1. 04 Sep, 1997 5 commits
  2. 03 Sep, 1997 17 commits
  3. 01 Sep, 1997 5 commits
  4. 30 Aug, 1997 4 commits
  5. 29 Aug, 1997 9 commits
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Added os.altsep; this is '/' on DOS/Windows, and None on systems with · fb0ad21c
      Guido van Rossum authored
      a sane filename syntax.
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Write out the dynamic OS choice, to avoid exec statements. · 6b54d720
      Guido van Rossum authored
      Adding support for a new OS is now a bit more work, but I bet that
      'dos' or 'nt' will cover most situations...
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Added -X option to suppress default import of site.py. Also split the · 81adc4fc
      Guido van Rossum authored
      usage message in *three* parts under 510 bytes, for low-end ANSI
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Added NoSite flag. · d55e2840
      Guido van Rossum authored
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Two independent changes (oops): · c6d17a6e
      Guido van Rossum authored
      - Changed semantics for initialized flag (again); forget the ref
      counting, forget the fatal errors -- redundant calls to
      Py_Initialize() or Py_Finalize() calls are simply ignored.
      - Automatically import site.py on initialization, unless a flag is set
      not to do this by main().
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      New site.py semantics. Searches in · 374e3a7c
      Guido van Rossum authored
      <*prefix>/lib/python<version>/packages for *.pth files containing
      directories that are appended to sys.path.
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      Swap the sense of the -X option vis-a-vis Py_UseClassExceptionsFlag so · 5b5ec60a
      Barry Warsaw authored
      that class based exceptions are enabled by default.  -X disables them
      in favor of the old-style string exceptions.
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      Removed obsolete exception PyExc_AccessError. · 004ac724
      Barry Warsaw authored
      Added PyErr_MemoryErrorInst to hold the pre-instantiated instance when
      using class based exceptions.
      Simplified the creation of all built-in exceptions, both class based
      and string based.  Actually, for class based exceptions, the string
      ones are still created just in case there's a problem creating the
      class based ones (so you still get *some* exception handling!).  Now
      the init and fini functions run through a list of structure elements,
      creating the strings (and optionally classes) for every entry.
      initerrors(): the new base class exceptions StandardError,
      LookupError, and NumberError are initialized when using string
      exceptions, to tuples containing the list of derived string
      exceptions.  This GvR trick enables forward compatibility!  One bit of
      nastiness is that the C code has to know the inheritance tree embodied
      in exceptions.py.
      Added the two phase init and fini functions.
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      Added Py_UseClassExceptionsFlag, the variable containing the state of · 5def18f6
      Barry Warsaw authored
      the -X command line option.
      Py_Initialize(): Handle the two phase initialization of the built-in
      Py_Finalize(): Handle the two phase finalization of the built-in
      parse_syntax_error(): New function which parses syntax errors that
      PyErr_Print() will catch.  This correctly parses such errors
      regardless of whether PyExc_SyntaxError is an old-style string
      exception or new-fangled class exception.
      PyErr_Print(): Many changes:
          1. Normalize the exception.
          2. Handle SystemExit exceptions which might be class based.  Digs
             the exit code out of the "code" attribute.  String based
             SystemExit is handled the same as before.
          3. Handle SyntaxError exceptions which might be class based.  Digs
             the various information bits out of the instance's attributes
             (see parse_syntax_error() for details).  String based
             SyntaxError still works too.
          4. Don't write the `:' after the exception if the exception is
             class based and has an empty string str() value.