Commit 544f9242 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Merge package and compiler repositories.

parents bb088c2a f2fdd6bc
# Note: Work in progress
import os
import re
import time
from StringIO import StringIO
import Version
from Code import CCodeWriter
# need one-characters subsitutions (for now) so offsets aren't off
special_chars = [('<', '\xF0', '&lt;'),
('>', '\xF1', '&gt;'),
('&', '\xF2', '&amp;')]
class AnnotationCCodeWriter(CCodeWriter):
def __init__(self, f):
CCodeWriter.__init__(self, self)
self.buffer = StringIO()
self.real_f = f
self.annotations = []
self.last_pos = None
self.code = {}
def getvalue(self):
return self.real_f.getvalue()
def write(self, s):
def mark_pos(self, pos):
# if pos is not None:
# CCodeWriter.mark_pos(self, pos)
# return
if self.last_pos:
code = self.code[self.last_pos[1]]
except KeyError:
code = ""
self.code[self.last_pos[1]] = code + self.buffer.getvalue()
self.buffer = StringIO()
self.last_pos = pos
def annotate(self, pos, item):
self.annotations.append((pos, item))
def save_annotation(self, filename):
f = open(filename)
lines = f.readlines()
for k in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[k]
for c, cc, html in special_chars:
line = line.replace(c, cc)
lines[k] = line
all = []
for pos, item in self.annotations:
if pos[0] == filename:
start = item.start()
size, end = item.end()
if size:
all.append((pos, start))
all.append(((filename, pos[1], pos[2]+size), end))
all.append((pos, start+end))
for pos, item in all:
_, line_no, col = pos
line_no -= 1
col += 1
line = lines[line_no]
lines[line_no] = line[:col] + item + line[col:]
f = open("%s.html" % filename, "w")
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: courier; font-size: 12; }
.code { font-size: 9; color: #444444; display: none; margin-left: 20px; }
.py_api { color: red; }
.pyx_api { color: #FF3000; }
.py_macro_api { color: #FF8000; }
.error_goto { color: #FF8000; }
.tag { }
.coerce { color: #008000; border: 1px dotted #008000 }
.py_attr { color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold; }
.c_attr { color: #0000FF; }
.py_call { color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold; }
.c_call { color: #0000FF; }
.line { margin: 0em }
function toggleDiv(id) {
theDiv = document.getElementById(id);
if ( == 'none') = 'block';
else = 'none';
f.write('<p>Generated by Cython %s on %s\n' % (Version.version, time.asctime()))
c_file = os.path.basename(filename)[:-3] + 'c'
f.write('<p>Raw output: <a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (c_file, c_file))
k = 0
py_c_api = re.compile('(Py[A-Z][a-z]+_[A-Z][a-z][A-Za-z_]+)')
pyx_api = re.compile('(__Pyx[A-Za-z_]+)\(')
py_marco_api = re.compile('(Py[A-Za-z]*_[A-Z][A-Z_]+)')
error_goto = re.compile(r'((; *if .*)? \{__pyx_filename = .*goto __pyx_L\w+;\})')
for line in lines:
k += 1
code = self.code[k]
except KeyError:
code = ''
code, c_api_calls = py_c_api.subn(r"<span class='py_api'>\1</span>", code)
code, pyx_api_calls = pyx_api.subn(r"<span class='pyx_api'>\1</span>(", code)
code, macro_api_calls = py_marco_api.subn(r"<span class='py_macro_api'>\1</span>", code)
code, error_goto_calls = error_goto.subn(r"<span class='error_goto'>\1</span>", code)
code = code.replace("<span class='error_goto'>;", ";<span class='error_goto'>")
color = "FFFF%02x" % int(255/(1+(5*c_api_calls+2*pyx_api_calls+macro_api_calls)/10.0))
f.write("<pre class='line' style='background-color: #%s' onclick='toggleDiv(\"line%s\")'>" % (color, k))
f.write(" %d: " % k)
for c, cc, html in special_chars:
line = line.replace(cc, html)
