1. 15 Nov, 2007 7 commits
  2. 14 Nov, 2007 4 commits
  3. 13 Nov, 2007 4 commits
    • Christian Heimes's avatar
      Another #1415 fix for Windows GUI apps · fef9bbaf
      Christian Heimes authored
      print() mustn't raise an exception when sys.stdout is None.
    • Christian Heimes's avatar
      Fixed space -> tab · db23308c
      Christian Heimes authored
    • Christian Heimes's avatar
      Fix for #1415 pythonw.exe fails because std streams a missing · 58cb1b8b
      Christian Heimes authored
      After a long discussion about the problem with Windows GUI apps Guido decided that sys.stdin, stdout and stderr should be None when the C runtime library returns invalid file descriptors for the standard streams.
      So far the only known cases are Windows GUI apps and scripts started with pythonw on Windows. The OS restrictions are tight enough to catch the problem on other OSes.
    • Amaury Forgeot d'Arc's avatar
      Correction for issue1265 (pdb bug with "with" statement). · f05149a2
      Amaury Forgeot d'Arc authored
      When an unfinished generator-iterator is garbage collected, PyEval_EvalFrameEx
      is called with a GeneratorExit exception set.  This leads to funny results
      if the sys.settrace function itself makes use of generators.
      A visible effect is that the settrace function is reset to None.
      Another is that the eventual "finally" block of the generator is not called.
      It is necessary to save/restore the exception around the call to the trace
      This happens a lot with py3k: isinstance() of an ABCMeta instance runs
          def __instancecheck__(cls, instance):
              """Override for isinstance(instance, cls)."""
              return any(cls.__subclasscheck__(c)
                         for c in {instance.__class__, type(instance)})
      which lets an opened generator expression each time it returns True.
      Seems a backport candidate, even if the case is less frequent in 2.5.
  4. 12 Nov, 2007 9 commits
  5. 11 Nov, 2007 1 commit
  6. 10 Nov, 2007 3 commits
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Merged revisions 58886-58929 via svnmerge from · 58da931d
      Guido van Rossum authored
        r58892 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-11-06 15:32:56 -0800 (Tue, 06 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
        Add missing "return NULL" in overflow check in PyObject_Repr().
        r58893 | raymond.hettinger | 2007-11-06 17:13:09 -0800 (Tue, 06 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Fix marshal's incorrect handling of subclasses of builtin types (backport candidate).
        r58895 | raymond.hettinger | 2007-11-06 18:26:17 -0800 (Tue, 06 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Optimize dict.fromkeys() with dict inputs.  Useful for resetting bag/muliset counts for example.
        r58896 | raymond.hettinger | 2007-11-06 18:45:46 -0800 (Tue, 06 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Add build option for faster loop execution.
        r58900 | nick.coghlan | 2007-11-07 03:57:51 -0800 (Wed, 07 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Add missing NEWS entry
        r58905 | christian.heimes | 2007-11-07 09:50:54 -0800 (Wed, 07 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Backported fix for bug #1392 from py3k branch r58903.
        r58906 | christian.heimes | 2007-11-07 10:30:22 -0800 (Wed, 07 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Backport of Guido's review of my patch.
        r58908 | raymond.hettinger | 2007-11-07 18:52:43 -0800 (Wed, 07 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Add set.isdisjoint()
        r58915 | raymond.hettinger | 2007-11-08 10:47:51 -0800 (Thu, 08 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Reposition the decref (spotted by eagle-eye norwitz).
        r58920 | georg.brandl | 2007-11-09 04:31:43 -0800 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
        Fix seealso link to sets docs. Do not merge to Py3k.
        r58921 | georg.brandl | 2007-11-09 05:08:48 -0800 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
        Fix misleading example.
        r58923 | georg.brandl | 2007-11-09 09:33:23 -0800 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007) | 3 lines
        Correct a comment about testing methods - nowadays most
        tests don't run directly on import.
        r58924 | martin.v.loewis | 2007-11-09 14:56:30 -0800 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
        Add Amaury Forgeot d'Arc.
        r58925 | raymond.hettinger | 2007-11-09 15:14:44 -0800 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Optimize common case for dict.fromkeys().
        r58927 | raymond.hettinger | 2007-11-09 17:54:03 -0800 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007) | 1 line
        Use a freelist to speed-up block allocation and deallocation in collections.deque().
        r58929 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-11-10 14:12:24 -0800 (Sat, 10 Nov 2007) | 3 lines
        Issue 1416.  Add getter, setter, deleter methods to properties that can be
        used as decorators to create fully-populated properties.
    • Amaury Forgeot d'Arc's avatar
      No need to include windows.h twice · 06cfe952
      Amaury Forgeot d'Arc authored
    • Christian Heimes's avatar
      Bug #1415 · e018b305
      Christian Heimes authored
      On Windows fileno(stdout) and fileno(stderr) can return an invalid file descriptor number (-2 on my machine). It happens only for pythonw.exe but not for python.exe.
      Catch the problem ASAP in PyFile_NewStdPrinter(). I've also removed the call to PyErr_BadInternalCall(). It was causing a seg fault because the exceptions aren't available yet.
  7. 09 Nov, 2007 2 commits
  8. 08 Nov, 2007 8 commits
  9. 07 Nov, 2007 2 commits
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Cosmetic changes to Christian's patch r58903. · c1bdbc31
      Guido van Rossum authored
      (Consider this code review feedback. :-)
    • Christian Heimes's avatar
      Patch for bug http://bugs.python.org/issue1293 · 7d3bc0ad
      Christian Heimes authored
      The patch doesn't do the whole name mangling mambo jambo on purpose. MS sure does some weird things and I don't feel like reimplementing ntpath.normpath in C. If the user does deliberately something stupid he is on his own.
      TODO: Backport to 2.6 (maybe 2.5?) and document that users should only do sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(somepath)) if they want to be on the safe side.