Commit d69139fc authored by DaniloFreitas's avatar DaniloFreitas

Function overloading (declaring and using)

parent 18560bcc
......@@ -2388,9 +2388,50 @@ class SimpleCallNode(CallNode):
expected_type, env)
# Insert coerced 'self' argument into argument list.
self.args.insert(0, self.coerced_self)
entry = self.function.entry
def best_match(self):
entries = [self.function.entry] + self.function.entry.overloaded_alternatives
actual_nargs = len(self.args)
possibilities = []
for entry in entries:
type = entry.type.base_type
# Check no. of args
max_nargs = len(type.args)
expected_nargs = max_nargs - type.optional_arg_count
if actual_nargs < expected_nargs \
or (not type.has_varargs and actual_nargs > max_nargs):
score = [0,0,0]
for i in range(len(self.args)):
src_type = self.args[i].type
dst_type = entry.type.base_type.args[i].type
if dst_type.assignable_from(src_type):
if src_type == dst_type:
pass # score 0
elif PyrexTypes.is_promotion(src_type, dst_type):
score[2] += 1
elif not src_type.is_pyobject:
score[1] += 1
score[0] += 1
possibilities.append((score, entry)) # so we can sort it
if len(possibilities):
if len(possibilities) > 1 and possibilities[0][0] == possibilities[1][0]:
error(self.pos, "Ambiguity found on %s" % possibilities[0][1].name)
return None
return possibilities[0][1]
"Call with wrong number of arguments")# (expected %s, got %s)"
#% (expected_str, actual_nargs))
self.args = None
self.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
self.result_code = "<error>"
return None
def function_type(self):
# Return the type of the function being called, coercing a function
# pointer to a function if necessary.
......@@ -2400,6 +2441,9 @@ class SimpleCallNode(CallNode):
return func_type
def analyse_c_function_call(self, env):
entry = self.best_match()
self.function.entry = entry
self.function.type = entry.type
func_type = self.function_type()
# Check function type
if not func_type.is_cfunction:
......@@ -2409,43 +2453,27 @@ class SimpleCallNode(CallNode):
self.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
self.result_code = "<error>"
if not self.analyse_args(env, func_type):
entry = self.function.entry
has_overloaded = 0
for overloaded in entry.overloaded_alternatives:
if self.analyse_args(env, overloaded.type.base_type):
has_overloaded = 1
if not has_overloaded:
error(self.pos, "Call with wrong number of arguments")
# "Call with wrong number of arguments (expected %s, got %s)"
# % (expected_str, actual_nargs))
self.args = None
self.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
self.result_code = "<error>"
def analyse_args(self, env, func_type):
# Check no. of args
max_nargs = len(func_type.args)
expected_nargs = max_nargs - func_type.optional_arg_count
actual_nargs = len(self.args)
if actual_nargs < expected_nargs \
or (not func_type.has_varargs and actual_nargs > max_nargs):
expected_str = str(expected_nargs)
if func_type.has_varargs:
expected_str = "at least " + expected_str
elif func_type.optional_arg_count:
if actual_nargs < max_nargs:
expected_str = "at least " + expected_str
expected_str = "at most " + str(max_nargs)
#if actual_nargs < expected_nargs \
# or (not func_type.has_varargs and actual_nargs > max_nargs):
# expected_str = str(expected_nargs)
# if func_type.has_varargs:
# expected_str = "at least " + expected_str
# elif func_type.optional_arg_count:
# if actual_nargs < max_nargs:
# expected_str = "at least " + expected_str
# else:
# expected_str = "at most " + str(max_nargs)
# "Call with wrong number of arguments (expected %s, got %s)"
# % (expected_str, actual_nargs))
#self.args = None
#self.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
#self.result_code = "<error>"
return 0
# Coerce arguments
for i in range(min(max_nargs, actual_nargs)):
formal_type = func_type.args[i].type
......@@ -1660,6 +1660,11 @@ modifiers_and_name_to_type = {
(1, 0, "bint"): c_bint_type,
def is_promotion(type, other_type):
return (type.is_int and type.is_int and type.signed == other_type.signed) \
or (type.is_float and other_type.is_float) \
or (type.is_enum and other_type.is_int)
def widest_numeric_type(type1, type2):
# Given two numeric types, return the narrowest type
# encompassing both of them.
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