f.write("<pre id='line%s' class='code' style='background-color: #%s'>%s</pre>" % (k, color, code))
# TODO: make this cleaner
def escape(raw_string):
raw_string = raw_string.replace("\'", r"&#146;")
raw_string = raw_string.replace('\"', r'&quot;')
raw_string = raw_string.replace('\n', r'<br>\n')
raw_string = raw_string.replace('\t', r'\t')
return raw_string
class AnnotationItem:
def __init__(self, style, text, tag="", size=0): = style
self.text = text
self.tag = tag
self.size = size
def start(self):
return "<span class='tag %s' title='%s'>%s" % (, self.text, self.tag)
def end(self):
return self.size, "</span>"
# Pyrex - Builtin Definitions
from Symtab import BuiltinScope
from TypeSlots import Signature
builtin_function_table = [
# name, args, return, C API func, py equiv = "*"
('abs', "O", "O", "PyNumber_Absolute"),
#('chr', "", "", ""),
#('cmp', "", "", "", ""), # int PyObject_Cmp(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2, int *result)
#('compile', "", "", ""), # PyObject* Py_CompileString( char *str, char *filename, int start)
('delattr', "OO", "r", "PyObject_DelAttr"),
('dir', "O", "O", "PyObject_Dir"),
('divmod', "OO", "O", "PyNumber_Divmod"),
#('eval', "", "", ""),
#('execfile', "", "", ""),
#('filter', "", "", ""),
('getattr', "OO", "O", "PyObject_GetAttr"),
('getattr3', "OOO", "O", "__Pyx_GetAttr3", "getattr"),
('hasattr', "OO", "b", "PyObject_HasAttr"),
('hash', "O", "l", "PyObject_Hash"),
#('hex', "", "", ""),
#('id', "", "", ""),
#('input', "", "", ""),
('intern', "s", "O", "PyString_InternFromString"),
('isinstance', "OO", "b", "PyObject_IsInstance"),
('issubclass', "OO", "b", "PyObject_IsSubclass"),
('iter', "O", "O", "PyObject_GetIter"),
('len', "O", "Z", "PyObject_Length"),
#('map', "", "", ""),
#('max', "", "", ""),
#('min', "", "", ""),
#('oct', "", "", ""),
# Not worth doing open, when second argument would become mandatory
#('open', "ss", "O", "PyFile_FromString"),
#('ord', "", "", ""),
('pow', "OOO", "O", "PyNumber_Power"),
#('range', "", "", ""),
#('raw_input', "", "", ""),
#('reduce', "", "", ""),
('reload', "O", "O", "PyImport_ReloadModule"),
('repr', "O", "O", "PyObject_Repr"),
#('round', "", "", ""),
('setattr', "OOO", "r", "PyObject_SetAttr"),
#('sum', "", "", ""),
#('unichr', "", "", ""),
#('unicode', "", "", ""),
#('vars', "", "", ""),
#('zip', "", "", ""),
# Can't do these easily until we have builtin type entries.
#('typecheck', "OO", "i", "PyObject_TypeCheck", False),
#('issubtype', "OO", "i", "PyType_IsSubtype", False),
# Builtin types
# bool
# buffer
# classmethod
# dict
# enumerate
# file
# float
# int
# list
# long
# object
# property
# slice
# staticmethod
# super
# str
# tuple
# type
# xrange
getattr3_utility_code = ["""
static PyObject *__Pyx_GetAttr3(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); /*proto*/
static PyObject *__Pyx_GetAttr3(PyObject *o, PyObject *n, PyObject *d) {
PyObject *r = PyObject_GetAttr(o, n);
if (!r) {
if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError))
goto bad;
r = d;
return r;
return 0;
builtin_utility_code = {
'getattr3': getattr3_utility_code,
builtin_scope = BuiltinScope()
def declare_builtin_func(name, args, ret, cname, py_equiv = "*"):
sig = Signature(args, ret)
type = sig.function_type()
utility = builtin_utility_code.get(name)
builtin_scope.declare_builtin_cfunction(name, type, cname, py_equiv, utility)
def init_builtin_funcs():
for desc in builtin_function_table:
def init_builtins():
# Cython - Command Line Parsing
import sys
import Options
import Transform
usage = """\
Cython ( is a compiler for code written in the
Cython language. Cython is based on Pyrex by Greg Ewing.
