Commit 7498f3c2 authored by Dag Sverre Seljebotn's avatar Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Buffer stuff: Patching suboffsets back to NULL if that was what we retrieved,...

Buffer stuff: Patching suboffsets back to NULL if that was what we retrieved, just to be more predictable.
parent 998c14d2
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def put_acquire_arg_buffer(entry, code, pos):
# entry.buffer_aux.buffer_info_var.cname))
def get_release_buffer_code(entry):
return "if (%s != Py_None) PyObject_ReleaseBuffer(%s, &%s)" % (
return "if (%s != Py_None) __Pyx_ReleaseBuffer(%s, &%s)" % (
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ def put_assign_to_buffer(lhs_cname, rhs_cname, buffer_aux, buffer_type,
# Release any existing buffer
code.put('if (%s != Py_None) ' % lhs_cname)
code.putln('PyObject_ReleaseBuffer(%s, &%s);' % (
code.putln('__Pyx_ReleaseBuffer(%s, &%s);' % (
lhs_cname, bufstruct))
# Acquire
......@@ -551,11 +551,17 @@ static void __Pyx_RaiseBufferIndexError(int axis) {
# exporter.
acquire_utility_code = ["""\
static INLINE void __Pyx_ReleaseBuffer(PyObject* obj, Py_buffer* info);
static INLINE void __Pyx_ZeroBuffer(Py_buffer* buf); /*proto*/
static INLINE const char* __Pyx_ConsumeWhitespace(const char* ts); /*proto*/
static INLINE const char* __Pyx_BufferTypestringCheckEndian(const char* ts); /*proto*/
static void __Pyx_BufferNdimError(Py_buffer* buffer, int expected_ndim); /*proto*/
""", """
static INLINE void __Pyx_ReleaseBuffer(PyObject* obj, Py_buffer* info) {
if (info->suboffsets == __Pyx_minusones) info->suboffsets = NULL;
PyObject_ReleaseBuffer(obj, info);
static INLINE void __Pyx_ZeroBuffer(Py_buffer* buf) {
buf->buf = NULL;
buf->strides = __Pyx_zeros;
......@@ -354,7 +354,6 @@ def get_int_2d(object[int, 2] buf, int i, int j):
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: Out of bounds on buffer access (axis 1)
return buf[i, j]
......@@ -500,6 +499,10 @@ def strided(object[int, 1, 'strided'] buf):
>>> A.recieved_flags
Check that the suboffsets were patched back prior to release.
>>> A.release_ok
return buf[2]
......@@ -663,11 +666,12 @@ cdef class MockBuffer:
cdef Py_ssize_t* suboffsets
cdef object label, log
cdef readonly object recieved_flags
cdef readonly object recieved_flags, release_ok
cdef public object fail
def __init__(self, label, data, shape=None, strides=None, format=None):
self.label = label
self.release_ok = True
self.log = ""
self.itemsize = self.get_itemsize()
if format is None: format = self.get_default_format()
......@@ -776,6 +780,8 @@ cdef class MockBuffer:
self.log += msg + "\n"
def __releasebuffer__(MockBuffer self, Py_buffer* buffer):
if buffer.suboffsets != self.suboffsets:
self.release_ok = False
msg = "released %s" % self.label
print msg
self.log += msg + "\n"
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