Commit 73da9b35 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

big C++ mergeback

parents 4df01a09 5109df24
......@@ -15,3 +15,8 @@ a4abf0156540db4d3ebaa95712b65811c43c5acb 0.11-beta
6454db601984145f38e28d34176fca8a3a22329c 0.11.1
af6f1bed8cd40a2edefb57d3eacbc9274a8788b4 0.11.2.rc1
15ad532e2127840ae09dfbe46ccc80ac8c562f99 0.11.2
eb00d00a73c13b6aa8b440fe07cd7acb52a060e8 0.11.3.rc0
7c695fe49fd6912f52d995fe512d66baacf90ee6 0.11.3
4208042ceeae634f5c0999b8ab75f69faf46b6db 0.12.alpha0
e77827f09af67560aa82a18feab778f71ca0a9d3 0.12.rc0
fae19937e4945c59a5d9d62c63f1c3b09046c3a3 0.12
......@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ class CodeWriter(TreeVisitor):
def visit_IntNode(self, node):
# FIXME: represent string nodes correctly
def visit_StringNode(self, node):
value = node.value
if value.encoding is not None:
from Cython.Compiler.Visitor import VisitorTransform, ScopeTrackingTransform, TreeVisitor
from Nodes import StatListNode, SingleAssignmentNode, CFuncDefNode
from ExprNodes import DictNode, DictItemNode, NameNode, UnicodeNode, NoneNode, \
ExprNode, AttributeNode, ModuleRefNode, DocstringRefNode
from PyrexTypes import py_object_type
from Builtin import dict_type
from StringEncoding import EncodedString
import Naming
class AutoTestDictTransform(ScopeTrackingTransform):
# Handles autotestdict directive
blacklist = ['__cinit__', '__dealloc__', '__richcmp__', '__nonzero__']
def visit_ModuleNode(self, node):
self.scope_type = 'module'
self.scope_node = node
if self.current_directives['autotestdict']:
assert isinstance(node.body, StatListNode)
# First see if __test__ is already created
if u'__test__' in node.scope.entries:
# Do nothing
return node
pos = node.pos
self.tests = []
self.testspos = node.pos
test_dict_entry = node.scope.declare_var(EncodedString(u'__test__'),
create_test_dict_assignment = SingleAssignmentNode(pos,
lhs=NameNode(pos, name=EncodedString(u'__test__'),
rhs=DictNode(pos, key_value_pairs=self.tests))
return node
def add_test(self, testpos, name, func_ref_node):
# func_ref_node must evaluate to the function object containing
# the docstring, BUT it should not be the function itself (which
# would lead to a new *definition* of the function)
pos = self.testspos
keystr = u'%s (line %d)' % (name, testpos[1])
key = UnicodeNode(pos, value=EncodedString(keystr))
value = DocstringRefNode(pos, func_ref_node)
self.tests.append(DictItemNode(pos, key=key, value=value))
def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node):
if node.doc:
if isinstance(node, CFuncDefNode) and not node.py_func:
# skip non-cpdef cdef functions
return node
pos = self.testspos
if self.scope_type == 'module':
parent = ModuleRefNode(pos)
name =
elif self.scope_type in ('pyclass', 'cclass'):
if isinstance(node, CFuncDefNode):
name =
name =
if self.scope_type == 'cclass' and name in self.blacklist:
return node
mod = ModuleRefNode(pos)
if self.scope_type == 'pyclass':
clsname =
clsname = self.scope_node.class_name
parent = AttributeNode(pos, obj=mod,
name = "%s.%s" % (clsname,
assert False
getfunc = AttributeNode(pos, obj=parent,,
self.add_test(node.pos, name, getfunc)
return node
......@@ -93,10 +93,13 @@ class AnnotationCCodeWriter(CCodeWriter):
body { font-family: courier; font-size: 12; }
.code { font-size: 9; color: #444444; display: none; margin-left: 20px; }
.py_api { color: red; }
.pyx_api { color: #FF3000; }
.py_macro_api { color: #FF8000; }
.error_goto { color: #FF8000; }
.py_c_api { color: red; }
.py_macro_api { color: #FF7000; }
.pyx_c_api { color: #FF3000; }
.pyx_macro_api { color: #FF7000; }
.refnanny { color: #FFA000; }
.error_goto { color: #FFA000; }
.tag { }
......@@ -126,10 +129,12 @@ function toggleDiv(id) {
f.write(u'<p>Raw output: <a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (c_file, c_file))
k = 0
py_c_api = re.compile(u'(Py[A-Z][a-z]+_[A-Z][a-z][A-Za-z_]+)')
pyx_api = re.compile(u'(__Pyx[A-Za-z_]+)\(')
py_marco_api = re.compile(u'(Py[A-Za-z]*_[A-Z][A-Z_]+)')
py_c_api = re.compile(u'(Py[A-Z][a-z]+_[A-Z][a-z][A-Za-z_]+)\(')
py_marco_api = re.compile(u'(Py[A-Z][a-z]+_[A-Z][A-Z_]+)\(')
pyx_c_api = re.compile(u'(__Pyx_[A-Z][a-z_][A-Za-z_]+)\(')
pyx_macro_api = re.compile(u'(__Pyx_[A-Z][A-Z_]+)\(')
error_goto = re.compile(ur'((; *if .*)? \{__pyx_filename = .*goto __pyx_L\w+;\})')
refnanny = re.compile(u'(__Pyx_X?(GOT|GIVE)REF|__Pyx_RefNanny[A-Za-z]+)')
for line in lines:
......@@ -139,14 +144,17 @@ function toggleDiv(id) {
except KeyError:
code = ''
code, c_api_calls = py_c_api.subn(ur"<span class='py_api'>\1</span>", code)
