1. 06 May, 2019 4 commits
  2. 05 May, 2019 3 commits
  3. 04 May, 2019 4 commits
  4. 03 May, 2019 10 commits
  5. 02 May, 2019 17 commits
  6. 01 May, 2019 2 commits
    • Chris Withers's avatar
      Mock 100% coverage (GH-13045) · adbf178e
      Chris Withers authored
      This was achieved by:
      * moving many pass statements in tests onto their own lines, so they pass line coverage and can match an easy ignore pattern if branch coverage is added later.
      * removing code that cannot be reached.
      * removing long-disabled tests.
      * removing unused code.
      * adding tests for uncovered code
      It turned out that removing `if __name__ == '__main__'` blocks that run unittest.main() at the bottom of test files was surprisingly contentious, so they remain and can be filtered out with an appropriate .coveragerc.
    • Gregory P. Smith's avatar
      bpo-30458: Use InvalidURL instead of ValueError. (GH-13044) · b7378d77
      Gregory P. Smith authored
      Use http.client.InvalidURL instead of ValueError as the new error case's exception.