Commit c47c4ef7 authored by Jeroen Demeyer's avatar Jeroen Demeyer

@cython.trashcan directive to enable the Python trashcan for deallocations

parent d8e90e02
......@@ -1426,6 +1426,7 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
is_final_type = scope.parent_type.is_final_type
needs_gc = scope.needs_gc()
needs_trashcan = scope.needs_trashcan()
weakref_slot = scope.lookup_here("__weakref__") if not scope.is_closure_class_scope else None
if weakref_slot not in scope.var_entries:
......@@ -1464,6 +1465,11 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
# running this destructor.
if needs_trashcan:
UtilityCode.load_cached("PyTrashcan", "ExtensionTypes.c"))
code.putln("__Pyx_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(o, %s)" % slot_func_cname)
# call the user's __dealloc__
self.generate_usr_dealloc_call(scope, code)
......@@ -1537,6 +1543,10 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
if freelist_size:
if needs_trashcan:
......@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ directive_types = {
'freelist': int,
'c_string_type': one_of('bytes', 'bytearray', 'str', 'unicode'),
'c_string_encoding': normalise_encoding_name,
'trashcan': bool,
for key, val in _directive_defaults.items():
......@@ -355,6 +356,7 @@ directive_scopes = { # defaults to available everywhere
'np_pythran': ('module',),
'fast_gil': ('module',),
'iterable_coroutine': ('module', 'function'),
'trashcan' : ('cclass',),
......@@ -1136,6 +1136,7 @@ class PyObjectType(PyrexType):
is_extern = False
is_subclassed = False
is_gc_simple = False
builtin_trashcan = False # builtin type using trashcan
def __str__(self):
return "Python object"
......@@ -1190,10 +1191,14 @@ class PyObjectType(PyrexType):
builtin_types_that_cannot_create_refcycles = set([
'bool', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'complex',
'object', 'bool', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'complex',
'bytearray', 'bytes', 'unicode', 'str', 'basestring'
builtin_types_with_trashcan = set([
'dict', 'list', 'set', 'frozenset', 'tuple', 'type',
class BuiltinObjectType(PyObjectType):
# objstruct_cname string Name of PyObject struct
......@@ -1218,6 +1223,7 @@ class BuiltinObjectType(PyObjectType):
self.typeptr_cname = "(&%s)" % cname
self.objstruct_cname = objstruct_cname
self.is_gc_simple = name in builtin_types_that_cannot_create_refcycles
self.builtin_trashcan = name in builtin_types_with_trashcan
if name == 'type':
# Special case the type type, as many C API calls (and other
# libraries) actually expect a PyTypeObject* for type arguments.
......@@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@ class PyClassScope(ClassScope):
class CClassScope(ClassScope):
# Namespace of an extension type.
# parent_type CClassType
# parent_type PyExtensionType
# #typeobj_cname string or None
# #objstruct_cname string
# method_table_cname string
......@@ -2085,6 +2085,22 @@ class CClassScope(ClassScope):
return not self.parent_type.is_gc_simple
return False
def needs_trashcan(self):
# If the trashcan directive is explicitly set to False,
# unconditionally disable the trashcan.
directive = self.directives.get('trashcan')
if directive is False:
return False
# If the directive is set to True and the class has Python-valued
# C attributes, then it should use the trashcan in tp_dealloc.
if directive and self.has_cyclic_pyobject_attrs:
return True
# Use the trashcan if the base class uses it
base_type = self.parent_type.base_type
if base_type and base_type.scope is not None:
return base_type.scope.needs_trashcan()
return self.parent_type.builtin_trashcan
def needs_tp_clear(self):
Do we need to generate an implementation for the tp_clear slot? Can
......@@ -74,6 +74,49 @@ static int __Pyx_PyType_Ready(PyTypeObject *t) {
return r;
/////////////// PyTrashcan.proto ///////////////
// These macros are taken from
// Unlike the Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN/Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_END macros, they
// allow dealing correctly with subclasses.
