Commit 3598dc82 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Fix #704 by going back to pure-python version of Semaphore on PyPy.

The main stated reason for untraceable locks was a bug in Python 2.5,
fixed in all recent versions, so that shouldn't be a concern.

The semaphore takes some careful lock management to come close to
duplicating the thread-safety inherent in Cython's compiled methods.

'pypy -m timeit -s "import g.l.Semaphore; s=Semaphore()"' 's.acquire();s.releas()':

With Cython compiled semaphore: 5usec
With pure-python sempahore: 0.004usec
With pure-python-but-locked semaphore: 0.178usec
Cython on CPython: 0.141usec

Total test runtime is unchanged.
parent 31717620
......@@ -23,15 +23,16 @@ gevent/gevent.ares.c: gevent/ares.pyx gevent/*.pxd
$(CYTHON) -o gevent.ares.c gevent/ares.pyx
mv gevent.ares.* gevent/
gevent/gevent._semaphore.c: gevent/_semaphore.pyx gevent/_semaphore.pxd
# For PyPy, we need to have _semaphore named as a .pyx file so it doesn't
# get loaded in preference to the .so. But we want to keep the definitions
gevent/gevent._semaphore.c: gevent/ gevent/_semaphore.pxd
# On PyPy, if we wanted to use Cython to compile, we'd
# need to have _semaphore named as a .pyx file so it doesn't get
# loaded in preference to the .so. (We want to keep the definitions
# separate in a .pxd file for ease of reading, and that only works
# with .py files.
cp gevent/_semaphore.pyx gevent/
# with .py files, so we'd have to copy them back and forth.)
# cp gevent/_semaphore.pyx gevent/
$(CYTHON) -o gevent._semaphore.c gevent/
mv gevent._semaphore.* gevent/
rm gevent/
# rm gevent/
rm -f corecext.pyx gevent/corecext.pyx
......@@ -5,7 +5,5 @@ IF "%PYTHON_EXE%" == "python" (
cython -o gevent.ares.c gevent/ares.pyx
move gevent.ares.* gevent
move gevent\\_semaphore.pyx gevent\\
cython -o gevent._semaphore.c gevent/
move gevent._semaphore.* gevent
del gevent\\
# Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Denis Bilenko. See LICENSE for details.
"""Locking primitives"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from gevent.hub import getcurrent
from gevent.hub import getcurrent, PYPY
from gevent._semaphore import Semaphore, BoundedSemaphore
__all__ = ['Semaphore', 'DummySemaphore', 'BoundedSemaphore', 'RLock']
# On PyPy, we don't compile the Semaphore class with Cython. Under
# Cython, each individual method holds the GIL for its entire
# duration, ensuring that no other thread can interrupt us in an
# unsafe state (only when we _do_wait do we call back into Python and
# allow switching threads). Simulate that here through the use of a manual
# lock. (In theory we could use a lock per Semaphore and thus potentially
# scale better than the GIL, but it probably doesn't matter.)
if PYPY:
# TODO: Need to use monkey.get_original?
from thread import allocate_lock as _allocate_lock
_sem_lock = _allocate_lock()
# acquire, wait, and release all acquire the lock on entry and release it
# on exit. acquire and wait can call _do_wait, which must release it on entry
# and re-acquire it for them on exit.
class _locked(object):
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
class _unlocked(object):
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
def _decorate(func, cm):
# functools.wrap?
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
with cm:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
Semaphore._py3k_acquire = Semaphore.acquire = _decorate(Semaphore.acquire, _locked())
Semaphore.release = _decorate(Semaphore.release, _locked())
Semaphore.wait = _decorate(Semaphore.wait, _locked())
Semaphore._do_wait = _decorate(Semaphore._do_wait, _unlocked())
class DummySemaphore(object):
......@@ -32,6 +32,21 @@ class TestSemaphore(greentest.TestCase):
r = weakref.ref(s)
self.assertEqual(s, r())
def test_semaphore_in_class_with_del(self):
# Issue #704. This used to crash the process
# under PyPy through at least 4.0.1
class X(object):
def __init__(self):
self.s = Semaphore()
def __del__(self):
import gc
class TestLock(greentest.TestCase):
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import subprocess
import unittest
import gevent.thread
from gevent.thread import allocate_lock
script = """
from gevent import monkey
......@@ -52,19 +52,25 @@ class TestTrace(unittest.TestCase):
old = sys.gettrace()
old = None
PYPY = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info')
lst = []
def trace(frame, ev, arg):
lst.append((frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, ev))
print("TRACE: %s:%s %s" % lst[-1])
if not PYPY:
print("TRACE: %s:%s %s" % lst[-1])
return trace
with gevent.thread.allocate_lock():
with allocate_lock():
self.failUnless(lst == [], "trace not empty")
if not PYPY:
self.assertEqual(lst, [], "trace not empty")
# Have an assert so that we know if we miscompile
self.assertTrue(len(lst) > 0, "should not compile on pypy")
def run_script(self, more_args=()):
args = [sys.executable, "-c", script]
......@@ -417,11 +417,15 @@ elif PYPY:
# and having only the bare minimum be in cython might help reduce that penalty.
# NOTE: You must use version 0.23.4 or later to avoid a memory leak.
# However, that's all for naught on up to and including PyPy 4.0.1 which
# have some serious crashing bugs with GC interacting with cython,
# so this is disabled (would need to add gevent/gevent._semaphore.c back to
# the run_make line)
# sources=["gevent/gevent._semaphore.c"]),
include_package_data = True
run_make = 'gevent/gevent._semaphore.c gevent/gevent.ares.c'
run_make = 'gevent/gevent.ares.c'
ext_modules = [
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