1. 29 Jul, 2001 9 commits
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Whew -- I *think* this completes folding in all the new-in-8.1 stuff. · 4670b3a2
      Tim Peters authored
      Still need to test it in pathological scenarios.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Ewwww -- the 8.1 support for rolling back changes in case the user aborts · 4e9a00e3
      Tim Peters authored
      the installation was hiding in a part of the GUI I never saw before.  Add
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Add oodles more 8.1 Wizard boilerplate. This creates lots of vrbls we · 0097bae3
      Tim Peters authored
      don't use directly, but the Wise utility scripts we invoke (like
      uninstal.wse) sometimes need them.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Add version resource info to installer .exe. · 386b7a3a
      Tim Peters authored
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Folding some Wizard boilerplate back in, created in new Wise projects but · 6307bb8b
      Tim Peters authored
      not in the stuff we inherited from Wise 5.0 -- better safe than sorry.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Updated to Wise 8.14 (web update). · e7b2a27d
      Tim Peters authored
      Got rid of useless "Welcome" screen.
      Folded Tcl/Tk into the main Python component.
      Bug introduced during upgrade:  Start Menu entries didn't work if
          installation was to a path with an embedded space, because the
          enclosing quotes somehow got dropped on the cmdline args.  Repaired.
      Years of wizard-generated code blocks left this script hard to read.
          Added many more comments, blank lines, and rearranged related code
          into related blocks where they had drifted apart.
      Added %_PYMAJOR_% and %_PYMINOR_% compiler vrbls, and reworked script
          items to use them as appropriate.  This should slash the amount of
          hand-fiddling needed when version numbers change.  Indeed, in the
          body of the script, only the first line should need changing now.
      Deleted unreferenced wizard-generated compiler vrbls.
    • Fred Drake's avatar
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Woo hoo! Relative paths! This is, alas, partly braindead: When the new · db642c66
      Tim Peters authored
      "relative paths" option is enabled, 8.1 rewrites *every* path to be
      relative to PCbuild (the dir containing the .wse script), even absolute
      paths you type in by hand, paths to the Wise installation itself, and even
      paths to the Windows directories (sheesh).  Only way to stop it is to
      start a path with a variable reference, and we screwed ourselves before
      by not using the predefined %_WISE_% vrbl to point to the Wise
      installation.  Repaired that old, repeated and well-hidden mistake.
      + Got rid of the %_SRC_% vrbl (such paths always relative to PCBuild now).
      + Changed the %_DOC_% vrbl to prompt for the location of the unzipped
        HTML files (defaults to ..\html, cuz that's where I put them, but I
        expect I'll change that later cuz I always hated mixing the generated
        docs into the CVS tree ... Guido, if you're reading this, where did you
        unpack the docs when building a Windows installer?  Happy to oblige.).
      + Stopped the generated installer from filling up the entire screen (got
        rid of the massive blue background gradient -- new option).
      + Added the helpful app publisher and app URL registry entries that Win2K
        displays in its version of Add/Remove.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Convert from Wise version 5.0 to 8.1. Gotta hand it to 'em! 8.1 imported · 50e278ec
      Tim Peters authored
      the old script without any complaints, didn't demand any manual changes,
      and built a working installer from it that acts very much like the old one.
      It did add a few script items, and changed one, so checking it in now
      before I break everything again.
  2. 28 Jul, 2001 5 commits
  3. 27 Jul, 2001 5 commits
  4. 26 Jul, 2001 9 commits
  5. 25 Jul, 2001 7 commits
  6. 24 Jul, 2001 5 commits