code, pyx_api_calls = pyx_api.subn(ur"<span class='pyx_api'>\1</span>(", code)
code, macro_api_calls = py_marco_api.subn(ur"<span class='py_macro_api'>\1</span>", code)
code, py_c_api_calls = py_c_api.subn(ur"<span class='py_c_api'>\1</span>(", code)
code, pyx_c_api_calls = pyx_c_api.subn(ur"<span class='pyx_c_api'>\1</span>(", code)
code, py_macro_api_calls = py_marco_api.subn(ur"<span class='py_macro_api'>\1</span>(", code)
code, pyx_macro_api_calls = pyx_macro_api.subn(ur"<span class='pyx_macro_api'>\1</span>(", code)
code, refnanny_calls = refnanny.subn(ur"<span class='refnanny'>\1</span>", code)
code, error_goto_calls = error_goto.subn(ur"<span class='error_goto'>\1</span>", code)
code = code.replace(u"<span class='error_goto'>;", u";<span class='error_goto'>")
color = u"FFFF%02x" % int(255/(1+(5*c_api_calls+2*pyx_api_calls+macro_api_calls)/10.0))
score = 5*py_c_api_calls + 2*pyx_c_api_calls + py_macro_api_calls + pyx_macro_api_calls - refnanny_calls
color = u"FFFF%02x" % int(255/(1+score/10.0))
f.write(u"<pre class='line' style='background-color: #%s' onclick='toggleDiv(\"line%s\")'>" % (color, k))
f.write(u" %d: " % k)
......@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ from Cython.Compiler.Nodes import DefNode, CFuncDefNode
from Cython.Compiler.Errors import CompileError
from Cython.Compiler.StringEncoding import EncodedString
from Cython.Compiler import Options
from Cython.Compiler import PyrexTypes
from Cython.Compiler import PyrexTypes, ExprNodes
class EmbedSignature(CythonTransform):
......@@ -16,15 +14,26 @@ class EmbedSignature(CythonTransform):
self.class_node = None
def _fmt_arg_defv(self, arg):
if not arg.default:
default_val = arg.default
if not default_val:
return None
denv = self.denv # XXX
ctval = arg.default.compile_time_value(self.denv)
return '%r' % ctval
ctval = default_val.compile_time_value(self.denv)
repr_val = '%r' % ctval
if isinstance(default_val, ExprNodes.UnicodeNode):
if repr_val[:1] != 'u':
return u'u%s' % repr_val
elif isinstance(default_val, ExprNodes.BytesNode):
if repr_val[:1] != 'b':
return u'b%s' % repr_val
elif isinstance(default_val, ExprNodes.StringNode):
if repr_val[:1] in ('u', 'b'):
return repr_val
except Exception:
return # XXX
return # XXX
except AttributeError:
return '<???>'
......@@ -82,7 +91,7 @@ class EmbedSignature(CythonTransform):
def _embed_signature(self, signature, node_doc):
if node_doc:
return signature + '\n' + node_doc
return "%s\n%s" % (signature, node_doc)
return signature
from Cython.Compiler.Visitor import VisitorTransform, CythonTransform
from Cython.Compiler.ModuleNode import ModuleNode
from Cython.Compiler.Nodes import *
from Cython.Compiler.ExprNodes import *
from Cython.Compiler.StringEncoding import EncodedString
from Cython.Compiler.Errors import CompileError
from Cython.Utils import UtilityCode
from Visitor import VisitorTransform, CythonTransform
from ModuleNode import ModuleNode
from Nodes import *
from ExprNodes import *
from StringEncoding import EncodedString
from Errors import CompileError
from Code import UtilityCode
import Interpreter
import PyrexTypes
......@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ def analyse_buffer_options(globalpos, env, posargs, dictargs, defaults=None, nee
for name, (value, pos) in dictargs.iteritems():
if not name in buffer_options:
raise CompileError(pos, ERR_BUF_OPTION_UNKNOWN % name)
options[name.encode("ASCII")] = value
options[name] = value
for name, (value, pos) in zip(buffer_options, posargs):
if not name in buffer_options:
raise CompileError(pos, ERR_BUF_OPTION_UNKNOWN % name)
......@@ -245,8 +245,9 @@ def put_acquire_arg_buffer(entry, code, pos):
# need to care about the buffer then.
put_unpack_buffer_aux_into_scope(buffer_aux, entry.type.mode, code)
def get_release_buffer_code(entry):
return "__Pyx_SafeReleaseBuffer(&%s)" % entry.buffer_aux.buffer_info_var.cname
def put_release_buffer_code(code, entry):
code.putln("__Pyx_SafeReleaseBuffer(&%s);" % entry.buffer_aux.buffer_info_var.cname)
def get_getbuffer_call(code, obj_cname, buffer_aux, buffer_type):
ndim = buffer_type.ndim
......@@ -432,7 +433,7 @@ def use_empty_bufstruct_code(env, max_ndim):
Py_ssize_t __Pyx_zeros[] = {%s};
Py_ssize_t __Pyx_minusones[] = {%s};
""") % (", ".join(["0"] * max_ndim), ", ".join(["-1"] * max_ndim))
env.use_utility_code(UtilityCode(proto=code), "empty_bufstruct_code")
def buf_lookup_full_code(proto, defin, name, nd):
......@@ -494,7 +495,6 @@ def use_py2_buffer_functions(env):