Usage: cython [options] sourcefile.pyx ...
-v, --version Display version number of cython compiler
-l, --create-listing Write error messages to a listing file
-I, --include-dir <directory> Search for include files in named directory
(multiply include directories are allowed).
-o, --output-file <filename> Specify name of generated C file
-p, --embed-positions If specified, the positions in Cython files of each
function definition is embedded in its docstring.
-z, --pre-import <module> If specified, assume undeclared names in this
module. Emulates the behavior of putting
"from <module> import *" at the top of the file.
--incref-local-binop Force local an extra incref on local variables before
performing any binary operations.
--cleanup <level> Release interned objects on python exit, for memory debugging.
Level indicates aggressiveness, default 0 releases nothing.
-D, --no-docstrings Remove docstrings.
-a, --annotate Produce an colorized version of the source.
--convert-range Convert for loops using range() function to for...from loops.
--cplus Output a c++ rather than c file.
#The following experimental options are supported only on MacOSX:
# -C, --compile Compile generated .c file to .o file
# -X, --link Link .o file to produce extension module (implies -C)
# -+, --cplus Use C++ compiler for compiling and linking
# Additional .o files to link may be supplied when using -X."""
#The following options are very experimental and is used for plugging in code
#into different transform stages.
# -T phase:factory At the phase given, hand off the tree to the transform returned
# when calling factory without arguments. Factory should be fully
# specified (ie Module.SubModule.factory) and the containing module
# will be imported. This option can be repeated to add more transforms,
# transforms for the same phase will be used in the order they are given.
def bad_usage():
print >>sys.stderr, usage
def parse_command_line(args):
def parse_add_transform(transforms, param):
def import_symbol(fqn):
modsplitpt = fqn.rfind(".")
if modsplitpt == -1: bad_usage()
modulename = fqn[:modsplitpt]
symbolname = fqn[modsplitpt+1:]
module = __import__(modulename, globals(), locals(), [symbolname])
return getattr(module, symbolname)
stagename, factoryname = param.split(":")
if not stagename in Transform.PHASES:
factory = import_symbol(factoryname)
transform = factory()
from Cython.Compiler.Main import \
CompilationOptions, default_options
def pop_arg():
if args:
return args.pop(0)
def get_param(option):
tail = option[2:]
if tail:
return tail
return pop_arg()
options = CompilationOptions(default_options)
sources = []
while args:
if args[0].startswith("-"):
option = pop_arg()
if option in ("-v", "--version"):
options.show_version = 1
elif option in ("-l", "--create-listing"):
options.use_listing_file = 1
elif option in ("-C", "--compile"):
options.c_only = 0
elif option in ("-X", "--link"):
options.c_only = 0
options.obj_only = 0
elif option in ("-+", "--cplus"):
options.cplus = 1
elif option.startswith("-I"):
elif option == "--include-dir":
elif option in ("-o", "--output-file"):
options.output_file = pop_arg()
elif option in ("-p", "--embed-positions"):
Options.embed_pos_in_docstring = 1
elif option in ("-z", "--pre-import"):
Options.pre_import = pop_arg()
elif option == "--incref-local-binop":
Options.incref_local_binop = 1
elif option == "--cleanup":
Options.generate_cleanup_code = int(pop_arg())
elif option in ("-D", "--no-docstrings"):
Options.docstrings = False
elif option in ("-a", "--annotate"):
Options.annotate = True
elif option == "--convert-range":
Options.convert_range = True
elif option.startswith("-T"):
parse_add_transform(options.transforms, get_param(option))
# Note: this can occur multiple times, each time appends
arg = pop_arg()
if arg.endswith(".pyx"):
elif arg.endswith(".o"):
print >>sys.stderr, \
"cython: %s: Unknown filename suffix" % arg
if options.objects and len(sources) > 1:
print >>sys.stderr, \
"cython: Only one source file allowed together with .o files"
if options.use_listing_file and len(sources) > 1:
print >>sys.stderr, \
"cython: Only one source file allowed when using -o"
if len(sources) == 0 and not options.show_version:
return options, sources
This diff is collapsed.
