1. 27 Sep, 2013 4 commits
  2. 26 Sep, 2013 4 commits
  3. 25 Sep, 2013 2 commits
    • Ethan Furman's avatar
      Close #19030: improvements to inspect and Enum. · e03ea37a
      Ethan Furman authored
      inspect.getmembers and inspect.classify_class_attrs now search the metaclass
      mro for types.DynamicClassAttributes (what use to be called
      enum._RouteClassAttributeToGetattr); in part this means that these two
      functions no longer rely solely on dir().
      Besides now returning more accurate information, these improvements also
      allow a more helpful help() on Enum classes.
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Fix minor typo. · 7cba5fd2
      Georg Brandl authored
  4. 23 Sep, 2013 4 commits
  5. 22 Sep, 2013 12 commits
  6. 21 Sep, 2013 5 commits
  7. 20 Sep, 2013 7 commits
  8. 19 Sep, 2013 2 commits