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Commit a2a53019 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Split buildSQLQuery into 2 parts: one responsible for building the EntireQuery...

Split buildSQLQuery into 2 parts: one responsible for building the EntireQuery (and responsible for parameter backward compatibility), and a second to just render that EntireQuery as a dict. This will help testing EntireQuery.
Update interface accordingly.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent d3fbbeea
......@@ -2119,10 +2119,8 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
return order_by_list
def buildSQLQuery(self, query_table='catalog', REQUEST=None,
ignore_empty_string=1, only_group_columns=False,
limit=None, extra_column_list=(),
def buildEntireQuery(self, kw, query_table='catalog', ignore_empty_string=1,
limit=None, extra_column_list=()):
group_by_list = kw.pop('group_by_list', kw.pop('group_by', kw.pop('group_by_expression', ())))
if isinstance(group_by_list, basestring):
group_by_list = [x.strip() for x in group_by_list.split(',')]
......@@ -2172,7 +2170,7 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
# compatiblity, but I'm not sure if there can be a serious use for it in
# new API.
order_by_override_list = kw.pop('select_expression_key', ())
query = EntireQuery(
return EntireQuery(
query=self.buildQuery(kw, ignore_empty_string=ignore_empty_string),
......@@ -2182,6 +2180,15 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
def buildSQLQuery(self, query_table='catalog', REQUEST=None,
ignore_empty_string=1, only_group_columns=False,
limit=None, extra_column_list=(),
query = self.buildEntireQuery(kw, query_table=query_table,
ignore_empty_string=ignore_empty_string, limit=limit,
result = query.asSQLExpression(self, only_group_columns).asSQLExpressionDict()
return result
......@@ -63,10 +63,9 @@ class ISearchKeyCatalog(Interface):
It must be a valid ComplexQuery logical operator ('and', 'or').
def buildSQLQuery(query_table='catalog', REQUEST=None,
ignore_empty_string=1, only_group_columns=False,
limit=None, extra_column_list=None,
def buildEntireQuery(kw, query_table='catalog', REQUEST=None,
ignore_empty_string=1, limit=None,
Construct and return an instance of EntireQuery class from given
parameters by calling buildQuery.
......@@ -137,9 +136,24 @@ class ISearchKeyCatalog(Interface):
This prevents given column from being ignored even if they could not
be mapped.
There is no replacement.
def buildSQLQuery(query_table='catalog', REQUEST=None,
ignore_empty_string=1, only_group_columns=False,
limit=None, extra_column_list=None,
Return an SQLExpression-generated dictionary (see
SQLExpression.asSQLExpressionDict). That SQLExpression is generated by
an EntireQuery, itself generated by buildEntireQuery from given
Replaces former stat__ parameter.
Used to globally disalow use of non-group columns in SQL.
For other parameters, see buildEntireQuery.
def getSearchKey(column, search_key=None):
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