import bisect
# This module keeps track of arbitrary "states" at any point of the code.
# A state is considered known if every path to the given point agrees on
# its state, otherwise it is None (i.e. unknown).
# It might be useful to be able to "freeze" the set of states by pushing
# all state changes to the tips of the trees for fast reading. Perhaps this
# could be done on get_state, clearing the cache on set_state (assuming
# incoming is immutable).
# This module still needs a lot of work, and probably should totally be
# redesigned. It doesn't take return, raise, continue, or break into
# account.
class ControlFlow:
def __init__(self, start_pos, incoming, parent):
self.start_pos = start_pos
self.incoming = incoming
if parent is None and incoming is not None:
parent = incoming.parent
self.parent = parent
self.tip = {}
self.end_pos = ((),)
def start_branch(self, pos):
self.end_pos = pos
branch_point = BranchingControlFlow(pos, self)
if self.parent is not None:
self.parent.branches[-1] = branch_point
return branch_point.branches[0]
def next_branch(self, pos):
self.end_pos = pos
return self.parent.new_branch(pos)
def finish_branch(self, pos):
self.end_pos = pos
self.parent.end_pos = pos
return LinearControlFlow(pos, self.parent)
def get_state(self, item, pos=((),())):
return self.get_pos_state(item, pos)[1]
def get_pos_state(self, item, pos=((),())):
# do some caching
if pos > self.end_pos:
return self.tip[item]
except KeyError:
self.tip[item] = pos_state = self._get_pos_state(item, pos)
return pos_state
return self._get_pos_state(item, pos)
class LinearControlFlow(ControlFlow):
def __init__(self, start_pos=(), incoming=None, parent=None):
ControlFlow.__init__(self, start_pos, incoming, parent) = {}
def set_state(self, pos, item, state):
if self.tip.has_key(item):
del self.tip[item]
if pos < self.start_pos:
if self.incoming is not None:
self.incoming.set_state(pos, item, state)
event_list =[item]
event_list = [][item] = event_list
bisect.insort(event_list, (pos, state))
def _get_pos_state(self, item, pos):
if pos > self.start_pos:
event_list =[item]
for event in event_list[::-1]:
if event[0] < pos:
return event
if self.incoming is not None:
return self.incoming.get_pos_state(item, pos)
return None, None
def to_string(self, indent='', limit=None):
if len( == 0:
s = indent + "[no state changes]"
all = []
for item, event_list in
for pos, state in event_list:
all.append((indent, pos, item, state))
all = ["%s%s: %s <- %s" % data for data in all]
s = "\n".join(all)
if self.incoming is not limit and self.incoming is not None:
s = "%s\n%s" % (self.incoming.to_string(indent, limit=limit), s)
return s
class BranchingControlFlow(ControlFlow):
def __init__(self, start_pos, incoming, parent=None):
ControlFlow.__init__(self, start_pos, incoming, parent)
self.branches = [LinearControlFlow(start_pos, incoming, parent=self)]
self.branch_starts = [start_pos]
def set_state(self, pos, item, state):
if self.tip.has_key(item):
del self.tip[item]
if pos < self.start_pos:
self.incoming.set_state(pos, item, state)
for branch_pos, branch in zip(self.branch_starts[::-1], self.branches[::-1]):
if pos >= branch_pos:
branch.set_state(pos, item, state)
def _get_pos_state(self, item, pos):
if pos <= self.start_pos:
return self.incoming.get_pos_state(item, pos)
elif pos < self.end_pos:
for branch_pos, branch in zip(self.branch_starts[::-1], self.branches[::-1]):
if pos >= branch_pos:
return branch.get_pos_state(item, pos)