// This requires CPython version >= 2.7.4
// (or >= 3.2.4 but we don't support such old Python 3 versions anyway)
#define __Pyx_TRASHCAN_BEGIN_CONDITION(op, cond) \
do { \
PyThreadState *_tstate = NULL; \
// If "cond" is false, then _tstate remains NULL and the deallocator
// is run normally without involving the trashcan
if (cond) { \
_tstate = PyThreadState_GET(); \
if (_tstate->trash_delete_nesting >= PyTrash_UNWIND_LEVEL) { \
// Store the object (to be deallocated later) and jump past
// Py_TRASHCAN_END, skipping the body of the deallocator
_PyTrash_thread_deposit_object((PyObject*)(op)); \
break; \
} \
++_tstate->trash_delete_nesting; \
// The body of the deallocator is here.
#define __Pyx_TRASHCAN_END \
if (_tstate) { \
--_tstate->trash_delete_nesting; \
if (_tstate->trash_delete_later && _tstate->trash_delete_nesting <= 0) \
_PyTrash_thread_destroy_chain(); \
} \
} while (0);
#define __Pyx_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc) __Pyx_TRASHCAN_BEGIN_CONDITION(op, \
Py_TYPE(op)->tp_dealloc == (destructor)(dealloc))
// The trashcan is a no-op on other Python implementations
// or old CPython versions
#define __Pyx_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc)
#define __Pyx_TRASHCAN_END
/////////////// CallNextTpDealloc.proto ///////////////
static void __Pyx_call_next_tp_dealloc(PyObject* obj, destructor current_tp_dealloc);
# mode: run
cimport cython
# Count number of times an object was deallocated twice. This should remain 0.
cdef int double_deallocations = 0
def assert_no_double_deallocations():
global double_deallocations
err = double_deallocations
double_deallocations = 0
assert not err
# Compute x = f(f(f(...(None)...))) nested n times and throw away the result.
# The real test happens when exiting this function: then a big recursive
# deallocation of x happens. We are testing two things in the tests below:
# that Python does not crash and that no double deallocation happens.
# See also
def recursion_test(f, int n=2**20):
x = None
cdef int i
for i in range(n):
x = f(x)
cdef class Recurse:
>>> recursion_test(Recurse)
>>> assert_no_double_deallocations()
cdef public attr
cdef int deallocated
def __init__(self, x):
self.attr = x
def __dealloc__(self):
# Check that we're not being deallocated twice
global double_deallocations
double_deallocations += self.deallocated
self.deallocated = 1
cdef class RecurseSub(Recurse):
>>> recursion_test(RecurseSub)
>>> assert_no_double_deallocations()
cdef int subdeallocated
def __dealloc__(self):
# Check that we're not being deallocated twice
global double_deallocations
double_deallocations += self.subdeallocated
self.subdeallocated = 1
cdef class RecurseFreelist:
>>> recursion_test(RecurseFreelist)
>>> recursion_test(RecurseFreelist, 1000)
>>> assert_no_double_deallocations()
cdef public attr
cdef int deallocated
def __init__(self, x):
self.attr = x
def __dealloc__(self):
# Check that we're not being deallocated twice
global double_deallocations
double_deallocations += self.deallocated
self.deallocated = 1
# Subclass of list => uses trashcan by default
# As long as is not fixed,
# this does lead to double deallocations, so we skip that check.
cdef class RecurseList(list):
>>> RecurseList(42)
>>> recursion_test(RecurseList)
def __init__(self, x):
# Some tests where the trashcan is NOT used. When the trashcan is not used
# in a big recursive deallocation, the __dealloc__s of the base classs are
# only run after the __dealloc__s of the subclasses.
# We use this to detect trashcan usage.
cdef int base_deallocated = 0
cdef int trashcan_used = 0
def assert_no_trashcan_used():
global base_deallocated, trashcan_used
err = trashcan_used
trashcan_used = base_deallocated = 0
assert not err
cdef class Base:
def __dealloc__(self):
global base_deallocated
base_deallocated = 1
# Trashcan disabled by default
cdef class Sub1(Base):
>>> recursion_test(Sub1, 100)
>>> assert_no_trashcan_used()
cdef public attr
def __init__(self, x):
self.attr = x
def __dealloc__(self):
global base_deallocated, trashcan_used
trashcan_used += base_deallocated
cdef class Middle(Base):
cdef public foo
# Trashcan disabled explicitly
cdef class Sub2(Middle):
>>> recursion_test(Sub2, 1000)
>>> assert_no_trashcan_used()
cdef public attr
def __init__(self, x):
self.attr = x
def __dealloc__(self):
global base_deallocated, trashcan_used
trashcan_used += base_deallocated
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