# Emulation of PyObject_GetBuffer and PyBuffer_Release for Python 2.
# For >= 2.6 we do double mode -- use the new buffer interface on objects
# which has the right tp_flags set, but emulation otherwise.
codename = "PyObject_GetBuffer" # just a representative unique key
# Search all types for __getbuffer__ overloads
types = []
......@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ def use_py2_buffer_functions(env):
#define __Pyx_GetBuffer PyObject_GetBuffer
#define __Pyx_ReleaseBuffer PyBuffer_Release
"""), impl = code), codename)
"""), impl = code))
def mangle_dtype_name(dtype):
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
from Symtab import BuiltinScope, StructOrUnionScope
from Cython.Utils import UtilityCode
from Code import UtilityCode
from TypeSlots import Signature
import PyrexTypes
import Naming
......@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ builtin_function_table = [
#('eval', "", "", ""),
#('execfile', "", "", ""),
#('filter', "", "", ""),
('getattr', "OO", "O", "PyObject_GetAttr"),
#('getattr', "OO", "O", "PyObject_GetAttr"), # optimised later on
('getattr3', "OOO", "O", "__Pyx_GetAttr3", "getattr"),
('hasattr', "OO", "b", "PyObject_HasAttr"),
('hash', "O", "l", "PyObject_Hash"),
#('hex', "", "", ""),
#('id', "", "", ""),
#('input', "", "", ""),
('intern', "s", "O", "__Pyx_InternFromString"),
('intern', "O", "O", "__Pyx_Intern"),
('isinstance', "OO", "b", "PyObject_IsInstance"),
('issubclass', "OO", "b", "PyObject_IsSubclass"),
('iter', "O", "O", "PyObject_GetIter"),
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ builtin_function_table = [
#('round', "", "", ""),
('setattr', "OOO", "r", "PyObject_SetAttr"),
#('sum', "", "", ""),
('type', "O", "O", "PyObject_Type"),
#('type', "O", "O", "PyObject_Type"),
#('unichr', "", "", ""),
#('unicode', "", "", ""),
#('vars', "", "", ""),
......@@ -103,10 +103,7 @@ builtin_types_table = [
("tuple", "PyTuple_Type", []),
("list", "PyList_Type", [("append", "OO", "i", "PyList_Append"),
("insert", "OZO", "i", "PyList_Insert"),
# ("sort", "O", "i", "PyList_Sort"), # has optional arguments
("reverse","O", "i", "PyList_Reverse")]),
("list", "PyList_Type", [("insert", "OZO", "i", "PyList_Insert")]),
("dict", "PyDict_Type", [("items", "O", "O", "PyDict_Items"),
("keys", "O", "O", "PyDict_Keys"),
......@@ -123,6 +120,13 @@ builtin_types_table = [
("frozenset", "PyFrozenSet_Type", []),
types_that_construct_their_instance = (
# some builtin types do not always return an instance of
# themselves - these do:
'type', 'bool', 'long', 'float', 'bytes', 'unicode', 'tuple', 'list',
'dict', 'file', 'set', 'frozenset'
# 'str', # only in Py3.x
builtin_structs_table = [
......@@ -163,6 +167,14 @@ bad:
pyexec_utility_code = UtilityCode(
proto = """
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02040000
#ifndef Py_COMPILE_H
#include "compile.h"
#ifndef Py_EVAL_H
#include "eval.h"
static PyObject* __Pyx_PyRun(PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*);
impl = """
......@@ -171,40 +183,61 @@ static PyObject* __Pyx_PyRun(PyObject* o, PyObject* globals, PyObject* locals) {
PyObject* s = 0;
char *code = 0;
if (!locals && !globals) {
if (!globals || globals == Py_None) {
globals = PyModule_GetDict(%s);""" % Naming.module_cname + """
if (!globals)
goto bad;
} else if (!PyDict_Check(globals)) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "exec() arg 2 must be a dict, not %.100s",
goto bad;
if (!locals || locals == Py_None) {
locals = globals;
} else if (!locals) {
locals = globals;
} else if (!globals) {
globals = locals;
if (PyUnicode_Check(o)) {
s = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(o);
if (!s) goto bad;
o = s;
} else if (!PyBytes_Check(o)) {
} else if (!PyString_Check(o)) {
/* FIXME: support file objects and code objects */
"exec currently requires a string as code input.");
goto bad;
if (PyDict_GetItemString(globals, "__builtins__") == NULL) {
PyDict_SetItemString(globals, "__builtins__", PyEval_GetBuiltins());
code = PyBytes_AS_STRING(o);
code = PyString_AS_STRING(o);
result = PyRun_String(code, Py_file_input, globals, locals);
if (PyCode_Check(o)) {
if (PyCode_GetNumFree((PyCodeObject *)o) > 0) {
"code object passed to exec() may not contain free variables");
goto bad;
result = PyEval_EvalCode((PyCodeObject *)o, globals, locals);
} else {
PyCompilerFlags cf;
cf.cf_flags = 0;
if (PyUnicode_Check(o)) {
cf.cf_flags = PyCF_SOURCE_IS_UTF8;
s = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(o);
if (!s) goto bad;
o = s;
} else if (!PyBytes_Check(o)) {
} else if (!PyString_Check(o)) {
"exec: arg 1 must be string, bytes or code object");
goto bad;
code = PyBytes_AS_STRING(o);
code = PyString_AS_STRING(o);
if (PyEval_MergeCompilerFlags(&cf)) {
result = PyRun_StringFlags(code, Py_file_input, globals, locals, &cf);
} else {
result = PyRun_String(code, Py_file_input, globals, locals);
return result;
......@@ -214,12 +247,23 @@ bad:
intern_utility_code = UtilityCode(
proto = """
# define __Pyx_InternFromString(s) PyUnicode_InternFromString(s)
# define __Pyx_InternFromString(s) PyString_InternFromString(s)
static PyObject* __Pyx_Intern(PyObject* s); /* proto */
impl = '''
static PyObject* __Pyx_Intern(PyObject* s) {
if (!(likely(PyString_CheckExact(s)))) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Expected str, got %s", Py_TYPE(s)->tp_name);
return 0;
return s;
def put_py23_set_init_utility_code(code, pos):
code.putln("#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02040000")
......@@ -369,13 +413,16 @@ def init_builtins():
global list_type, tuple_type, dict_type, set_type, bytes_type, unicode_type, type_type
global list_type, tuple_type, dict_type, set_type, type_type
global bytes_type, str_type, unicode_type, float_type
type_type = builtin_scope.lookup('type').type
list_type = builtin_scope.lookup('list').type
tuple_type = builtin_scope.lookup('tuple').type
dict_type = builtin_scope.lookup('dict').type
set_type = builtin_scope.lookup('set').type
bytes_type = builtin_scope.lookup('bytes').type
str_type = builtin_scope.lookup('str').type
unicode_type = builtin_scope.lookup('unicode').type
float_type = builtin_scope.lookup('float').type
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ Options:
-I, --include-dir <directory> Search for include files in named directory
(multiply include directories are allowed).