last_pos, last_state = self.branches[0].get_pos_state(item, pos)
if last_state is None:
return None, None
for branch in self.branches[1:]:
other_pos, other_state = branch.get_pos_state(item, pos)
if other_state is None or other_state != last_state:
return None, None
elif last_pos is not other_pos:
last_pos = max(last_pos, other_pos)
return last_pos, last_state
def new_branch(self, pos):
self.branches.append(LinearControlFlow(pos, self.incoming, parent=self))
return self.branches[-1]
def to_string(self, indent='', limit=None):
join = "\n%sor\n" % indent
s = join.join([branch.to_string(indent+" ", limit=self.incoming) for branch in self.branches])
if self.incoming is not limit and self.incoming is not None:
s = "%s\n%s" % (self.incoming.to_string(indent, limit=limit), s)
return s
\ No newline at end of file
debug_disposal_code = 0
debug_temp_alloc = 0
debug_coercion = 0
# Pyrex - Errors
import sys
from Cython.Utils import open_new_file
class PyrexError(Exception):
class PyrexWarning(Exception):
def context(position):
F = open(position[0]).readlines()
s = ''.join(F[position[1]-6:position[1]])
s += ' '*(position[2]-1) + '^'
s = '-'*60 + '\n...\n' + s + '\n' + '-'*60 + '\n'
return s
class CompileError(PyrexError):
def __init__(self, position = None, message = ""):
self.position = position
self.message = message
if position:
pos_str = "%s:%d:%d: " % position
cont = context(position)
pos_str = ""
cont = ''
Exception.__init__(self, '\nError converting Pyrex file to C:\n' + cont + '\n' + pos_str + message )
class CompileWarning(PyrexWarning):
def __init__(self, position = None, message = ""):
self.position = position
self.message = message
if position:
pos_str = "%s:%d:%d: " % position
pos_str = ""
Exception.__init__(self, pos_str + message)
class InternalError(Exception):
# If this is ever raised, there is a bug in the compiler.
def __init__(self, message):
Exception.__init__(self, "Internal compiler error: %s"
% message)
listing_file = None
num_errors = 0
echo_file = None
def open_listing_file(path, echo_to_stderr = 1):
# Begin a new error listing. If path is None, no file
# is opened, the error counter is just reset.
global listing_file, num_errors, echo_file
if path is not None:
listing_file = open_new_file(path)
listing_file = None
if echo_to_stderr:
echo_file = sys.stderr
echo_file = None
num_errors = 0
def close_listing_file():
global listing_file
if listing_file:
listing_file = None
def error(position, message):
#print "Errors.error:", repr(position), repr(message) ###
global num_errors
err = CompileError(position, message)
line = "%s\n" % err
if listing_file:
if echo_file:
num_errors = num_errors + 1
return err
LEVEL=1 # warn about all errors level 1 or higher
def warning(position, message, level=0):
if level < LEVEL:
warn = CompileWarning(position, message)
line = "warning: %s\n" % warn
if listing_file:
if echo_file:
return warn
This diff is collapsed.
# Pyrex Scanner - Lexical Definitions
# Changing anything in this file will cause Lexicon.pickle
# to be rebuilt next time pyrexc is run.
string_prefixes = "cCrRuU"
def make_lexicon():
from Cython.Plex import \
Str, Any, AnyBut, AnyChar, Rep, Rep1, Opt, Bol, Eol, Eof, \
TEXT, IGNORE, State, Lexicon
from Scanning import Method
letter = Any("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
digit = Any("0123456789")
octdigit = Any("01234567")
hexdigit = Any("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef")
indentation = Bol + Rep(Any(" \t"))
decimal = Rep1(digit)
dot = Str(".")
