*Extensiontypeinheritancefrombuiltintypes,suchas"cdef class MyUnicode(unicode)",nowworkswithoutfurtherexternaltyperedeclarations(whicharealsostronglydiscouragednowandcontinuetoissueawarning).
"You can similarly use the `-I/--include` flag to add include directories to the search path, and `-c/--compile-args` to add extra flags that are passed to Cython via the `extra_compile_args` of the distutils `Extension` class. Please see [the Cython docs on C library usage](http://docs.cython.org/src/tutorial/clibraries.html) for more details on the use of these flags."
"You can similarly use the `-I/--include` flag to add include directories to the search path, and `-c/--compile-args` to add extra flags that are passed to Cython via the `extra_compile_args` of the distutils `Extension` class. Please see [the Cython docs on C library usage](https://docs.cython.org/src/tutorial/clibraries.html) for more details on the use of these flags."