1. 25 Apr, 2006 6 commits
    • Nick Coghlan's avatar
      Move the PEP 343 documentation and implementation closer to the · 2bc5e073
      Nick Coghlan authored
      terminology in the alpha 1 documentation.
       - "context manager" reverts to its alpha 1 definition
       - the term "context specifier" goes away entirely
       - contextlib.GeneratorContextManager is renamed GeneratorContext
      There are still a number of changes relative to alpha 1:
        - the expression in the with statement is explicitly called the
          "context expression" in the language reference
        - the terms 'with statement context', 'context object' or 'with
          statement context' are used in several places instead of a bare
          'context'. The aim of this is to avoid ambiguity in relation to the
          runtime context set up when the block is executed, and the context
          objects that already exist in various application domains (such as
        - contextlib.contextmanager is renamed to contextfactory
          This best reflects the nature of the function resulting from the
          use of that decorator
        - decimal.ContextManager is renamed to WithStatementContext
          Simple dropping the 'Manager' part wasn't possible due to the
          fact that decimal.Context already exists and means something
          different. WithStatementContext is ugly but workable.
      A technically unrelated change snuck into this commit:
      contextlib.closing now avoids the overhead of creating a
      generator, since it's trivial to implement that particular
      context manager directly.
    • Neal Norwitz's avatar
    • Neal Norwitz's avatar
      Restore Walters name · 445f2858
      Neal Norwitz authored
    • Neal Norwitz's avatar
      versionadded for SKIP · 3e51ef18
      Neal Norwitz authored
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Patch #1475231: add a new SKIP doctest option, thanks to · 5d059922
      Tim Peters authored
      Edward Loper.
    • Trent Mick's avatar
      Put break at correct level so *all* root HKEYs acutally get checked for · f31e8816
      Trent Mick authored
      an installed VC6. Otherwise only the first such tree gets checked and this
      warning doesn't get displayed.
  2. 24 Apr, 2006 12 commits
  3. 23 Apr, 2006 18 commits
  4. 22 Apr, 2006 4 commits