exponent = Any("Ee") + Opt(Any("+-")) + decimal
decimal_fract = (decimal + dot + Opt(decimal)) | (dot + decimal)
name = letter + Rep(letter | digit)
intconst = decimal | (Str("0x") + Rep1(hexdigit))
longconst = intconst + Str("L")
fltconst = (decimal_fract + Opt(exponent)) | (decimal + exponent)
imagconst = (intconst | fltconst) + Any("jJ")
sq_string = (
Str("'") +
Rep(AnyBut("\\\n'") | (Str("\\") + AnyChar)) +
dq_string = (
Str('"') +
Rep(AnyBut('\\\n"') | (Str("\\") + AnyChar)) +
non_sq = AnyBut("'") | (Str('\\') + AnyChar)
tsq_string = (
+ Rep(non_sq | (Str("'") + non_sq) | (Str("''") + non_sq))
+ Str("'''")
non_dq = AnyBut('"') | (Str('\\') + AnyChar)
tdq_string = (
+ Rep(non_dq | (Str('"') + non_dq) | (Str('""') + non_dq))
+ Str('"""')
stringlit = Opt(Any(string_prefixes)) + (sq_string | dq_string | tsq_string| tdq_string)
beginstring = Opt(Any(string_prefixes)) + (Str("'") | Str('"') | Str("'''") | Str('"""'))
two_oct = octdigit + octdigit
three_oct = octdigit + octdigit + octdigit
two_hex = hexdigit + hexdigit
four_hex = two_hex + two_hex
escapeseq = Str("\\") + (two_oct | three_oct | two_hex |
Str('u') + four_hex | Str('x') + two_hex | AnyChar)
bra = Any("([{")
ket = Any(")]}")
punct = Any(":,;+-*/|&<>=.%`~^?")
diphthong = Str("==", "<>", "!=", "<=", ">=", "<<", ">>", "**", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "|=", "^=", "&=", "//")
spaces = Rep1(Any(" \t\f"))
comment = Str("#") + Rep(AnyBut("\n"))
escaped_newline = Str("\\\n")
lineterm = Eol + Opt(Str("\n"))
return Lexicon([
(name, 'IDENT'),
(intconst, 'INT'),
(longconst, 'LONG'),
(fltconst, 'FLOAT'),
(imagconst, 'IMAG'),
(punct | diphthong, TEXT),
(bra, Method('open_bracket_action')),
(ket, Method('close_bracket_action')),
(lineterm, Method('newline_action')),
#(stringlit, 'STRING'),
(beginstring, Method('begin_string_action')),
(comment, IGNORE),
(spaces, IGNORE),
(escaped_newline, IGNORE),
State('INDENT', [
(Opt(spaces) + Opt(comment) + lineterm, IGNORE),
(indentation, Method('indentation_action')),
(Eof, Method('eof_action'))
State('SQ_STRING', [
(escapeseq, 'ESCAPE'),
(Rep1(AnyBut("'\"\n\\")), 'CHARS'),
(Str('"'), 'CHARS'),
(Str("\n"), Method('unclosed_string_action')),
(Str("'"), Method('end_string_action')),
(Eof, 'EOF')
State('DQ_STRING', [
(escapeseq, 'ESCAPE'),
(Rep1(AnyBut('"\n\\')), 'CHARS'),
(Str("'"), 'CHARS'),
(Str("\n"), Method('unclosed_string_action')),
(Str('"'), Method('end_string_action')),
(Eof, 'EOF')
State('TSQ_STRING', [
(escapeseq, 'ESCAPE'),
(Rep1(AnyBut("'\"\n\\")), 'CHARS'),
(Any("'\""), 'CHARS'),
(Str("\n"), 'NEWLINE'),
(Str("'''"), Method('end_string_action')),
(Eof, 'EOF')
State('TDQ_STRING', [
(escapeseq, 'ESCAPE'),
(Rep1(AnyBut('"\'\n\\')), 'CHARS'),
(Any("'\""), 'CHARS'),
(Str("\n"), 'NEWLINE'),
(Str('"""'), Method('end_string_action')),
(Eof, 'EOF')
(Eof, Method('eof_action'))
# FIXME: Plex 1.9 needs different args here from Plex 1.1.4
#debug_flags = scanner_debug_flags,
#debug_file = scanner_dump_file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
