1. 11 Aug, 2007 7 commits
  2. 10 Aug, 2007 17 commits
  3. 09 Aug, 2007 12 commits
  4. 08 Aug, 2007 4 commits
    • Martin v. Löwis's avatar
      Fix most of the bsddb3 tests. · 918f49e6
      Martin v. Löwis authored
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
    • Thomas Heller's avatar
      Fix the ctypes tests. Patch from Victor Stinner. He writes: · 2fb5ac74
      Thomas Heller authored
      The problem is that ctypes c_char (and c_char_p) creates unicode string
      instead of byte string. I attached a proposition (patch) to change this
      behaviour (use bytes for c_char).
      So in next example, it will display 'bytes' and not 'str':
        from ctypes import c_buffer, c_char
        buf = c_buffer("abcdef")
        print (type(buf[0]))
      Other behaviour changes:
       - repr(c_char) adds a "b"
         eg. repr(c_char('x')) is "c_char(b'x')" instead of "c_char('x')"
       - bytes is mutable whereas str is not:
         this may break some modules based on ctypes
    • Jeremy Hylton's avatar
      Fix several failing tests in test_urllib2net. · df5f6b55
      Jeremy Hylton authored
      The HTTPResponse object is being passed to BufferedReader, but it
      wasn't designed to be used that way.  These changes extend the hacks
      that have already been made in urllib2 to get the tests to pass.
      The hacks need to be removed and proper support for use with the io
      library.  That's a project for another day.