +0100 (mer., 10 mars 2010) | 5 lines
        Issue #3137: Don't ignore errors at startup, especially a keyboard interrupt
        (SIGINT). If an error occurs while importing the site module, the error is
        printed and Python exits. Initialize the GIL before importing the site
        r78827 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-10 23:45:04 +0100 (mer., 10 mars 2010) | 4 lines
        ooops, fix error message in execusercustomize()
        Copy/paste failure :-)
    • Victor Stinner's avatar
      Merged revisions 78898 via svnmerge from · 106a400c
      Victor Stinner authored
        r78898 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-13 04:27:07 +0100 (sam., 13 mars 2010) | 7 lines
        sqlite3: Fix a segfault on calling a connection with something else than a
        string. Initialize all attributes to be able to call the statement destructor
        on error.
        Avoid also a duplicate connection in some tests: setUp() does already open a
        connection (":memory:").
    • Victor Stinner's avatar
      Merged revisions 78835-78837,78870 via svnmerge from · 425fa83f
      Victor Stinner authored
        r78835 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-11 13:34:39 +0100 (jeu., 11 mars 2010) | 7 lines
        Issue #7774: Set sys.executable to an empty string if argv[0] has been
        set to an non existent program name and Python is unable to retrieve the real
        program name.
        Fix also sysconfig: if sys.executable is an empty string, use the current
        working directory.
        r78836 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-11 14:27:35 +0100 (jeu., 11 mars 2010) | 4 lines
        Fix test_executable introduce in previous commit (r78835): Windows is able to
        retrieve the absolute Python path even if argv[0] has been set to a non
        existent program name.
        r78837 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-11 14:46:06 +0100 (jeu., 11 mars 2010) | 3 lines
        Another fix to test_executable() of test_sys: set the current working to avoid
        the #7774 bug.
        r78870 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-12 15:30:26 +0100 (ven., 12 mars 2010) | 1 line
        NEWS: issue #7774 is related to Library (sys), not Core and Builtins
    • Victor Stinner's avatar
      Merged revisions 78646 via svnmerge from · 153144e3
      Victor Stinner authored
        r78646 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-04 13:09:33 +0100 (jeu., 04 mars 2010) | 5 lines
        Issue #1054943: Fix unicodedata.normalize('NFC', text) for the Public Review
        Issue #29.
        PR #29 was released in february 2004!
    • Victor Stinner's avatar
      Merged revisions 78641 via svnmerge from · 6fd88ae3
      Victor Stinner authored
        r78641 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-04 01:10:12 +0100 (jeu., 04 mars 2010) | 3 lines
        Issue #7494: fix a crash in _lsprof (cProfile) after clearing the profiler,
        reset also the pointer to the current pointer context.
    • Victor Stinner's avatar
      Merged revisions 78638 via svnmerge from · 5d679998
      Victor Stinner authored
        r78638 | victor.stinner | 2010-03-04 00:20:25 +0100 (jeu., 04 mars 2010) | 3 lines
        Issue #7544: Preallocate thread memory before creating the thread to avoid a
        fatal error in low memory condition.