• Jason Madden's avatar
    Add change note. · c21db37f
    Jason Madden authored
    Here's the improvement for the greenlet pools:
    | Benchmark          | 36_pool_master | 36_pool_opts                |
    | imap_unordered_seq | 803 us         | 686 us: 1.17x faster (-15%) |
    | imap_unordered_par | 445 us         | 389 us: 1.14x faster (-13%) |
    | imap_seq           | 793 us         | 729 us: 1.09x faster (-8%)  |
    | imap_par           | 407 us         | 398 us: 1.02x faster (-2%)  |
    | map_seq            | 715 us         | 293 us: 2.44x faster (-59%) |
    | map_par            | 388 us         | 199 us: 1.96x faster (-49%) |
    Not significant (2): apply; spawn
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CHANGES.rst 127 KB