# Pyrex - C naming conventions
# Prefixes for generating C names.
# Collected here to facilitate ensuring uniqueness.
pyrex_prefix = "__pyx_"
builtin_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "builtin_"
arg_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "arg_"
funcdoc_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "doc_"
enum_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "e_"
func_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "f_"
pyfunc_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "pf_"
gstab_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "getsets_"
prop_get_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "getprop_"
const_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "k"
label_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "L"
pymethdef_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "mdef_"
methtab_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "methods_"
memtab_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "members_"
interned_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "n_"
interned_num_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "int_"
objstruct_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "obj_"
typeptr_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "ptype_"
prop_set_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "setprop_"
type_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "t_"
typeobj_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "type_"
var_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "v_"
vtable_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "vtable_"
vtabptr_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "vtabptr_"
vtabstruct_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "vtabstruct_"
opt_arg_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "opt_args_"
args_cname = pyrex_prefix + "args"
kwdlist_cname = pyrex_prefix + "argnames"
obj_base_cname = pyrex_prefix + "base"
builtins_cname = pyrex_prefix + "b"
preimport_cname = pyrex_prefix + "i"
moddict_cname = pyrex_prefix + "d"
dummy_cname = pyrex_prefix + "dummy"
filename_cname = pyrex_prefix + "filename"
filetable_cname = pyrex_prefix + "f"
filenames_cname = pyrex_prefix + "filenames"
fileinit_cname = pyrex_prefix + "init_filenames"
intern_tab_cname = pyrex_prefix + "intern_tab"
kwds_cname = pyrex_prefix + "kwds"
lineno_cname = pyrex_prefix + "lineno"
clineno_cname = pyrex_prefix + "clineno"
cfilenm_cname = pyrex_prefix + "cfilenm"
module_cname = pyrex_prefix + "m"
moddoc_cname = pyrex_prefix + "mdoc"
methtable_cname = pyrex_prefix + "methods"
retval_cname = pyrex_prefix + "r"
reqd_kwds_cname = pyrex_prefix + "reqd_kwds"
self_cname = pyrex_prefix + "self"
stringtab_cname = pyrex_prefix + "string_tab"
vtabslot_cname = pyrex_prefix + "vtab"
c_api_tab_cname = pyrex_prefix + "c_api_tab"
gilstate_cname = pyrex_prefix + "state"
skip_dispatch_cname = pyrex_prefix + "skip_dispatch"
empty_tuple = pyrex_prefix + "empty_tuple"
cleanup_cname = pyrex_prefix + "module_cleanup"
optional_args_cname = pyrex_prefix + "optional_args"
no_opt_args = pyrex_prefix + "no_opt_args"
line_c_macro = "__LINE__"
file_c_macro = "__FILE__"
extern_c_macro = pyrex_prefix.upper() + "EXTERN_C"
exc_type_name = pyrex_prefix + "exc_type"
exc_value_name = pyrex_prefix + "exc_value"
exc_tb_name = pyrex_prefix + "exc_tb"
exc_lineno_name = pyrex_prefix + "exc_lineno"
exc_vars = (exc_type_name, exc_value_name, exc_tb_name)
api_name = pyrex_prefix + "capi__"
h_guard_prefix = "__PYX_HAVE__"
api_guard_prefix = "__PYX_HAVE_API__"
api_func_guard = "__PYX_HAVE_API_FUNC_"
def py_version_hex(major, minor=0, micro=0, release_level=0, release_serial=0):
return (major << 24) | (minor << 16) | (micro << 8) | (release_level << 4) | (release_serial)
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# Pyrex - Compilation-wide options
