Commit 17f28c76 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

Greenlet: when printing the function name and the argument, limit all reprs to 50 chars

parent 86201faf
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
if self.args:
args = [repr(x)[:50] for x in self.args]
if self.kwargs:
args.extend(['%s=%r' % x for x in self.kwargs.items()])
args.extend(['%s=%s' % (key, repr(value)[:50]) for (key, value) in self.kwargs.items()])
if args:
result += '(' + ', '.join(args) + ')'
# it is important to save the result here, because once the greenlet exits '_run' attribute will be removed
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