-o, --output-file <filename> Specify name of generated C file
-r, --recursive Recursively find and compile dependencies
-t, --timestamps Only compile newer source files (implied with -r)
-f, --force Compile all source files (overrides implied -t)
-q, --quiet Don't print module names in recursive mode
......@@ -27,8 +26,6 @@ Options:
-z, --pre-import <module> If specified, assume undeclared names in this
module. Emulates the behavior of putting
"from <module> import *" at the top of the file.
--incref-local-binop Force local an extra incref on local variables before
performing any binary operations.
--cleanup <level> Release interned objects on python exit, for memory debugging.
Level indicates aggressiveness, default 0 releases nothing.
-w, --working <directory> Sets the working directory for Cython (the directory modules
......@@ -39,12 +36,16 @@ Options:
--line-directives Produce #line directives pointing to the .pyx source
--cplus Output a c++ rather than c file.
--embed Embed the Python interpreter in a main() method.
--directive <name>=<value>[,<name=value,...] Overrides a compiler directive
-X, --directive <name>=<value>[,<name=value,...] Overrides a compiler directive
# The following is broken
# -r, --recursive Recursively find and compile dependencies
#The following experimental options are supported only on MacOSX:
# -C, --compile Compile generated .c file to .o file
# -X, --link Link .o file to produce extension module (implies -C)
# --link Link .o file to produce extension module (implies -C)
# -+, --cplus Use C++ compiler for compiling and linking
# Additional .o files to link may be supplied when using -X."""
......@@ -81,11 +82,7 @@ def parse_command_line(args):
options.use_listing_file = 1
elif option in ("-C", "--compile"):
options.c_only = 0
elif option in ("-X", "--link"):
if option == "-X":
print >>sys.stderr, "Deprecation warning: The -X command line switch will be changed to a"
print >>sys.stderr, "shorthand for --directive in Cython 0.12. Please use --link instead."
print >>sys.stderr
elif option in ("--link"):
options.c_only = 0
options.obj_only = 0
elif option in ("-+", "--cplus"):
......@@ -112,8 +109,6 @@ def parse_command_line(args):
Options.embed_pos_in_docstring = 1
elif option in ("-z", "--pre-import"):
Options.pre_import = pop_arg()
elif option == "--incref-local-binop":
Options.incref_local_binop = 1
elif option == "--cleanup":
Options.generate_cleanup_code = int(pop_arg())
elif option in ("-D", "--no-docstrings"):
......@@ -126,11 +121,12 @@ def parse_command_line(args):
options.emit_linenums = True
elif option in ("-X", "--directive"):
options.pragma_overrides = Options.parse_option_list(pop_arg())
options.compiler_directives = Options.parse_directive_list(pop_arg(), relaxed_bool=True)
except ValueError, e:
sys.stderr.write("Error in compiler directive: %s\n" % e.message)
sys.stderr.write("Unknown compiler flag: %s\n" % option)
arg = pop_arg()
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -13,7 +13,13 @@ import bisect, sys
# redesigned. It doesn't take return, raise, continue, or break into
# account.
_END_POS = ((unichr(sys.maxunicode)*10),())
from Cython.Compiler.Scanning import StringSourceDescriptor
_END_POS = (StringSourceDescriptor(unichr(sys.maxunicode)*10, ''),
sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
except AttributeError: # Py3
_END_POS = (StringSourceDescriptor(unichr(sys.maxunicode)*10, ''),
sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize)
class ControlFlow(object):
......@@ -51,10 +57,36 @@ class ControlFlow(object):
return self.tip[item]
except KeyError:
self.tip[item] = pos_state = self._get_pos_state(item, pos)
return pos_state
return self._get_pos_state(item, pos)
pos_state = self._get_pos_state(item, pos)
if pos > self.end_pos:
self.tip[item] = pos_state
return pos_state
def _get_pos_state(self, item, pos):
current = self
while current is not None and pos <= current.start_pos:
current = current.incoming
if current is None:
return (None, None)
state = current._get_pos_state_local(item, pos)
while state is None and current.incoming is not None:
current = current.incoming
state = current._get_pos_state_local(item, pos)
if state is None:
return (None, None)
return state
def set_state(self, pos, item, state):
if item in self.tip:
del self.tip[item]
current = self
while pos < current.start_pos and current.incoming is not None:
current = current.incoming
if item in current.tip:
del current.tip[item]
current._set_state_local(pos, item, state)
class LinearControlFlow(ControlFlow):
......@@ -62,35 +94,22 @@ class LinearControlFlow(ControlFlow):
ControlFlow.__init__(self, start_pos, incoming, parent) = {}
def set_state(self, pos, item, state):
if item in self.tip:
del self.tip[item]
if pos < self.start_pos:
if self.incoming is not None:
self.incoming.set_state(pos, item, state)
def _set_state_local(self, pos, item, state):
if item in
event_list =[item]
if item in
event_list =[item]
event_list = [][item] = event_list
bisect.insort(event_list, (pos, state))
def _get_pos_state(self, item, pos):
if pos > self.start_pos:
if item in
event_list =[item]
for event in event_list[::-1]:
if event[0] < pos:
return event
if self.incoming is not None:
return self.incoming.get_pos_state(item, pos)
return None, None
event_list = [][item] = event_list
bisect.insort(event_list, (pos, state))
def _get_pos_state_local(self, item, pos):
if item in
event_list =[item]
for event in event_list[::-1]:
if event[0] < pos:
return event
return None
def to_string(self, indent='', limit=None):
if len( == 0:
......@@ -116,37 +135,35 @@ class BranchingControlFlow(ControlFlow):
self.branches = [LinearControlFlow(start_pos, incoming, parent=self)]
self.branch_starts = [start_pos]
def set_state(self, pos, item, state):
def _set_state_local(self, pos, item, state):
for branch_pos, branch in zip(self.branch_starts[::-1], self.branches[::-1]):
if pos >= branch_pos:
branch._set_state_local(pos, item, state)
if item in self.tip:
del self.tip[item]
if pos < self.start_pos:
self.incoming.set_state(pos, item, state)
def _get_pos_state_local(self, item, pos, stop_at=None):
if pos < self.end_pos:
for branch_pos, branch in zip(self.branch_starts[::-1], self.branches[::-1]):
if pos >= branch_pos:
branch.set_state(pos, item, state)
def _get_pos_state(self, item, pos):
if pos <= self.start_pos:
return self.incoming.get_pos_state(item, pos)
elif pos < self.end_pos:
for branch_pos, branch in zip(self.branch_starts[::-1], self.branches[::-1]):
if pos >= branch_pos:
return branch.get_pos_state(item, pos)
return branch._get_pos_state_local(item, pos)
last_pos, last_state = self.branches[0].get_pos_state(item, pos)
state = self.branches[0]._get_pos_state_local(item, pos)
if state is None:
return None, None
last_pos, last_state = state
if last_state is None:
return None, None
for branch in self.branches[1:]:
other_pos, other_state = branch.get_pos_state(item, pos)
if other_state is None or other_state != last_state:
state = branch._get_pos_state_local(item, pos)
if state is None:
return None, None
other_pos, other_state = state
if other_state != last_state:
return None, None
elif last_pos is not other_pos:
last_pos = max(last_pos, other_pos)
return last_pos, last_state
return None
def new_branch(self, pos):
self.branches.append(LinearControlFlow(pos, self.incoming, parent=self))
......@@ -8,3 +8,9 @@ debug_temp_code_comments = 0
# Write a call trace of the code generation phase into the C code
debug_trace_code_generation = 0
# Do not replace exceptions with user-friendly error messages
debug_no_exception_intercept = 1
# Print a message each time a new stage in the pipeline is entered
debug_verbose_pipeline = 0
......@@ -21,28 +21,29 @@ def context(position):
F = list(source.get_lines())
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# file has an encoding problem
s = "[unprintable code]\n"
s = u"[unprintable code]\n"
s =''.join(F[max(0, position[1]-6):position[1]])
s = '...\n' + s + ' '*(position[2]-1) + '^\n'
s = '-'*60 + '\n' + s + '-'*60 + '\n'
s = u''.join(F[max(0, position[1]-6):position[1]])
s = u'...\n%s%s^\n' % (s, u' '*(position[2]-1))
s = u'%s\n%s%s\n' % (u'-'*60, s, u'-'*60)
return s
class CompileError(PyrexError):
def __init__(self, position = None, message = ""):
def __init__(self, position = None, message = u""):
self.position = position
self.message_only = message
self.reported = False
# Deprecated and withdrawn in 2.6:
# self.message = message
if position:
pos_str = "%s:%d:%d: " % (position[0].get_description(), position[1], position[2])
pos_str = u"%s:%d:%d: " % (position[0].get_description(), position[1], position[2])
cont = context(position)
pos_str = ""
cont = ''
Exception.__init__(self, '\nError converting Pyrex file to C:\n' + cont + '\n' + pos_str + message )
pos_str = u""
cont = u''
Exception.__init__(self, u'\nError converting Pyrex file to C:\n%s\n%s%s' % (
cont, pos_str, message))
class CompileWarning(PyrexWarning):
......@@ -51,9 +52,9 @@ class CompileWarning(PyrexWarning):
# Deprecated and withdrawn in 2.6:
# self.message = message
if position:
pos_str = "%s:%d:%d: " % (position[0].get_description(), position[1], position[2])
pos_str = u"%s:%d:%d: " % (position[0].get_description(), position[1], position[2])
pos_str = ""
pos_str = u""
Exception.__init__(self, pos_str + message)
......@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ class InternalError(Exception):
# If this is ever raised, there is a bug in the compiler.
def __init__(self, message):
Exception.__init__(self, "Internal compiler error: %s"
Exception.__init__(self, u"Internal compiler error: %s"
% message)
......@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ class CompilerCrash(CompileError):
message = u'\n'
if context:
message = "Compiler crash in " + context + message
message = u"Compiler crash in %s%s" % (context, message)
if stacktrace:
import traceback
message += (
......@@ -118,11 +119,15 @@ def report_error(err):
# See for why dual reporting occurs. Quick fix for now.
if err.reported: return
err.reported = True
line = "%s\n" % err
line = u"%s\n" % err
if listing_file:
try: listing_file.write(line)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
listing_file.write(line.encode('ASCII', 'replace'))
if echo_file:
try: echo_file.write(line)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
echo_file.write(line.encode('ASCII', 'replace'))
num_errors = num_errors + 1
def error(position, message):
......@@ -145,6 +150,20 @@ def warning(position, message, level=0):
return warn
_warn_once_seen = {}
def warn_once(position, message, level=0):
if level < LEVEL or message in _warn_once_seen:
warn = CompileWarning(position, message)
line = "warning: %s\n" % warn
if listing_file:
if echo_file:
_warn_once_seen[message] = True
return warn
# These functions can be used to momentarily suppress errors.
error_stack = []
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ compile-time values.
