Commit 970afb34 authored by nbruin's avatar nbruin

explain difference between cdef and cpdef

parent 6331b638
......@@ -100,7 +100,11 @@ interpreted Python code. So, any functions that you want to "export" from your
Cython module must be declared as Python functions using def.
There is also a hybrid function, called :keyword:`cpdef`. A :keyword:`cpdef`
can be called from anywhere, but uses the faster C calling conventions
when being called from other Cython code.
when being called from other Cython code. A :keyword:`cpdef` can also be overridden
by a Python method on a subclass or an instance attribute, even when called from Cython.
If this happens, most performance gains are of course lost and even if it does not,
there is a tiny overhead in calling a :keyword:`cpdef` method from Cython compared to
calling a :keyword:`cdef` method.
Parameters of either type of function can be declared to have C data types,
using normal C declaration syntax. For example,::
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