1. 18 Aug, 2000 1 commit
  2. 17 Aug, 2000 23 commits
  3. 16 Aug, 2000 15 commits
  4. 15 Aug, 2000 1 commit
    • Mark Hammond's avatar
      From Rene Liebscher: · c756bdb6
      Mark Hammond authored
      This patch makes it possible to use gnu-win32 and lcc-win32
      (http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~lcc-win32/) compilers to build
      extension modules. It adds compiler specific sections to
      PC/config.h .
      It also extends the Borland compiler section. This has then two parts,
      one for Win32 and the other one for the rest. The Win32 part
      should be almost complete.
      *** This patch is not intended to make it possible to compile
           Python with these compilers, it is intended to be able to
           use these compilers to build extension modules. ****