from Nodes import *
from ExprNodes import *
from Visitor import BasicVisitor
from Errors import CompileError
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from Symtab import BuiltinScope, ModuleScope
from Cython import Utils
from Cython.Utils import open_new_file, replace_suffix
import CythonScope
import DebugFlags
module_name_pattern = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*(\.[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)*$")
......@@ -34,6 +35,12 @@ def dumptree(t):
print t.dump()
return t
def abort_on_errors(node):
# Stop the pipeline if there are any errors.
if Errors.num_errors != 0:
raise InternalError, "abort"
return node
class CompilationData(object):
# Bundles the information that is passed from transform to transform.
# (For now, this is only)
......@@ -59,16 +66,17 @@ class Context(object):
# include_directories [string]
# future_directives [object]
def __init__(self, include_directories, pragma_overrides, cpp=False):
def __init__(self, include_directories, compiler_directives, cpp=False):
#self.modules = {"__builtin__" : BuiltinScope()}
import Builtin, CythonScope
self.modules = {"__builtin__" : Builtin.builtin_scope}
self.modules["cython"] = CythonScope.create_cython_scope(self)
self.include_directories = include_directories
self.future_directives = set()
self.pragma_overrides = pragma_overrides
self.compiler_directives = compiler_directives
self.cpp = cpp
self.pxds = {} # full name -> node tree
standard_include_path = os.path.abspath(
......@@ -81,12 +89,16 @@ class Context(object):
from ParseTreeTransforms import AnalyseDeclarationsTransform, AnalyseExpressionsTransform
from ParseTreeTransforms import CreateClosureClasses, MarkClosureVisitor, DecoratorTransform
from ParseTreeTransforms import InterpretCompilerDirectives, TransformBuiltinMethods
from ParseTreeTransforms import AlignFunctionDefinitions
from TypeInference import MarkAssignments
from ParseTreeTransforms import AlignFunctionDefinitions, GilCheck
from AnalysedTreeTransforms import AutoTestDictTransform
from AutoDocTransforms import EmbedSignature
from Optimize import FlattenInListTransform, SwitchTransform, IterationTransform
from Optimize import FlattenBuiltinTypeCreation, ConstantFolding, FinalOptimizePhase
from Optimize import EarlyReplaceBuiltinCalls, OptimizeBuiltinCalls
from Optimize import ConstantFolding, FinalOptimizePhase
from Optimize import DropRefcountingTransform
from Buffer import IntroduceBufferAuxiliaryVars
from ModuleNode import check_c_declarations
from ModuleNode import check_c_declarations, check_c_declarations_pxd
# Temporary hack that can be used to ensure that all result_code's
# are generated at code generation time.
......@@ -98,7 +110,7 @@ class Context(object):
return node
if pxd:
_check_c_declarations = None
_check_c_declarations = check_c_declarations_pxd
_specific_post_parse = PxdPostParse(self)
_check_c_declarations = check_c_declarations
......@@ -113,22 +125,27 @@ class Context(object):
InterpretCompilerDirectives(self, self.pragma_overrides),
InterpretCompilerDirectives(self, self.compiler_directives),
# ClearResultCodes(self),
# SpecialFunctions(self),
# CreateClosureClasses(context),
......@@ -154,10 +171,16 @@ class Context(object):
return module_node
test_support = []
if options.evaluate_tree_assertions:
from Cython.TestUtils import TreeAssertVisitor
return ([
] + self.create_pipeline(pxd=False, py=py) + [
] + self.create_pipeline(pxd=False, py=py) + test_support + [
......@@ -190,20 +213,24 @@ class Context(object):
return Errors.report_error(exc)
def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, source):
err = None
error = None
data = source
for phase in pipeline:
if phase is not None:
if DebugFlags.debug_verbose_pipeline:
print "Entering pipeline phase %r" % phase
data = phase(data)
except CompileError, err:
# err is set
error = err
except InternalError, err:
# Only raise if there was not an earlier error
if Errors.num_errors == 0:
return (err, data)
error = err
return (error, data)
def find_module(self, module_name,
relative_to = None, pos = None, need_pxd = 1):
......@@ -314,7 +341,9 @@ class Context(object):
dirs = [self.find_root_package_dir(file_desc.filename)] + dirs
dotted_filename = qualified_name + suffix
dotted_filename = qualified_name
if suffix:
dotted_filename += suffix
if not include:
names = qualified_name.split('.')
package_names = names[:-1]
......@@ -523,7 +552,7 @@ def create_default_resultobj(compilation_source, options):
def run_pipeline(source, options, full_module_name = None):
# Set up context
context = Context(options.include_path, options.pragma_overrides, options.cplus)
context = Context(options.include_path, options.compiler_directives, options.cplus)
# Set up source object
cwd = os.getcwd()
......@@ -576,7 +605,8 @@ class CompilationOptions(object):
defaults to true when recursive is true.
