Pass am empty dict instead of a f_globals reference to profilers.
The code right now creates a frame containing a reference to f_globals in f_locals. This is because of If a profiler accesses frame.f_locals (from python) it will trigger frame_getlocals PyFrame_FastToLocals which will call map_to_dict with (pseudocode) map_to_dict(f.co_code.co_varnames, len(f.co_code.co_varnames), f.f_locals, f.f_localsplus, 0) which will remove everything from f_locals which is also in f.co_code.co_varnames. As f_locals == f_globals in the current setup that modifies the global namespace. In our case we have a function def foo(foo): pass if a function call to this function is profiled the function will be removed from the global namespace (as it shares it's name with one of it's parameter names).
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