1. 02 Apr, 2008 1 commit
    • Amaury Forgeot d'Arc's avatar
      Correct the apparent refleak in test_io: · 4d0c1170
      Amaury Forgeot d'Arc authored
      When cls is an ABCMeta, every call to isinstance(x, cls)
      records type(x) in the cls._abc_cache of cls_abc_negative_cache.
      So we clear these caches at the end of the test.
      inspect.isabstract() is not the correct test for all ABCs, because there is no @abstractmethod in io.py (why?)
      isinstance(cls, ABCMeta) would be more exact, but it fails with an infinite recursion.
      So I used a hack to determine whether a class is an ABCMeta.
      The true correction would be to turn cls._abc_cache &co into a WeakSet, as py3k does.
      But classic classes are not weak referenceable...
      Of course, this change should not be merged into the py3k branch.
  2. 01 Apr, 2008 6 commits
  3. 31 Mar, 2008 4 commits
  4. 30 Mar, 2008 9 commits
  5. 29 Mar, 2008 15 commits
  6. 28 Mar, 2008 5 commits