verbose boolean Always print source names being compiled
quiet boolean Don't print source names in recursive mode
pragma_overrides dict Overrides for pragma options (see
compiler_directives dict Overrides for pragma options (see
evaluate_tree_assertions boolean Test support: evaluate parse tree assertions
Following options are experimental and only used on MacOSX:
......@@ -716,6 +746,8 @@ def compile(source, options = None, c_compile = 0, c_link = 0,
# Main command-line entry point
def setuptools_main():
return main(command_line = 1)
def main(command_line = 0):
args = sys.argv[1:]
......@@ -764,7 +796,8 @@ default_options = dict(
timestamps = None,
verbose = 0,
quiet = 0,
pragma_overrides = {},
compiler_directives = {},
evaluate_tree_assertions = False,
emit_linenums = False,
if sys.platform == "mac":
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ label_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "L"
pymethdef_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "mdef_"
methtab_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "methods_"
memtab_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "members_"
interned_str_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "n_"
interned_num_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "int_"
objstruct_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "obj_"
typeptr_prefix = pyrex_prefix + "ptype_"
......@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ c_api_tab_cname = pyrex_prefix + "c_api_tab"
gilstate_cname = pyrex_prefix + "state"
skip_dispatch_cname = pyrex_prefix + "skip_dispatch"
empty_tuple = pyrex_prefix + "empty_tuple"
empty_bytes = pyrex_prefix + "empty_bytes"
print_function = pyrex_prefix + "print"
print_function_kwargs = pyrex_prefix + "print_kwargs"
cleanup_cname = pyrex_prefix + "module_cleanup"
......@@ -83,6 +85,8 @@ import_star = pyrex_prefix + "import_star"
import_star_set = pyrex_prefix + "import_star_set"
cur_scope_cname = pyrex_prefix + "cur_scope"
enc_scope_cname = pyrex_prefix + "enc_scope"
frame_cname = pyrex_prefix + "frame"
frame_code_cname = pyrex_prefix + "frame_code"
line_c_macro = "__LINE__"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -11,12 +11,6 @@ cplus = 0
pre_import = None
docstrings = True
# This is a SAGE-specific option that will
# cause Cython to incref local variables before
# performing a binary operation on them, for
# safe detection of inplace operators.
incref_local_binop = 0
# Decref global variables in this module on exit for garbage collection.
# 0: None, 1+: interned objects, 2+: cdef globals, 3+: types objects
# Mostly for reducing noise for Valgrind, only executes at process exit
......@@ -56,75 +50,98 @@ embed = False
# Declare compiler directives
option_defaults = {
directive_defaults = {
'boundscheck' : True,
'nonecheck' : False,
'embedsignature' : False,
'locals' : {},
'auto_cpdef': False,
'cdivision': True, # Will be False in 0.12
'cdivision': False, # was True before 0.12
'cdivision_warnings': False,
'always_allow_keywords': False,
'wraparound' : True,
'c99_complex' : False, # Don't use macro wrappers for complex arith, not sure what to name this...
'ccomplex' : False, # use C99/C++ for complex types and arith
'callspec' : "",
'profile': False,
'infer_types': False,
'autotestdict': True,
# test support
'test_assert_path_exists' : [],
'test_fail_if_path_exists' : [],
# Override types possibilities above, if needed
option_types = { }
for key, val in option_defaults.items():
if key not in option_types:
option_types[key] = type(val)
directive_types = {
'infer_types' : bool, # values can be True/None/False
for key, val in directive_defaults.items():
if key not in directive_types:
directive_types[key] = type(val)
directive_scopes = { # defaults to available everywhere
# 'module', 'function', 'class', 'with statement'
'autotestdict' : ('module',),
'test_assert_path_exists' : ('function',),
'test_fail_if_path_exists' : ('function',),
def parse_option_value(name, value):
def parse_directive_value(name, value, relaxed_bool=False):
Parses value as an option value for the given name and returns
the interpreted value. None is returned if the option does not exist.
the interpreted value. None is returned if the option does not exist.
>>> print parse_option_value('nonexisting', 'asdf asdfd')
>>> print parse_directive_value('nonexisting', 'asdf asdfd')
>>> parse_option_value('boundscheck', 'True')
>>> parse_directive_value('boundscheck', 'True')
>>> parse_option_value('boundscheck', 'true')
>>> parse_directive_value('boundscheck', 'true')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: boundscheck directive must be set to True or False
type = option_types.get(name)
type = directive_types.get(name)
if not type: return None
if type is bool:
if value == "True": return True
elif value == "False": return False
else: raise ValueError("%s directive must be set to True or False" % name)
value = str(value)
if value == 'True': return True
if value == 'False': return False
if relaxed_bool:
value = value.lower()
if value in ("true", "yes"): return True
elif value in ("false", "no"): return False
raise ValueError("%s directive must be set to True or False" % name)
elif type is int:
return int(value)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("%s directive must be set to an integer" % name)
elif type is str:
return str(value)
assert False
def parse_option_list(s):
def parse_directive_list(s, relaxed_bool=False, ignore_unknown=False):
Parses a comma-seperated list of pragma options. Whitespace
is not considered.
>>> parse_option_list(' ')
>>> parse_directive_list(' ')
>>> (parse_option_list('boundscheck=True') ==
>>> (parse_directive_list('boundscheck=True') ==
... {'boundscheck': True})
>>> parse_option_list(' asdf')
>>> parse_directive_list(' asdf')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Expected "=" in option "asdf"
>>> parse_option_list('boundscheck=hey')
>>> parse_directive_list('boundscheck=hey')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Must pass a boolean value for option "boundscheck"
>>> parse_option_list('unknown=True')
ValueError: boundscheck directive must be set to True or False
>>> parse_directive_list('unknown=True')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Unknown option: "unknown"
......@@ -134,19 +151,11 @@ def parse_option_list(s):
item = item.strip()
if not item: continue
if not '=' in item: raise ValueError('Expected "=" in option "%s"' % item)
name, value = item.strip().split('=')
type = option_types[name]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Unknown option: "%s"' % name)
if type is bool:
value = value.lower()
if value in ('true', 'yes'):
value = True
elif value in ('false', 'no'):
value = False
else: raise ValueError('Must pass a boolean value for option "%s"' % name)
result[name] = value
name, value = [ s.strip() for s in item.strip().split('=', 1) ]
parsed_value = parse_directive_value(name, value, relaxed_bool=relaxed_bool)
if parsed_value is None:
if not ignore_unknown:
raise ValueError('Unknown option: "%s"' % name)
assert False
result[name] = parsed_value
return result
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ cpdef p_not_test(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_comparison(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_cascaded_cmp(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_cmp_op(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_starred_expr(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_bit_expr(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_xor_expr(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_and_expr(PyrexScanner s)
......@@ -59,7 +60,6 @@ cpdef p_testlist(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef flatten_parallel_assignments(input, output)
cpdef find_parallel_assignment_size(input)
cpdef p_global_statement(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_expression_or_assignment(PyrexScanner s)
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ cpdef p_ctypedef_statement(PyrexScanner s, ctx)
cpdef p_decorators(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_def_statement(PyrexScanner s, decorators = *)
cpdef p_py_arg_decl(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_class_statement(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_class_statement(PyrexScanner s, decorators)
cpdef p_c_class_definition(PyrexScanner s, pos, ctx)
cpdef p_c_class_options(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_property_decl(PyrexScanner s)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import os
import platform
import stat
import sys
import codecs
from time import time
import cython
......@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ def hash_source_file(path):
