Commit 34642eea authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

add pointer test to cross-closure type inference tests

parent b08fc9c7
......@@ -72,6 +72,23 @@ def test_outer_inner_incompatible():
return cython.typeof(x)
def test_outer_inner_ptr():
>>> print(test_outer_inner_ptr())
double *
x = 1.0
xptr_outer = &x
def inner():
nonlocal x
x = 1
xptr_inner = &x
assert cython.typeof(xptr_inner) == cython.typeof(xptr_outer), (
'%s != %s' % (cython.typeof(xptr_inner), cython.typeof(xptr_outer)))
return cython.typeof(xptr_outer)
def test_outer_inner2_double():
>>> print(test_outer_inner2_double())
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