intern_names = 1 # Intern global variable and attribute names
cache_builtins = 1 # Perform lookups on builtin names only once
embed_pos_in_docstring = 0
gcc_branch_hints = 1
pre_import = None
docstrings = True
# This is a SAGE-specific option that will
# cause Cython to incref local variables before
# performing a binary operation on them, for
# safe detection of inplace operators.
incref_local_binop = 0
# Decref global variables in this module on exit for garbage collection.
# 0: None, 1+: interned objects, 2+: cdef globals, 3+: types objects
# Mostly for reducing noise for Valgrind, only executes at process exit
# (when all memory will be reclaimed anyways).
generate_cleanup_code = 0
annotate = 0
# This will convert statements of the form "for i in range(...)"
# to "for i from ..." when i is a cdef'd integer type, and the direction
# (i.e. sign of step) can be determined.
# WARNING: This may change the symantics if the range causes assignment to
# i to overflow. Specifically, if this option is set, an error will be
# raised before the loop is entered, wheras without this option the loop
# will execute util a overflowing value is encountered.
convert_range = 0
# Enable this to allow one to write = ... to overwrite the
# definition if the cpdef function foo, at the cost of an extra dictionary
# lookup on every call.
# If this is 0 it simply creates a wrapper.
lookup_module_cpdef = 0
# This will set local variables to None rather than NULL which may cause
# surpress what would be an UnboundLocalError in pure Python but eliminates
# checking for NULL on every use, and can decref rather than xdecref at the end.
# WARNING: This is a work in progress, may currently segfault.
init_local_none = 1
# Optimize no argument and one argument methods by using the METH_O and METH_NOARGS
# calling conventions. These are faster calling conventions, but disallow the use of
# keywords (which, admittedly, are of little use in these cases).
optimize_simple_methods = 1
# Append the c file and line number to the traceback for exceptions.
c_line_in_traceback = 0
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version = ''
# Odds and ends for debugging
def print_call_chain(*args):
import sys
print(" ".join(map(str, args)))
f = sys._getframe(1)
while f:
name = f.f_code.co_name
s = f.f_locals.get('self', None)
if s:
c = getattr(s, "__class__", None)
if c:
name = "%s.%s" % (c.__name__, name)
print("Called from: %s %s" % (name, f.f_lineno))
f = f.f_back
print("-" * 70)
# July 2002, Graham Fawcett
# this hack was inspired by the way Thomas Heller got py2exe
# to appear as a distutil command
# we replace distutils.command.build_ext with our own version
# and keep the old one under the module name _build_ext,
# so that *our* build_ext can make use of it.
from build_ext import build_ext
# from extension import Extension
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# Pyrex -- Misc Mac-specific things
import os, MacOS, macfs
def open_new_file(path):
# On the Mac, try to preserve Finder position
# of previously existing file.
fsspec = macfs.FSSpec(path)
old_finfo = fsspec.GetFInfo()
except MacOS.Error, e:
#print "MacUtils.open_new_file:", e ###
old_finfo = None
except OSError:
file = open(path, "w")
new_finfo = fsspec.GetFInfo()
if old_finfo:
#print "MacUtils.open_new_file:", path ###
#print "...old file info =", old_finfo.Creator, old_finfo.Type, old_finfo.Location ###
#print " file info =", new_finfo.Creator, new_finfo.Type, new_finfo.Location ###
new_finfo.Location = old_finfo.Location
new_finfo.Flags = old_finfo.Flags
# Make darn sure the type and creator are right. There seems
# to be a bug in MacPython 2.2 that screws them up sometimes.
new_finfo.Creator = "R*ch"
new_finfo.Type = "TEXT"
return file
# Makefile for Darwin
# Change this to your Python source location
PYTHON := /Local/Build/Pythonic/python/2.3
INCLUDE := -I$(PYTHON) -I$(PYTHON)/Include -I$(PYTHON)/Mac/Include
CCOPTS := -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-long-double -no-cpp-precomp \
-mno-fused-madd -fno-common -dynamic
LDOPTS := -Wl,-F.,-w -bundle -framework Python -framework Carbon
_File.o: _Filemodule_patched.c
gcc -c $(INCLUDE) $(OPTS) $< -o $@ _File.o
gcc $(LDOPTS) $< -o $@
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