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A Cython plugin for

Requires the coverage package at least in version 4.0 (which added the plugin API).

import re
import os.path
from collections import defaultdict

    from coverage.plugin import CoveragePlugin, FileTracer, FileReporter
except ImportError:
    # version too old?
    CoveragePlugin = FileTracer = FileReporter = object

from . import __version__

class Plugin(CoveragePlugin):
    _c_files_map = None

    def sys_info(self):
        return [('Cython version', __version__)]

    def file_tracer(self, filename):
        Try to find a C source file for a file path found by the tracer.
        c_file = py_file = None
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
        if self._c_files_map and filename in self._c_files_map:
            c_file = self._c_files_map[filename][0]

        if c_file is None:
            c_file, py_file = self._find_source_files(filename)
        if not c_file:
            return None

            with open(c_file, 'rb') as f:
                if b'/* Generated by Cython ' not in
                    return None  # not a Cython file
        except (IOError, OSError):
            return None

        # parse all source file paths and lines from C file
        # to learn about all relevant source files right away (pyx/pxi/pxd)
        # FIXME: this might already be too late if the first executed line
        #        is not from the main .pyx file but a file with a different
        #        name than the .c file (which prevents us from finding the
        #        .c file)
        self._parse_lines(c_file, filename)
        return CythonModuleTracer(filename, py_file, c_file, self._c_files_map)

    def file_reporter(self, filename):
        if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() not in ('.pyx', '.pxi', '.pxd'):
            return None  # let handle it (e.g. .py files)

        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
        if not self._c_files_map or filename not in self._c_files_map:
            return None  # unknown file
        c_file, rel_file_path, code, excluded = self._c_files_map[filename]
        if code is None:
            return None  # unknown file
        return CythonModuleReporter(c_file, filename, rel_file_path, code, excluded)

    def _find_source_files(self, filename):
        basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        if ext.lower() not in ('.so', '.dll', '.c', '.cpp'):
            return None, None

        if os.path.exists(basename + '.c'):
            c_file = basename + '.c'
        elif os.path.exists(basename + '.cpp'):
            c_file = basename + '.cpp'
            c_file = None

        py_source_file = None
        if c_file:
            py_source_file = os.path.splitext(c_file)[0] + '.py'
            if not os.path.exists(py_source_file):
                py_source_file = None

        return c_file, py_source_file

    def _parse_lines(self, c_file, sourcefile):
        Parse a Cython generated C/C++ source file and find the executable lines.
        Each executable line starts with a comment header that states source file
        and line number, as well as the surrounding range of source code lines.
        match_source_path_line = re.compile(r' */[*] +"(.*)":([0-9]+)$').match
        match_current_code_line = re.compile(r' *[*] (.*) # <<<<<<+$').match
        match_comment_end = re.compile(r' *[*]/$').match

        code_lines = defaultdict(dict)
        max_line = defaultdict(int)
        filenames = set()
        with open(c_file) as lines:
            lines = iter(lines)
            for line in lines:
                match = match_source_path_line(line)
                if not match:
                filename, lineno = match.groups()
                lineno = int(lineno)
                max_line[filename] = max(max_line[filename], lineno)
                for comment_line in lines:
                    match = match_current_code_line(comment_line)
                    if match:
                        code_lines[filename][lineno] =
                    elif match_comment_end(comment_line):
                        # unexpected comment format - false positive?

        excluded_lines = dict(
            (filename, set(range(1, max_line[filename] + 1)) - set(lines))
            for filename, lines in code_lines.iteritems()

        if self._c_files_map is None:
            self._c_files_map = {}

        for filename in filenames:
            self._c_files_map[os.path.abspath(filename)] = (
                c_file, filename, code_lines[filename], excluded_lines[filename])

        if sourcefile not in self._c_files_map:
            return None, None  # shouldn't happen ...
        return self._c_files_map[sourcefile][1:]

class CythonModuleTracer(FileTracer):
    Find the Python/Cython source file for a Cython module.
    def __init__(self, module_file, py_file, c_file, c_files_map):
        super(CythonModuleTracer, self).__init__()
        self.module_file = module_file
        self.py_file = py_file
        self.c_file = c_file
        self._c_files_map = c_files_map

    def has_dynamic_source_filename(self):
        return True

    def dynamic_source_filename(self, filename, frame):
        source_file = frame.f_code.co_filename
        abs_path = os.path.abspath(source_file)

        if self.py_file and source_file.lower().endswith('.py'):
            # always let handle this case itself
            return self.py_file

        assert self._c_files_map is not None
        if abs_path not in self._c_files_map:
            self._c_files_map[abs_path] = (self.c_file, source_file, None, None)
        return abs_path

class CythonModuleReporter(FileReporter):
    Provide detailed trace information for one source file to
    def __init__(self, c_file, source_file, rel_file_path, code, excluded):
        super(CythonModuleReporter, self).__init__(source_file) = rel_file_path
        self.c_file = c_file
        self._code = code
        self._excluded = excluded

    def statements(self):
        return self._code.viewkeys()

    def excluded_statements(self):
        return self._excluded