Commit e3b1cc75 authored by Martin Raum's avatar Martin Raum

Table of file names with relative paths.

The previous commit reveals too much information about the system.  With
this change only modules of the processed package are expanded.  The
expanded path reaches no deeper than the package's root.
parent 705e2d2e
......@@ -683,11 +683,22 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
code.putln_openmp("#include <omp.h>")
def generate_filename_table(self, code):
import os.path as path
full_module_path = path.join(*self.full_module_name.split('.'))
module_abspath = path.splitext(path.abspath(
self.compilation_source.source_desc.get_filenametable_entry() ))[0]
module_relpath = module_abspath[:-len(full_module_path)]
code.putln("static const char *%s[] = {" % Naming.filetable_cname)
if code.globalstate.filename_list:
for source_desc in code.globalstate.filename_list:
filename = os.path.abspath(source_desc.get_filenametable_entry())
file_abspath = path.abspath(source_desc.get_filenametable_entry())
if file_abspath.startswith(module_relpath):
filename = file_abspath[len(module_relpath):]
filename = path.basename(file_abspath)
escaped_filename = filename.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', r'\"')
code.putln('"%s",' % escaped_filename)
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