# tabs by a single space.
import re
text = re.sub("[ \t]+", " ", text)
hash = new_md5(text).hexdigest()
hash = new_md5(text.encode("ASCII")).hexdigest()
return hash
def open_pickled_lexicon(expected_hash):
......@@ -214,14 +215,18 @@ def initial_compile_time_env():
for name, value in zip(names, platform.uname()):
benv.declare(name, value)
import __builtin__
import __builtin__ as builtins
names = ('False', 'True',
'abs', 'bool', 'chr', 'cmp', 'complex', 'dict', 'divmod', 'enumerate',
'float', 'hash', 'hex', 'int', 'len', 'list', 'long', 'map', 'max', 'min',
'oct', 'ord', 'pow', 'range', 'reduce', 'repr', 'round', 'slice', 'str',
'sum', 'tuple', 'xrange', 'zip')
for name in names:
benv.declare(name, getattr(__builtin__, name))
benv.declare(name, getattr(builtins, name))
except AttributeError:
# ignore, likely Py3
denv = CompileTimeScope(benv)
return denv
......@@ -232,6 +237,7 @@ class SourceDescriptor(object):
A SourceDescriptor should be considered immutable.
_escaped_description = None
_cmp_name = ''
def __str__(self):
assert False # To catch all places where a descriptor is used directly as a filename
......@@ -241,6 +247,27 @@ class SourceDescriptor(object):
self.get_description().encode('ASCII', 'replace').decode("ASCII")
return self._escaped_description
def __gt__(self, other):
# this is only used to provide some sort of order
return self._cmp_name > other._cmp_name
except AttributeError:
return False
def __lt__(self, other):
# this is only used to provide some sort of order
return self._cmp_name < other._cmp_name
except AttributeError:
return False
def __le__(self, other):
# this is only used to provide some sort of order
return self._cmp_name <= other._cmp_name
except AttributeError:
return False
class FileSourceDescriptor(SourceDescriptor):
Represents a code source. A code source is a more generic abstraction
......@@ -251,9 +278,14 @@ class FileSourceDescriptor(SourceDescriptor):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self._cmp_name = filename
def get_lines(self):
return Utils.open_source_file(self.filename)
def get_lines(self, encoding=None, error_handling=None):
if not encoding:
return Utils.open_source_file(self.filename)
return, "rU", encoding=encoding,
def get_description(self):
return self.filename
......@@ -278,10 +310,15 @@ class StringSourceDescriptor(SourceDescriptor):
def __init__(self, name, code): = name
self.codelines = [x + "\n" for x in code.split("\n")]
self._cmp_name = name
def get_lines(self):
return self.codelines
def get_lines(self, encoding=None, error_handling=None):
if not encoding:
return self.codelines
return [ line.encode(encoding, error_handling).decode(encoding)
for line in self.codelines ]
def get_description(self):
......@@ -426,7 +463,6 @@ class PyrexScanner(Scanner):
sy = systring
systring = EncodedString(systring)
systring.encoding = self.source_encoding = sy
self.systring = systring
if False: # debug_scanner:
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class TestNormalizeTree(TransformTest):
""", self.treetypes(t))
def test_wrap_singlestat(self):
t = self.run_pipeline([NormalizeTree(None)], u"if x: y")
t = self.run_pipeline([NormalizeTree(None)], u"if x: y")
(root): StatListNode
stats[0]: IfStatNode
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import re
from cStringIO import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
from Scanning import PyrexScanner, StringSourceDescriptor
from Symtab import BuiltinScope, ModuleScope
import Symtab
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def parse_from_strings(name, code, pxds={}, level=None, initial_pos=None):
context = StringParseContext([], name)
scope = context.find_module(module_name, pos = initial_pos, need_pxd = 0)
buf = StringIO(code.encode(encoding))
buf = StringIO(code)
scanner = PyrexScanner(buf, code_source, source_encoding = encoding,
scope = scope, context = context, initial_pos = initial_pos)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
version = '0.11.2'
version = '0.12'
cimport cython
cdef class BasicVisitor:
cdef dict dispatch_table
cpdef visit(self, obj)
cpdef find_handler(self, obj)
cdef class TreeVisitor(BasicVisitor):
cdef public list access_path
cpdef visitchild(self, child, parent, attrname, idx)
cpdef dict _visitchildren(self, parent, attrs)
# cpdef visitchildren(self, parent, attrs=*)
cdef class VisitorTransform(TreeVisitor):
cdef object _super_visitchildren
cpdef visitchildren(self, parent, attrs=*)
cpdef recurse_to_children(self, node)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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# Void cython.* directives (for case insensitive operating systems).
from Shadow import *
from Cython.Shadow import *
This diff is collapsed.
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